Gray M. Athers
I'm a traveler of the traveled roads steadily in the pursuit, and hot on the trail of life. Not seeking "just any life", but I seek, no.... I yearn, for a life worth living. For I have all intentions to go to my grave with my head held high knowing that I have given it my all by giving life a fair chance by being present and active in all it's varying aspects. So yeah, I'm just a nobody, not trying to be "just an anybody", (but rather, a somebody, like one of the someones I used to be). I'm now just leaving from all the places of yesterday's nowheres, while holding high hopes of traveling everywhere. Everywhere, that is, as far away from all the "just anywhere" places I've settled for. The ending grand plan? To finally be someone who is somewhere. Someone who is somewhere. For most of life, I've never been someone somewhere anywhere. Not really. I've always been the nobody going nowhere never been there person. I teetered, and quickly stuck myself on the idea of simply existing to exist because I was told I had to. There was never a remarkable rhyme or reason given as to a definitive answer to why I had to exist, or why I have to live. So like the modern day crowd (but not like most of the modern day crowd who doesn't even know they are members of the living dead for they have grown accustomed to the zombie dead living as they believe it to be "just
how it is". In other words they live life on it's lowest terms sadly wasting away in body, as well as spirit, never knowing the true measure of limitless possibilities that belong to each and every one of us.) I on the other hand, have spent most of my life's journey as a voluntary member of the living dead, brainless style! Like a hard core screw up with no accidents or mistakes involved. I purposely, and with great effort I must say, have not just wasted the life I've been given so far, no I more like deliberately and diabolically have, in every and any way possible beyond a measurable amount of attempts, tried to nondiscreetly and needlessly destroy and harass every moment within my life that has been gifted to me thus far. But as the story goes, and as human nature goes, life is a force to be reckoned with. It has its own ways, and its own plans. Life happens. When it does happen, change happens.
So here we are. You, me, the world, and the rest of our days that have yet to come, in the middle of life as it's happening watching as it beckons towards us attempting to inspire change within us in hopes to wake us up to ourselves and who we truly are purposed to be. See life is always going to happen. But the who, what, when,and where, and especially the how it all happens, well that's up to us. If we don't fight the ups and downs of life, but instead we do as we are called to do, or ought to do, which is to find acceptance and an understanding to the situations that occur from all the points beyond our control. In all it's simplicity, we are urged to embrace all things, the good and the bad; the Right and the wrong; the seen and the unseen. Embrace, I mean more like faithfully take assurity that all things are as they should be, and that even the darkest dark of night has purpose and a path to better days. I recently have had a change of heart, which led me to a new way of thinking. Now, right here, right now, I'm working on a new way of being. I'm going to actively and energetically choose life. I'm going to stop the negative living and begin to emerse myself within the wonders of life. I'm going to take more risks. I'm going to let fear go. Im going to learn to live as we were meant to. But since I've been living zombie style for as long as I can remember, this new way of being isn't going to be so easy. Nothing good is ever easy. Facts. The hardest part for me is that, I can't think of one time in my life that I have given something, anything, 100 percent of myself to. I believe that's where the struggle will be for me in this transformation of my life. Here's the thing. For we all travel upon the same road. Our pursuits may be different, and our destinations may be farther apart than we can imagine, but the journey of life is only traveled on a one lane road. One can truly only move forward, despite the other open possibilities of stalling out and staying stuck. As for turning back, that is nothing more than a notion or idea like the made up legends of distorted fairy tales. There's no going back. We mere humans, try as we may, and with all the brains and might we got, try our hardest to keep hold of all our dying yesterdays. Which is a task set in inevitable failure. It's out of our hands. Progress only travels one way. Forward. Yes, we are all on the same road traveling to different places which makes it a "running the same race, but at a different pace" kind of thing. So why not try to run at the same pace. Why not try to run together. We all struggle. Why not struggle together. We are stronger together. Life wasn't meant to be journeyed alone. Nobody should have to try to live life alone on their own. It's not designed that way. So join me. Join me on this quest. Learn from me and let me learn from you. We all can grow into something more beyond imagined possibilities. Let's start a revolution of change that sweeps the globe one person at a time. Let's be the change we wish to see. Let's make the difference together.
So here's the dirt on me:
I just turned 38 on Groundhogs day. I grew up in a place called Moss Bluff, but its known more as Meth Bluff by the locals. As kids we thought were Meth Bluff Tough. We sure did, that is until meth took our souls which led us to and through some dark places, killing most of us, literally. I didn't die despite my efforts given, no God had other plans for me. I got grounded. My drug use got set up down at the local jail. As a first time known criminal, I was sentenced to a year. During my sentence, my brother disappeared without a trace. The only people I really have let are my disagreeable mother who tries to love me at her best and My wonderful amazing strong children. Two of them.
Im a tarot reader. I will be doing readings. I will be giving free readings as well. I will be free custom art as well
There will be free giveaways.
I'm an artist of many different styles and wonders. Photographer who loves life in the lens. A poet of some sorts. A born revolutionary coming off the bench and ready to get back to it. I am some things I wish I wasn't. I am who I am, and when you sign up with me, you will get the real me and all of me. Use me like a book, learn from me. If you don't need learning, then come have a laugh at least, or look at some cool art. Or, hey start a talk or debate or on my page. Do you need help? Ask a question. I'll do my best to help you. We are in this together building a community.
So I'm addict in recovery. Who recently got released from jail with a missing brother yet to be found. Everything in my life is different. The struggle to adapt be real. The grief is an ocean with fierce tides that come in waves.
Please join me as I journey on the traveled road of life while rebuilding my life on my terms, and my way. I can't always have a say in how life happens, but I always will have a say in what I make of my life when it happens. We can learn from each other. We all have something we can teach others, as well as learn from others. I'm not just trying to build a page, I'm trying to build a community. A community run by art and wisdom, love and learning , and purpose. Raw and uncut.
So come with me as I re build myself, my family and my business while recovering from addiction and grief. Hope to see you here.
FloridaUnited StatesJoined: Feb 06, 2025