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Read more about Book Cover Designs
Read more about Book Cover Designs

Book Cover Designs

Sabal Cloonan
Sep 11, 2024
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Read more about Book Cover Designs
Hey there! Let me make an amazing book cover for you!
Read more about Man Looking For Beautiful Asian Women In Lubbock Texas
Read more about Man Looking For Beautiful Asian Women In Lubbock Texas

Man Looking For Beautiful Asian Women In Lubbock Texas

Jeff Penley Sep 08, 2024
Read more about Man Looking For Beautiful Asian Women In Lubbock Texas
Read more about Man Looking For Beautiful Asian Women In Lubbock Texas
Man Looking For Beautiful Asian Women In Lubbock Texas ; I Will Have To Find Them Here Because The Online Dating Sites Won't Let Me Post My Email Address Which I Will Post Here In Case Some Beautiful Asian Women Are Reading This Important Societal Artical So Contact me At And Ladies If You Want To Go Get Coffee With Me & You Live In Lubbock Texas we Can Exchange Email Here Or At Google Chat Or Video At Google Meet It Could Be Fun For You we Could Become Coffee House Friends & If You Want To Practice Your English With me we Could Also Do That & If You Want To Hang Out At The Library we Could Do That Or we Could Go To Church On Sunday & I Am Volunteering At A Church / Homeless Shelter 6 Days A Week But I Have Evenings Off Some Times & we Can Visit Then If That Will Work For You & Then If You Discover That You Like KPop & Anime As Much As I Do Then we Can Maybe Take our Friends Ship To Another Level That Might Be New & we Can Go Out For Some Asian Food AMINA
Read more about Paralyzed by love
Read more about Paralyzed by love

Paralyzed by love

Pooja Singh Sep 07, 2024
Read more about Paralyzed by love
Read more about Paralyzed by love
A man in love with a coworker decided to confess his feelings but was hit by a bus while crossing the road to approach her. Although he survived, he was left paralyzed. The woman, witnessing the accident, called for an ambulance and later learned about his feelings from a coworker. She visited him in the hospital and promised to support him, expressing her desire to be with him because of his deep affection.
Read more about Paralyzed  by  love
Read more about Paralyzed  by  love

Paralyzed by love

Pooja Singh Sep 07, 2024
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Read more about Paralyzed  by  love
Read more about Paralyzed  by  love
A man in love with a coworker decided to confess his feelings but was hit by a bus while crossing the road to approach her. Although he survived, he was left paralyzed. The woman, witnessing the accident, called for an ambulance and later learned about his feelings from a coworker. She visited him in the hospital and promised to support him, expressing her desire to be with him because of his deep affection.
Read more about Society ; KPop Sailor Guardians Of Love Vestal Sirens & Shining Lights Of Asia
Read more about Society ; KPop Sailor Guardians Of Love Vestal Sirens & Shining Lights Of Asia

Society ; KPop Sailor Guardians Of Love Vestal Sirens & Shining Lights Of Asia

Jeff Penley Sep 01, 2024
Read more about Society ; KPop Sailor Guardians Of Love Vestal Sirens & Shining Lights Of Asia
Read more about Society ; KPop Sailor Guardians Of Love Vestal Sirens & Shining Lights Of Asia
Society ; KPop Sailor Guardians Of Love Vestal Sirens & Shining Lights Of Asia They Are The Queens Of my Heart & I Have Been Under Their Spell For Over A Year Now & I Do Not Think That They Can Be Any Thing But Benevolent & I Think That Their Over All Messages Are Empowering Harmonious Inspirational Melodious Motivational Poetic Refreshing Rhythmic Romantic & Yes Spiritual & In A Good Way Their Dancing Visuals Vocals Lyrics & Music Are Marvelous & Wonderful & I Will Show You Some Of These Beautiful Music Videos Right Here & I Will Also Say That Since These Music Videos Are Not Always In English You May Have To Find The Video Of The Song With It's Lyrics Which Is Usually Available Or Check The Closed Caption Function On The Video To See If The Lyrics Are Provided In English Which In Many Cases They Are & So You Can Then Receive The Full Effect Of The Song So The Following Videos Include A Few With Lyrics But If You Want Those Savory Lyrics You Might Have To Find Them
Read more about Quaraun Sat in His Pink Silk Tent
Read more about Quaraun Sat in His Pink Silk Tent

