"This rhyming scheme is beautiful. The line "For in their dance, we find a truth so rare, That love and lust, when interwoven, share." really stood out to me. This poem tackled a very relevant issue in modern society. Where do the lines blur between love and lust? Or are they intertwined into the same notion? Enough of my thoughts just wanted to praise your beautiful work! "
Jan 23, 2025
Check out My Raw Beauty profile!
High School Girl sharing the experiences of a High School Girl.
Poetry, Slam Pieces, Personal Stories, Random Thoughts.
Please be kind!
My Raw Beauty commented:
"This is great!"My Raw Beauty commented:
"This rhyming scheme is beautiful. The line "For in their dance, we find a truth so rare, That love and lust, when interwoven, share." really stood out to me. This poem tackled a very relevant issue in modern society. Where do the lines blur between love and lust? Or are they intertwined into the same notion? Enough of my thoughts just wanted to praise your beautiful work! "