Katie Gubbe
Every time I fall… it’s like my heart just loves harder…
Nu’n ever gone keep me down; nu’n gone snuff me out! I take pain like pills u prey I PRAY - God know I ain’t one to shut this mouth! No no not today. These “pills” I pop’d
Make anyone plop
But I still get up
I just won’t stop
Because i just be feeelin n y’all be illliiin n dillin n on all this shit - and it’s all just shit sometimes, ya know? Everybody knows what it’s like when that shit show .. go public n u never meant to post nun on ya feed… specially when u ain’t make it to the family feed … cuz u too caught up by the company u been keep… keep keeping keeps keeping creepsZzz… so sleepzZ. Don’t wanna remember what u been dealin’, bout what really REALn’- that’s that shiiiit. That I swallow with my oj in the morning fake a smile with all ya demons n then I brush my teeth. Spit all that shit out watch it swirl down the sink. Down. Down. Falling. Down. Breathe. In. Breathe life. Open. Eyes. Dream….. Free. Free to be
In love
With life, with mine, with me
And all I get to be…
The waters fine.
I think ill stay awhile
WashingtonUnited StatesJoined: Jan 18, 2025
Katie Gubbe commented:
"❤️ love this and your stream name so much - I’m just getting into this platform (and sharing my writing period….) and this is the first thing I’ve clicked on to read… I have a feeling we might have a lot of similar (but still uniquely our own!) themes and “trends” to our work (and lives…). Heck we might have even just sparked the beginning of a great season for friendship (that we can love more than those mentioned and known prior..) 🙃❤️ love the black skin/black power tie and the way those lines feel and flow so much . I’m having a hard time with my phone screen staying put to type this out otherwise I would directly copy and paste! Hoping i don’t accidentally delete everything I’ve just painstakingly typed out to you so far though, because for whatever reason it holds- this introduction is important to me!! 🥹😂 anyways- I’m excited to read more of your writing and excited to share some of mine that you might read and relate to/enjoy as well. Pleasure to have happened upon your beautiful work and words! Cheers….? lol 😝 KatieBug from Olympia, WA"