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Read more about Seeing Color Like New Crayons: Embracing Fresh Perspectives and New Beginnings
Read more about Seeing Color Like New Crayons: Embracing Fresh Perspectives and New Beginnings

Seeing Color Like New Crayons: Embracing Fresh Perspectives and New Beginnings

Sep 07, 2024
Read more about Seeing Color Like New Crayons: Embracing Fresh Perspectives and New Beginnings
Read more about Seeing Color Like New Crayons: Embracing Fresh Perspectives and New Beginnings
Remember that you know how to see the world color in a spectrum of light and bring back magic lying dormant waiting to achieve full potential. Join us on NOTD's Winning Attitude stream as we explore fresh perspectives and new beginnings. #WinningAttitude #FreshPerspectives #NewBeginnings #NOTD
Read more about Work Is Meatloaf: An Essay About Food and Frivolity
Read more about Work Is Meatloaf: An Essay About Food and Frivolity

Work Is Meatloaf: An Essay About Food and Frivolity

Sep 07, 2024
Read more about Work Is Meatloaf: An Essay About Food and Frivolity
Read more about Work Is Meatloaf: An Essay About Food and Frivolity
The cuisine, being quite a conglomeration of foods I both adore and abhor, glares up from the pale foam platter it lay on. I cannot quite decide whether or not the meal as a whole appeals to me in any unironic way. The cookies — two, this time (I was fortunate enough to have the server bless me with an extra) — sit desecrated beside the dubious loaf of meat and mediocre wedges of barely-fried potato.
Read more about Work Is Meatloaf
Read more about Work Is Meatloaf

Work Is Meatloaf

Sep 07, 2024
Read more about Work Is Meatloaf
Read more about Work Is Meatloaf
The cuisine, being quite a conglomeration of foods I both adore and abhor, glares up from the pale foam platter it lay on. I cannot quite decide whether or not the meal as a whole appeals to me in any unironic way. The cookies — two, this time (I was fortunate enough to have the server bless me with an extra) — sit desecrated beside the dubious loaf of meat and mediocre wedges of barely-fried potato.
Read more about Be the Light in Someone's Day
Read more about Be the Light in Someone's Day

Be the Light in Someone's Day

Sep 07, 2024
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Read more about Be the Light in Someone's Day
Read more about Be the Light in Someone's Day
Join me and this stream’s followers who will build a community of light for a journey of self-discovery and empowerment on NOTD! Our stream is dedicated to helping you unlock your full potential and live a life of purpose and fulfillment. Through meditation, inspiration, and community, we'll guide you on a path of growth and transformation. Tune in and start shining your light! #NOTD #WinningAttitude #Meditation #Inspiration #Community
Read more about to make working a habit?
Read more about to make working a habit? to make working a habit?

Sep 07, 2024
Read more about to make working a habit?
Read more about to make working a habit?
The first step is figuring out how to make working out a consistent habit. Many people, myself included when I started, feel excited and energized at the beginning, but after about a week, that energy fades. We start feeling lazy and convincing ourselves that "tomorrow will be better"—but tomorrow never fixes the problem. To dive deeper into this issue and find the perfect solution, keep reading.

A Sequel to Who I Was Before

Sep 06, 2024
There once was someone And I used to be her (I think) But then she got older It got harder We blinked
Read more about How to Master Your Emotions: A Personal Guide to Emotional Intelligence
Read more about How to Master Your Emotions: A Personal Guide to Emotional Intelligence

How to Master Your Emotions: A Personal Guide to Emotional Intelligence

Sep 06, 2024
Read more about How to Master Your Emotions: A Personal Guide to Emotional Intelligence
Read more about How to Master Your Emotions: A Personal Guide to Emotional Intelligence
Let’s talk about something we all experience but rarely get proper guidance on—emotions. You know, those feelings that sometimes make us feel on top of the world and other times like we’re carrying a ton of bricks. Mastering your emotions doesn’t mean avoiding or suppressing them; it’s about understanding, managing, and using them to your advantage. In this guide, we’re going to break it down into simple steps, so you can walk away feeling empowered to handle your emotions, no matter what life throws at you.
Read more about How to Embrace and Radiate Feminine Energy: Your Guide to Embracing Authenticity
Read more about How to Embrace and Radiate Feminine Energy: Your Guide to Embracing Authenticity

How to Embrace and Radiate Feminine Energy: Your Guide to Embracing Authenticity

Sep 06, 2024
Read more about How to Embrace and Radiate Feminine Energy: Your Guide to Embracing Authenticity
Read more about How to Embrace and Radiate Feminine Energy: Your Guide to Embracing Authenticity
Hi girlss! Have you ever felt out of balance, like you’re constantly trying to do more, be more, and achieve more, but it just leaves you feeling drained? That might be a sign that you’re too much in your masculine energy. Today, we’re diving deep into how you can reconnect with your feminine energy—the free-flowing, creative, and nurturing force that’s naturally within you. This is your ultimate guide to mastering all things feminine energy, from habits to dating, lifestyle, and healing. Let’s explore how to embrace your divine feminine and live a life that feels more aligned and authentic.
Read more about Yes You Can
Read more about Yes You Can

