“But,” I say, dropping the smile and adopting a menacing glare, as I now tower over this small mage—no more than 5’4” in stature. “You don’t obtain power or status by something as mundane as acquaintance. True power is earned by vigilance and dedication. Sure, there’s genetics, bloodline, blah, blah, blah.” I wave my right immaculately manicured hand in a dismissive gesture. “We are in a constant war of balance in our world, and you have the discourtesy to insult a being you not only don’t know, but mistook as some commoner that walked off the streets of Aurenspire with no idea of how the world of magia works. Well, let me clue you in, you wretched little peon. I am Treice Stryk of the Stryk Triplets. Born of Imara Stryk, the late Nexian queen of our illustrious Valkathra. And I will not tolerate beings trying to bullshit their way into glory.”