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Read more about Drug Addiction
Read more about Drug Addiction

Drug Addiction

Jul 25, 2024
Read more about Drug Addiction
Read more about Drug Addiction
What It Feels Like To Have A Drug Addiction
Read more about Inside My Borderline Mind
Read more about Inside My Borderline Mind

Inside My Borderline Mind

Jul 25, 2024
Read more about Inside My Borderline Mind
Read more about Inside My Borderline Mind
Dive into the chaos of emotions with our Borderline's Embrace, designed to reflect the shifting tides of your inner world.
Read more about Week 1 news and trends
Read more about Week 1 news and trends
Read more about Wanna grow your eyelashes
Read more about Wanna grow your eyelashes

Wanna grow your eyelashes

Jul 16, 2024
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Read more about Wanna grow your eyelashes
Read more about Wanna grow your eyelashes
7 tips to grow your eyelashes...

Violence Domesticated

Jul 13, 2024
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Pretty little lies I believed in my mind, it’ll never happen again; but when my head hit the mirror, I see myself through my own eyes but even they tell lies and whisper, “I’m okay”.
Read more about Rediscovering My Passion for Fitness: A Personal Journey part 1/2
Read more about Rediscovering My Passion for Fitness: A Personal Journey part 1/2

Rediscovering My Passion for Fitness: A Personal Journey part 1/2

Jun 27, 2024
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Read more about Rediscovering My Passion for Fitness: A Personal Journey part 1/2
Read more about Rediscovering My Passion for Fitness: A Personal Journey part 1/2
time went by and now I am back to square one and starting over. Over time I have been on and off the wagon, but I want to take it more seriously this time and not fall off the wagon. Also, this time I want to prove to myself that I can achieve the physique I want.
Read more about Love is a pure form of art.
Read more about Love is a pure form of art.

Love is a pure form of art.

Jun 20, 2024
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Read more about Love is a pure form of art.
Read more about Love is a pure form of art.
Hiii..... Nothin much i just wanted to express what i have been feelin always. In such a short period of time i didn't knew how i became so close to u. I feel like after knowin u i can trust u with my heart, i have been in love with u for a while now, all my heart wants is to be with u , hold ur hand, u know how to make me laugh how to caress me when im sad or depressed, ur the motivation i need in life, the moments i have shared with u are memorable and i can never forget them. You're a wonderful person, one i could ever find. I feel like u have shared a special place in my heart now. I hope u feel the same and i cant wait to be with yours always. Atlast,thank u for comin in my life when i was at my lowest and curin me from that unsafe, depressed phase. Together with u is my favourite place to be. U have become the reason for my smile n i hope u do forever. I'm in so loveeee with U💕
Read more about HEALTH IS WEALTH
Read more about HEALTH IS WEALTH


Jun 13, 2024
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Read more about HEALTH IS WEALTH
Read more about HEALTH IS WEALTH
Health is Wealth In the hustle and bustle of modern life, maintaining good health often takes a backseat. However, prioritizing your well-being is essential for a fulfilling and productive life. Here are some wise strategies to help you maintain your health effectively:
Read more about A Little Bit About Myself
Read more about A Little Bit About Myself

A Little Bit About Myself

Jun 05, 2024
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Read more about A Little Bit About Myself
Read more about A Little Bit About Myself
A little bit of what my notes will contain. My first priority is to share my struggle and success during my journey so far in hopes of showing others that mental health is not negative and is important to get help.

Mom's hot cocoa

Jun 02, 2024
My precious child, as you wake up to greet another day, know that you are cherished beyond measure. The world may seem daunting at times, but remember within you lies a reservoir of strength resilience that knows no bounds. My love for you is a beacon of light, guiding you through even the darkest of times. Take each moment as it comes my dear. You are capable of overcoming anything that comes your way you are my child, and I love you knows no limits. So as you go about your day, remember to be kind to yourself. Listen to The whispers of your heart, and trust in the wisdom that lies within you. And know that no matter what you will always have a mother's love to lean on.

