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Read more about Paralyzed by love
Read more about Paralyzed by love

Paralyzed by love

Sep 07, 2024
Read more about Paralyzed by love
Read more about Paralyzed by love
A man in love with a coworker decided to confess his feelings but was hit by a bus while crossing the road to approach her. Although he survived, he was left paralyzed. The woman, witnessing the accident, called for an ambulance and later learned about his feelings from a coworker. She visited him in the hospital and promised to support him, expressing her desire to be with him because of his deep affection.
Read more about Paralyzed  by  love
Read more about Paralyzed  by  love

Paralyzed by love

Sep 07, 2024
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Read more about Paralyzed  by  love
Read more about Paralyzed  by  love
A man in love with a coworker decided to confess his feelings but was hit by a bus while crossing the road to approach her. Although he survived, he was left paralyzed. The woman, witnessing the accident, called for an ambulance and later learned about his feelings from a coworker. She visited him in the hospital and promised to support him, expressing her desire to be with him because of his deep affection.
Read more about Love or lost
Read more about Love or lost

Love or lost

Sep 04, 2024
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Read more about Love or lost
Read more about Love or lost
Love or lost, you can either be loved or love someone, and you could be lost about many things, but it's only up to you to find yourself. Can't love anyone if you don't love yourself.

Chapter 3: Rescued or Kidnapped?

Sep 02, 2024
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I finally escape my abusive husband however now I ended up in Carter's car hoping I'm not going to end up dead.

Chapter 2: Attempted Kinapping

Sep 02, 2024
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As I wake up in the hospital, the mysterious man tries to kidnap me. I escape but end up in the wrath of drunk husband.
Read more about Society ; Those Sailor Guardian Vestal Siren Shining Lights Of Asia Do Haunt me
Read more about Society ; Those Sailor Guardian Vestal Siren Shining Lights Of Asia Do Haunt me

Society ; Those Sailor Guardian Vestal Siren Shining Lights Of Asia Do Haunt me

Sep 01, 2024
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Read more about Society ; Those Sailor Guardian Vestal Siren Shining Lights Of Asia Do Haunt me
Read more about Society ; Those Sailor Guardian Vestal Siren Shining Lights Of Asia Do Haunt me
Society ; Those Sailor Guardian Vestal Siren Shining Lights Of Asia Do Haunt me & I Like It & This Means That Some Day I Will Be Touring The Town With Some Charming Young & Pretty Asian Women Because I Like Them & Also I Want The United States To Annex Asia So It Becomes Part Of The United States Of America A Constitutional Republic Consisting Of Plenty Of Young & Pretty Asian Women To Choose From & There Are So Very Many To Choose From Many Without Tattoos Or Body Piercings Many Non Drinkers Non Drug Users & Non Smokers Many Are Even Christian & Of Course I May Even Find A Rich One Who Wants me Around To Help Her Fulfill Her Christian Monogamous & Heterosexual Desires & Also Because She Likes The Way I Write & The Way I Clean Up When I'm Married To A Young & Pretty Asian Women & Maybe She Will Take Me To Asia In Her Private Jet & we Will Annex Asia Into The United States & Then we Will Live Happily Ever After Until Jesus Comes Back & Then we Live Even More Happily Ever After That

Toxic Love Pt.1

Sep 01, 2024
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The sweet love that hurts.

The Dragon Slayer

Aug 31, 2024
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The King raised his Axe and activated the ruby enchantment increasing the strength and adding the flames of Argkanzilch to said Axe. Next he jumped into the air, raising the Axe into the sky where it was struck by lightning. Then he brought it down onto Sabrina's shield with all his might breaking it into pieces and almost killing her.
Read more about The Dragon Slayer
Read more about The Dragon Slayer

The Dragon Slayer

Aug 31, 2024
Read more about The Dragon Slayer
Read more about The Dragon Slayer
The King raised his Axe and activated the ruby enchantment increasing the strength and adding the flames of Argkanzilch to said Axe. Next he jumped into the air, raising the Axe into the sky where it was struck by lightning. Then he brought it down onto Sabrina's shield with all his might breaking it into pieces and almost killing her.
Read more about Screaming In A Glass House
Read more about Screaming In A Glass House

Screaming In A Glass House

Aug 31, 2024
Read more about Screaming In A Glass House
Read more about Screaming In A Glass House
Left a lot behind, but somehow my soul traveled to Egypt and escaped the mad house first. What a cheer of toss in a light of chess.

Chapter 1: Meeting the mysterious man.

Aug 31, 2024
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After a long day's work I head home to wind down. My husband is a ruthless drunk who beats women and is waiting for me at home.
Read more about Relationships
Read more about Relationships


Aug 31, 2024
Read more about Relationships
Read more about Relationships
Relationships take time, patience, and dedication, if you don’t have either of those, a relationship can’t be formed. Dedicating your time to our partner is the most precious thing we do. It shows we have time for them, it shows we love our partner, and it shows we care. Having patience with them is making sure they’re going to be ok, and sometimes patience is waiting for them to respond to an action or a question. Taking time for them shows you not only care but lets them know that they are important and should be treated as number 2 in out priority list.
Read more about Small acts of kindness note of the day
Read more about Small acts of kindness note of the day

Small acts of kindness note of the day

Aug 28, 2024
Read more about Small acts of kindness note of the day
Read more about Small acts of kindness note of the day
Everybody help one another

Echoes of Absence

Aug 25, 2024
In quiet moments, I glance back, a warmth that lingers in faded breaths, fragments of laughter and whispered dreams, echoing in the spaces where I once stood. I watch familiar faces, their smiles touched by sorrow, hands that reach yet tremble, grasping at shadows left behind. Time stretches thin, a threadbare fabric of memories, each stitch a reminder of what was, and what can never be again. They gather, sharing pieces of me, stories wrapped in comfort, each word a small act of defiance against the silence that swallows. In their tears, I find a mirror— a reflection of love, heavy yet beautiful, a testament to a life lived. And though I’ve slipped through that door, they carry me within— a silent witness, a tender ache, forever woven into the heart of the living.
Read more about Floating in space
Read more about Floating in space
Read more about Groomed To Perfection
Read more about Groomed To Perfection

Groomed To Perfection

Aug 23, 2024
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Read more about Groomed To Perfection
Read more about Groomed To Perfection
Can a "hook up" really work? My sister needs help finding Mr. Right and I am ready for the job.

The End But a new Beginning

Aug 22, 2024
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Though this marks the end of what once was, it is also the beginning of a new chapter. My heart may be heavy, but I carry hope that with time, I will find strength in this new path.
Read more about The art of letting go
Read more about The art of letting go

The art of letting go

Aug 22, 2024
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Read more about The art of letting go
Read more about The art of letting go
There once was a heart filled with woe, That couldn't seem to let go. But with time and with grace, It found a new space, To release all the pain and sorrow it sow.
Read more about Strength in Sensitivity
Read more about Strength in Sensitivity

Strength in Sensitivity

Aug 22, 2024
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Read more about Strength in Sensitivity
Read more about Strength in Sensitivity
Sometimes the world can feel too harsh, but this poem is all about embracing the strength in being sensitive. It's a reminder that feeling deeply isn’t a flaw—it’s a powerful way to connect with others. Whether it's tears or joy, this poem captures the beauty of holding onto your soft heart in a world that often tries to make us tough. It’s about knowing your worth in the warmth of love and empathy, and finding light in being true to who you are.