"Hello there. I`m new to blogging also ! But I`ve been a writer for decades lol. Anyhow I`m writing because your post touched me and I wanted to reach out to assist u if I may. You see I have been in that exact situation but further more I am almost done with this certification training for Peer Support Specialist here in California BUT I have learned how to find resources for tht very things your in need of and even though I`m not professional yet as I have 2wka before my state exam lol I DO have info I believe can help u if you,l`d like"
Jan 26, 2024
Check out ThewordZoo828 profile!
I am writer with lots of loved experience. I work in the mental health field and also have few e-commerce stores
ThewordZoo828 commented:
"Hello there. I`m new to blogging also ! But I`ve been a writer for decades lol. Anyhow I`m writing because your post touched me and I wanted to reach out to assist u if I may. You see I have been in that exact situation but further more I am almost done with this certification training for Peer Support Specialist here in California BUT I have learned how to find resources for tht very things your in need of and even though I`m not professional yet as I have 2wka before my state exam lol I DO have info I believe can help u if you,l`d like"