Yes You Can

Sep 06, 2024
Read more about Yes You Can
Read more about Yes You Can
Morning Motivation: Believe in yourself, take the leap of faith, and watch the universe conspire to make your dreams a reality. Remember, every great achievement starts with a single step. Take that step today and make it a day to remember! #WinningAttitude #MorningMotivation
Read more about Together We Rise
Read more about Together We Rise

Together We Rise

Sep 06, 2024
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Read more about Together We Rise
Read more about Together We Rise
Join the Winning Attitude community for a daily dose of inspiration and motivation. Together, let's cultivate a positive mindset and spread joy and light throughout our conscious communities.
Read more about We Are All Machines
Read more about We Are All Machines

We Are All Machines

Sep 05, 2024
Read more about We Are All Machines
Read more about We Are All Machines
To the majority of humanity, life just happens. We wait on this miracle or that miracle, that one stroke of luck needed to finally be where our desires are.
Read more about What is the Conscious and Subconscious Mind? A Deep Dive Into Your Mental World
Read more about What is the Conscious and Subconscious Mind? A Deep Dive Into Your Mental World

What is the Conscious and Subconscious Mind? A Deep Dive Into Your Mental World

Sep 05, 2024
Read more about What is the Conscious and Subconscious Mind? A Deep Dive Into Your Mental World
Read more about What is the Conscious and Subconscious Mind? A Deep Dive Into Your Mental World
Have you ever wondered why sometimes you know exactly what you're thinking and other times, you just act or react without even realizing why? That’s the magic of your mind—the conscious and the subconscious. These two parts of your mind are like teammates that work together but in very different ways. In this blog, we’re going to break down the differences between your conscious and subconscious mind, how they work, and why understanding them can totally change the way you approach life. Ready? Let’s dive in!
Read more about How To Visualize Correctly: Turning Your Dreams into Reality
Read more about How To Visualize Correctly: Turning Your Dreams into Reality

How To Visualize Correctly: Turning Your Dreams into Reality

Sep 05, 2024
Read more about How To Visualize Correctly: Turning Your Dreams into Reality
Read more about How To Visualize Correctly: Turning Your Dreams into Reality
Have you ever heard the saying, “If you can see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand”? That’s the power of visualization, and it’s a game-changer when it comes to manifesting your dreams. But here’s the thing—visualization isn’t just about daydreaming. It’s a skill that needs to be practiced and honed to be effective. In this blog, I’m going to dive deep into how to visualize correctly, breaking it down into simple steps. By the end, you’ll have some practical tips and homework to help you master this powerful tool. Let’s get started!


Sep 05, 2024
Do what you want in life for its too short

Growing up

Sep 04, 2024
Please follow this story it's very exciting and what the world needs I combine many genres to put up the absolute best just keep liking and subscribing#itsartonly
Read more about How To Think Thoughts Consciously: A Personal Guide to Mastering Your Mind
Read more about How To Think Thoughts Consciously: A Personal Guide to Mastering Your Mind

How To Think Thoughts Consciously: A Personal Guide to Mastering Your Mind

Sep 04, 2024
Read more about How To Think Thoughts Consciously: A Personal Guide to Mastering Your Mind
Read more about How To Think Thoughts Consciously: A Personal Guide to Mastering Your Mind
Hello beautiful people! Have you ever caught yourself lost in thought, only to realize that your mind has been wandering aimlessly? It happens to all of us. But what if I told you that you could learn to think your thoughts consciously, guiding your mind with intention and purpose? In this blog, we’ll explore how you can start thinking consciously, the benefits of doing so, and give you some practical exercises to put this into practice. Ready to take control of your mind? Let’s dive in!
Read more about Science Behind Manifestation
Read more about Science Behind Manifestation

Science Behind Manifestation

Sep 04, 2024
Read more about Science Behind Manifestation
Read more about Science Behind Manifestation
Hey there! Let’s understand why your manifestations will be fulfilled in any which way like most of the successful people. Have you ever wondered how some people seem to effortlessly attract what they want into their lives? It’s like they have some secret formula for success, right? Well, the good news is that this isn’t just some mystical woo-woo stuff—there’s actual science behind it! In this blog, we’re going to explore the science of manifestation, breaking it down into simple, understandable concepts. By the end, you’ll have practical tips and a bit of homework to help you start manifesting your dreams. So, let’s dive in!
Read more about Power of Meditation and Subconscious Mind : Real Science behind it
Read more about Power of Meditation and Subconscious Mind : Real Science behind it

Power of Meditation and Subconscious Mind : Real Science behind it

Sep 03, 2024
Read more about Power of Meditation and Subconscious Mind : Real Science behind it
Read more about Power of Meditation and Subconscious Mind : Real Science behind it
Why everyone talks about practicing meditation? Why it should be non-negotiable in daily life? Why is it the base of our life? In this blog, you’ll not only find the answers of this but practical ways of making this a habit. The connection between meditation and the subconscious mind is profound, offering us tools to harness our inner potential, heal, and grow. This blog will explore how meditation influences the subconscious mind and provide you with practical tips and homework to integrate these concepts into your daily life. Let’s dive into it!


Sep 03, 2024
Sleepless nights

The pyromancers oath

Sep 02, 2024
free note