We all make mistakes

Jun 02, 2024
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Hey there Just dropping you a quick note to check in and see how you're doing. Life has a way of keeping us on our toes doesn't it? Sometimes it feels like we're juggling a dozen different things at once, each one fighting for our attention. So, I missed the chaos and The quiet moments alike, I wanted to take a moment to ask: how's everything with you? Are you finding moments to Joy in the everyday hustle? Are there challenges you're facing that could use a listening ear? Remember, you don't have to navigate this journey alone. Whether you're riding the waves of success or weathering a storm, know that there are people who care about you and here to support you. So, take a deep breath, exit any worries or stresses then maybe weighing on your mind, and know that you're not alone in this. We're All in this together. Looking forward to hear from you soon. Take care, Ky
Read more about Teacher
Read more about Teacher


Jun 02, 2024
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Read more about Teacher
Read more about Teacher
A steamy scenario about a teacher and her husband.
Read more about 19 foods you should NEVER eat after their expiry date
Read more about 19 foods you should NEVER eat after their expiry date

19 foods you should NEVER eat after their expiry date

May 30, 2024
Read more about 19 foods you should NEVER eat after their expiry date
Read more about 19 foods you should NEVER eat after their expiry date
Consuming expired foods can pose serious health risks. Deli meats, raw chicken, raw fish, shellfish, eggs, milk, soft cheeses, yogurt, cold-pressed juices, sprouts, cooked rice, mayonnaise, pre-packaged salads, ground meats, fresh berries, sliced bread, soft drinks and juices, canned foods, leftovers, and hummus can all harbour harmful bacteria. Consuming these foods after their expiration date can lead to severe foodborne illnesses. It is crucial to check expiration dates and handle food storage properly to ensure safety and freshness.
Read more about All the things that happens to your body if you’re constantly waking up at 6am
Read more about All the things that happens to your body if you’re constantly waking up at 6am

All the things that happens to your body if you’re constantly waking up at 6am

May 30, 2024
Read more about All the things that happens to your body if you’re constantly waking up at 6am
Read more about All the things that happens to your body if you’re constantly waking up at 6am
Consistently waking up at 6am can significantly improve your body and lifestyle. It regulates your body's internal clock, leading to better sleep quality. This routine also enhances mental health, increasing productivity. It provides a head start for the day, promoting focused work and goal setting. Regular wake-up times are associated with a healthier lifestyle, promoting better physical health, cognitive function, hormonal balance, mood and emotional stability, better social life, more time for breakfast, reduced risk of sleep disorders, and increased exposure to natural light. By establishing a consistent wake-up time, you can create a foundation for a healthier, happier, and more productive life.
Read more about This is why you keep waking up at night
Read more about This is why you keep waking up at night

This is why you keep waking up at night

May 30, 2024
Read more about This is why you keep waking up at night
Read more about This is why you keep waking up at night
Persistent nighttime awakenings can be caused by various factors, including stress, poor sleep environment, diet, sleep disorders, inconsistent sleep schedules, hormonal changes, medications, underlying health conditions, overstimulation before bed, and aging. Stress and anxiety can cause overproduction of cortisol, which can disrupt sleep. To improve sleep quality, develop a calming bedtime routine, ensure a quiet, dark, and cool bedroom, avoid caffeine and alcohol, and consult a healthcare professional if you suspect a sleep disorder. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule, avoid hormonal changes, and review medications with a healthcare provider. Manage underlying health conditions through appropriate medical treatment and avoid stimulating activities before bed. As we age, maintaining good sleep hygiene and regular physical activity can contribute to better sleep.
Read more about Small things you do that reveal a lot about your personality
Read more about Small things you do that reveal a lot about your personality

Small things you do that reveal a lot about your personality

May 30, 2024
Read more about Small things you do that reveal a lot about your personality
Read more about Small things you do that reveal a lot about your personality
Small actions can reveal a lot about our personalities. Handwriting, phone handling, eating habits, shopping preferences, email style, waiting reactions, posture, body language, punctuality, and social media behaviour can all provide insights into our personalities. Handwriting analysis can reveal emotional states, while phone handling can reveal social connections or anxiety. Eating habits can reveal patience and methodical Ness, while shopping preferences can reveal sociability and shared experiences. Email style and punctuality can also reveal time management and reliability. Treating service staff with kindness and respect can indicate empathy and humility. Social media behaviour can also reveal a person's interests and knowledge. Understanding these subtle behaviours can foster self-awareness and improve relationships.
Read more about Americans groceries from store brands as inflation eats into purchasing power
Read more about Americans groceries from store brands as inflation eats into purchasing power

