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Addictive personalities I

Jul 27, 2024
Having an addictive personality can manifest in various ways, each unique to the individual. Some people may find themselves addicted to substances like drugs or alcohol, while others may struggle with addictive behaviors such as gambling or shopping. Regardless of the specific manifestation, addictive personalities often share common traits, such as impulsivity, difficulty regulating emotions, and a tendency to seek out pleasure and avoid pain. It's important to understand that addiction is a complex and multifaceted issue that can impact anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background.

Green chili

Jul 26, 2024
Green chili is very hot
Read more about Prior to Obesity
Read more about Prior to Obesity

Prior to Obesity

Jul 25, 2024
Read more about Prior to Obesity
Read more about Prior to Obesity
The Beginning...
Read more about From Underneath
Read more about From Underneath

From Underneath

Jul 25, 2024
Read more about From Underneath
Read more about From Underneath
When I look back on my life I realize I had been fighting against the current of my own life instead of going with the flow. I often find myself fighting the immensity of everything that's happened to me like a small animal fighting every wave on the surface. I wondered what if I let myself drown in my own thoughts for once? What waited for me at the bottom of everything I was up against? It was within this question that I found I was fighting nothing but figments and debris of things that were no longer happening no longer relevant no longer current.
Read more about How I found love for myself again.
Read more about How I found love for myself again.

How I found love for myself again.

Jul 25, 2024
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Read more about How I found love for myself again.
Read more about How I found love for myself again.
In this note, I will be talking about how I started to love myself again how I grew my confidence, and how I motivated myself.
Read more about You GOAL girl!
Read more about You GOAL girl!

You GOAL girl!

Jul 24, 2024
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Read more about You GOAL girl!
Read more about You GOAL girl!
Your mind may take you places you do not want to go, so take your next steps to shadow your unweighted glow.
Read more about I’m solid your see through
Read more about I’m solid your see through

Hollow motions

Jul 24, 2024
Depression heartbreak loneliness alone forever

To Be Friends With the Dead

Jul 23, 2024
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For anyone battling scary thoughts.
Read more about Embracing the Quirks: Understanding and Accepting Pet Peeves
Read more about Embracing the Quirks: Understanding and Accepting Pet Peeves

Embracing the Quirks: Understanding and Accepting Pet Peeves

Jul 22, 2024
Read more about Embracing the Quirks: Understanding and Accepting Pet Peeves
Read more about Embracing the Quirks: Understanding and Accepting Pet Peeves
Pet peeves are those small, often irrational annoyances that can unexpectedly trigger strong reactions in us. Whether it's the sound of someone chewing loudly or the way a person taps their pen, these quirks are a normal part of being human. While it's okay to feel irritated by them, it's essential to manage our reactions and not let these minor irritations control us. Recognizing that everyone has their own set of pet peeves can foster empathy and patience, helping us create a more understanding and harmonious environment. Embrace your quirks, respect others, and navigate life's little annoyances with grace.
Read more about Don't look back, you're not going that way
Read more about Don't look back, you're not going that way

Don't look back, you're not going that way

Jul 21, 2024
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Read more about Don't look back, you're not going that way
Read more about Don't look back, you're not going that way
Every makeup has a tune to its name; to its resemblance stay true to the life you gain.
Read more about "Embracing the essence of feminine energy"
Read more about "Embracing the essence of feminine energy"

"Embracing the essence of feminine energy"

Jul 21, 2024
Read more about "Embracing the essence of feminine energy"
Read more about "Embracing the essence of feminine energy"
Embracing the Essence of Feminine Energy Hey there! Let’s dive into the amazing world of feminine energy. This vibe is all about those qualities that make us feel connected, intuitive, and super nurturing. Unlike masculine energy, which is all about action and logic, feminine energy is where the magic of intuition, empathy, and creativity happens.
Read more about Contact from the higher self
Read more about Contact from the higher self

Contact from the higher self

Jul 21, 2024
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Read more about Contact from the higher self
Read more about Contact from the higher self
For any soul on earth, that is looking for purpose or just a better quality of life . Here are some tips on raising your vibration!!
Read more about Pessimistic erections
Read more about Pessimistic erections


Jul 20, 2024
free note


Jul 20, 2024
Anxiety Is a real thing it comes on fast and for no reason. Your fine then all the sudden it hits you it feel like your feels and Emotions. Are all over the place then the real fear kicks in. The scary stuff that anxiety comes with like fast heart rate, face numbing, horrible thoughts so much overwhelming things. Anxiety Mimix anything you are afraid of you are stuck in your mind and no one can really help you
Read more about Self help for the pessimistic personality
Read more about Self help for the pessimistic personality

Self help for the pessimistic personality

Jul 19, 2024
Read more about Self help for the pessimistic personality
Read more about Self help for the pessimistic personality
A pessimist self help blog I'm just starting.
Read more about Pessimistic self help
Read more about Pessimistic self help

Pessimistic self help

Jul 19, 2024
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Read more about Pessimistic self help
Read more about Pessimistic self help
Pondering the purpose of my existence.
Read more about Introduction
Read more about Introduction


Jul 19, 2024
Read more about Introduction
Read more about Introduction
When you can't help yourself....allow me to assist.