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Read more about The Fall of the Bronze Age Civilization.
Read more about The Fall of the Bronze Age Civilization.

The Fall of the Bronze Age Civilization.

Jul 27, 2024
Read more about The Fall of the Bronze Age Civilization.
Read more about The Fall of the Bronze Age Civilization.
The fall of the Bronze Age civilizations around 1200 BC is attributed to multiple factors, including invasions by the Sea Peoples, severe droughts leading to famine, and earthquakes. Disruptions in critical trade routes for tin and copper weakened economies, while political instability further destabilized these societies. This period marked a dark age, characterized by technological regression and societal collapse.

Addictive personalities I

Jul 27, 2024
Having an addictive personality can manifest in various ways, each unique to the individual. Some people may find themselves addicted to substances like drugs or alcohol, while others may struggle with addictive behaviors such as gambling or shopping. Regardless of the specific manifestation, addictive personalities often share common traits, such as impulsivity, difficulty regulating emotions, and a tendency to seek out pleasure and avoid pain. It's important to understand that addiction is a complex and multifaceted issue that can impact anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background.

Who do I think I am?

Jul 26, 2024
Who do I think I am? How do I think others see me? Am I just some worthless human that hasn't had a chance to die yet or will I be something someday?

All In My Hands

Jul 26, 2024
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This poem is smaller than the rest I plan on writing. Just wanted to give a little sample of what I like to write about

Green chili

Jul 26, 2024
Green chili is very hot

My hair care and why its so important to me

Jul 26, 2024
Im just gonna be open and talk about how some of the simple things in life make me happy.

Introduction to reviews

Jul 26, 2024
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We all want what we want ! And we want good reviews!
Read more about Prior to Obesity
Read more about Prior to Obesity

Prior to Obesity

Jul 25, 2024
Read more about Prior to Obesity
Read more about Prior to Obesity
The Beginning...
Read more about Have Cake, Eait it too
Read more about Have Cake, Eait it too

Have Cake, Eait it too

Jul 25, 2024
Read more about Have Cake, Eait it too
Read more about Have Cake, Eait it too
I've thought about the concept of God quite a bit recently and I wanted to share some of my thoughts. **disclaimer** I am not speaking on whether or not God exists, but rather the consistency of people's words when speaking of God. If you enjoy these reads and want to see more, hit that subscribe button and share with your friends!

The Future of Space Exploration: Unlocking the Universe's Mysteries

Jul 25, 2024
The Future of Space Exploration: Unlocking the Universe's Mysteries
Read more about How I found love for myself again.
Read more about How I found love for myself again.

How I found love for myself again.

Jul 25, 2024
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Read more about How I found love for myself again.
Read more about How I found love for myself again.
In this note, I will be talking about how I started to love myself again how I grew my confidence, and how I motivated myself.
Read more about Inability to Communicate
Read more about Inability to Communicate

Inability to Communicate

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about Inability to Communicate
Read more about Inability to Communicate
Communication is key and yet, it seems it is one we have lost. Too much rage, pain, hate, distrust...just too much negative. Not near enough solution. Where do we go from here? With so much distorting the world does anyone know where to even begin?
Read more about Subjective beauty and human perceptions
Read more about Subjective beauty and human perceptions

Subjective beauty and human perceptions

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about Subjective beauty and human perceptions
Read more about Subjective beauty and human perceptions
How can we label someone as collectively attractive or unattractive when everyone experiences only their own unique reality? I argue that it's impossible and I question why we don't appreciate human uniqueness as we do with nature.
Read more about You GOAL girl!
Read more about You GOAL girl!

You GOAL girl!

Jul 24, 2024
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Read more about You GOAL girl!
Read more about You GOAL girl!
Your mind may take you places you do not want to go, so take your next steps to shadow your unweighted glow.

Overview of Ayurveda

Jul 24, 2024
The overview of Ayurveda to be incorporated in daily life

Not Going Back By TR Kamau

Jul 23, 2024
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I wrote this when I was heated & I don't remember why I was mad but I do feel the power in the words.

Temptation Tossed

Jul 23, 2024
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Lust verses Love
Read more about Blind Faith
Read more about Blind Faith

Blind Faith

Jul 23, 2024
Read more about Blind Faith
Read more about Blind Faith
Finding where to listen when life seems loud.
Read more about Dark feminine Energy
Read more about Dark feminine Energy

Dark feminine Energy

Jul 23, 2024
Read more about Dark feminine Energy
Read more about Dark feminine Energy
Embracing the Shadows: Living That Dark Feminine Energy Circe: The Enchantress of Aiaia
Read more about Understanding the Advantages of AI Integrating Soft Skills in Trading
Read more about Understanding the Advantages of AI Integrating Soft Skills in Trading

Understanding the Advantages of AI Integrating Soft Skills in Trading

Jul 23, 2024
Read more about Understanding the Advantages of AI Integrating Soft Skills in Trading
Read more about Understanding the Advantages of AI Integrating Soft Skills in Trading
By honing their technical competence and soft skills, people can significantly enhance their career prospects and contribute more meaningfully to their organizations. In a dynamic job market, the ability to adapt, communicate, and empathize with others is just as crucial as technical expertise. This realization can inspire and motivate traders to invest in their soft skills, knowing that it can transform them from good to great.