Brittiny Beil
This is the part that would scare me away. I used to think it was because if I describe myself as an only parent a two young children that's not interesting enough. I could describe myself as a recovering addict struggling everyday with mental health and mourning the loss of The first real love of my life. But then people think I'm like crazy. But the reason this particular area scared me so much is because if I can't identify as a mom or recovering addict or like I'm batshit crazy I don't know who I am. It wasn't until recently that I realized I have no clue who I am anymore. So I am embarking on a journey to find myself and I'm taking whoever wants to come with me. I haven't written anything in a long time I haven't written anything that has been published since middle school I tend to lean more towards poetry but I also like to debate. Respectfully debate. I love playing devil's advocate!!
Joined: Dec 27, 2024