Americans groceries from store brands as inflation eats into purchasing power

May 29, 2024
Read more about Americans groceries from store brands as inflation eats into purchasing power
Read more about Americans groceries from store brands as inflation eats into purchasing power
Inflation is causing a shift in grocery shopping habits, with approximately one-quarter of all purchases in the US now being made by store brands, or private labels. This trend is driven by cost savings, improved quality, and increased variety. Retailers like Walmart, Kroger, and Target are expanding their store brand offerings, offering products across various categories. This shift is driven by changing consumer perceptions and behaviours, such as trust, value perception, and economic necessity. Retailers are enhancing their private label strategies, including product innovation, marketing, and exclusive products. This trend is expected to continue as inflation remains a concern.
Read more about 30 signs your relationship won’t last
Read more about 30 signs your relationship won’t last

30 signs your relationship won’t last

May 28, 2024
Read more about 30 signs your relationship won’t last
Read more about 30 signs your relationship won’t last
A relationship may be heading towards an end due to 30 signs. These include constant arguments, lack of trust, poor communication, feeling neglected, different future goals, lack of intimacy, criticism, dishonesty, jealousy, unresolved past issues, financial conflicts, and different values. Avoidance of conflict, controlling behaviour, emotional withdrawal, inconsistent effort, comparisons, loss of respect, lack of support, unwillingness to compromise, persistent doubts, incompatible lifestyles, emotional manipulation, ignoring boundaries, lack of shared interests, growing apart, frequent breakups, abuse, loss of identity, and defensiveness.
Read more about 10 Foods Destroying Your Teeth & 10 That Keep Them Strong
Read more about 10 Foods Destroying Your Teeth & 10 That Keep Them Strong

10 Foods Destroying Your Teeth & 10 That Keep Them Strong

May 28, 2024
Read more about 10 Foods Destroying Your Teeth & 10 That Keep Them Strong
Read more about 10 Foods Destroying Your Teeth & 10 That Keep Them Strong
White bread, soda, potato chips, hard candy, citrus fruits, ice, red wine, crackers, energy drinks, and pickles are all high in sugar and acid, which can damage teeth enamel and lead to cavities and plaque. Consuming white bread, soda, and soda at night can indicate health problems, while hard candy and sticky candy can cause tooth decay. Citrus fruits, like oranges, lemons, and grapefruit, can also impact tooth enamel, making them unsuitable for sensitive teeth. Energy drinks and pickles, combined with sugar, can also harm tooth enamel and lead to plaque build-up.
Read more about Dietician reveals the top 10 foods that make you gain weight
Read more about Dietician reveals the top 10 foods that make you gain weight

Dietician reveals the top 10 foods that make you gain weight

May 28, 2024
Read more about Dietician reveals the top 10 foods that make you gain weight
Read more about Dietician reveals the top 10 foods that make you gain weight
A US-based weight loss coach, Tayla, has revealed 10 popular foods that are'sneakily' making you gain weight, detailing how and why these items can cause the number on the scale to go up without you even realizing it. In a viral video, which has amassed over 2.5 million views, Tayla shared the top 10 foods that cause you to gain weight, including nuts, granola, and peanut butter. The diet expert advised followers to keep their hands out of granola bags, as one cup can range from 400 to 500 calories. Nuts are nutritious but should be eaten in moderation. Peanut butter is a good source of calories, but one serving is 200 calories. Dried fruit is calorie dense and often has added sugar, causing the GI tract to hate you. The sixth food on the list is pasta, which is easy to overeat. Salad dressing is another problem when forgotten to measure, and alcohol blocks the body's ability to burn body fat when consumed.