Quaraun Sat in His Pink Silk Tent

Wendy Christine Allen aka EelKat
Sep 01, 2024
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Read more about Quaraun Sat in His Pink Silk Tent
Read more about Quaraun Sat in His Pink Silk Tent
I. Quaraun sat in his pink silk tent, Rain drummed softly, thunder low, His thoughts like smoke, serene ascent, Fur pelts beneath, a gentle glow, Peaceful in the storm's content. Soft the thunder, slow, slow, slow, BoomFuzzy breathed, slow, slow, slow. II. The hookah's tendrils curled in air, Calm and steady, each breath he drew, Echoes of dreams lingered there, Night's embrace, the world anew, Quaraun watched with tender care. BoomFuzzy slept in deep, deep peace, GhoulSpawn beside, deep, deep peace.

Chapter 1: Meeting the mysterious man.

Carissa Sipe Aug 31, 2024
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After a long day's work I head home to wind down. My husband is a ruthless drunk who beats women and is waiting for me at home.
Read more about Groomed To Perfection
Read more about Groomed To Perfection

Groomed To Perfection

Mara Vladic Aug 23, 2024
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Read more about Groomed To Perfection
Read more about Groomed To Perfection
Can a "hook up" really work? My sister needs help finding Mr. Right and I am ready for the job.
Read more about Desire
Read more about Desire


Jacklyn Miller
Aug 22, 2024
Read more about Desire
Read more about Desire
In the coastal town of Seaview, where the ocean met the sky in hues of orange and purple, Mia Thompson managed a quaint little bookstore. Each morning, as the sun began to rise and paint the waves with its golden light, Mia would open the shop's wooden door, welcoming the scent of saltwater and adventure.


Celeste Ryersee Aug 22, 2024
Saucy and sexy also it is to be continued possibly some character development

Morning Light

Michael Callaway
Aug 22, 2024
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Well I ain't a token of good behavior, I've spent way too long chockin' on anger And God will serve me right, When I lose this losing fight, Once the mountains cry for the sun, Waking to a morning light As years pass by my passing soul, To reach a new lifetime.
Read more about Midnight Whispers
Read more about Midnight Whispers

Midnight Whispers

Jacklyn Miller
Aug 21, 2024
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Read more about Midnight Whispers
Read more about Midnight Whispers
In the heart of the bustling city of New York, where dreams met reality in a dizzying blend of neon lights and shadowy corners, lived two souls obliviously tangled in the same fate.
Read more about Bookstore Bae Part 2
Read more about Bookstore Bae Part 2

Bookstore Bae Part 2

Divine Feminate World
Aug 18, 2024
Read more about Bookstore Bae Part 2
Read more about Bookstore Bae Part 2
Part 2 to Bookstore Bae sequence
Read more about Bookstore Bae & The Mystic Vibe
Read more about Bookstore Bae & The Mystic Vibe

Bookstore Bae & The Mystic Vibe

Divine Feminate World
Aug 13, 2024
Read more about Bookstore Bae & The Mystic Vibe
Read more about Bookstore Bae & The Mystic Vibe
I've had encounters ...but nothing so intensed, undeniable as ths one.
Read more about One Wall Down
Read more about One Wall Down

One Wall Down

Aug 11, 2024
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Read more about One Wall Down
Read more about One Wall Down
Countless words had been written—pages upon pages brimming with a love she had yet to experience. Inside her small head, a world overflowed, threatening to break the seams.
Read more about My Muse
Read more about My Muse

My Muse

Aug 10, 2024
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Read more about My Muse
Read more about My Muse
I pledge to fall in love with every minute detail of you—whether it be the tiniest particles or your sweetest flaws, my heart is ready.

Chapter one - Happy Birthday/Allianyas POV

Molly Jewett Aug 07, 2024
Today is Allianyas birthday, and it couldn't be any better. However what she doesn't know is this is the calm before the storm.

My last wish

Molly Jewett Aug 07, 2024
This is essentially the prologue, these are Allianyas mothers last moments.


Molly Jewett Aug 07, 2024
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Allianya grows up with no knowledge of her mother and is rescued by her best friends from her abusive stepfather. Now that they all live together, she couldn't ask for a more perfect life. However the day of her birthday her world gets thrown upside down. She is suddenly being chased by assassin's, teleported to a new planet, chased and confronted by creatures she could never even dream of. The real icing of the cake is when she finds out, shes from this other planet. Dive into this adventure with Allianya, fall in love, explore a whole new planet, discover powers unimaginable and be with her when she must save this planet and earth from war.