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Read more about From Underneath
Read more about From Underneath

From Underneath

Jul 25, 2024
Read more about From Underneath
Read more about From Underneath
When I look back on my life I realize I had been fighting against the current of my own life instead of going with the flow. I often find myself fighting the immensity of everything that's happened to me like a small animal fighting every wave on the surface. I wondered what if I let myself drown in my own thoughts for once? What waited for me at the bottom of everything I was up against? It was within this question that I found I was fighting nothing but figments and debris of things that were no longer happening no longer relevant no longer current.
Read more about Woe is it thee to Marry?
Read more about Woe is it thee to Marry?

Woe is it thee to Marry?

Jul 22, 2024
Read more about Woe is it thee to Marry?
Read more about Woe is it thee to Marry?
It seems marriage comes easier these days when a squealing door is left wide open. Does lust seemingly fill the mind, or did a strong women hopelessly dream too much?
Read more about Don't look back, you're not going that way
Read more about Don't look back, you're not going that way

Don't look back, you're not going that way

Jul 21, 2024
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Read more about Don't look back, you're not going that way
Every makeup has a tune to its name; to its resemblance stay true to the life you gain.


Jul 20, 2024
Positivity is very important part of our life....if a person remain positive in our life .......their life become more happy than before......if our surroundings or people are negative their clear impact upon us firstly find peace to get positivity........we can do meditation,yoga and any other exercises..... positivity makes our life more comfortable and peaceful......nothing is more important than ourself......put ourself first than others are a soul of positivity's your work to make other positive because there are many people who are disturbed.......and many negative thoughts came their mind suicide and it's our duty to spread positivity...... it only occur if we remain first make yourself positive so you can spread positivity........if you are going through mental problem, disturbance and any other problem can share it with your parents last ,it's your duty to make yourself positive and happy ........
Read more about Beautiful angel
Read more about Beautiful angel

Beautiful angel

Jul 20, 2024
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Read more about Beautiful angel
Read more about Beautiful angel
Remember the night I met an angel, dancing in the dark together with a romantic song from the back, admiring such an angel’s beauty wanted to give her a flower so I went to pick blue ones because it was shining her like a perfect piece of art. Now I am dancing alone in the dark with those blue flowers since that woman left.
Read more about How full a moon feeds off
Read more about How full a moon feeds off

How full a moon feeds off

Jul 20, 2024
Read more about How full a moon feeds off
Read more about How full a moon feeds off
Where the full moon meets the horizon; to send a kiss to the night sky.


Jul 19, 2024
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The unforgiving wrinkles of my skin delivering lines of poetry against an unwilling story weathered by the storms that have no end, of judgment despite one bad decision turns into a mountain of rubbish, disguised as gold; my goal turned into self-pity with a form of medication that steals my teeth and rotted my face but life is now a haze of a bearable state;
Read more about Curiosity Unleashed: Dive into My World
Read more about Curiosity Unleashed: Dive into My World

Curiosity Unleashed: Dive into My World

Jul 18, 2024
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Read more about Curiosity Unleashed: Dive into My World
Read more about Curiosity Unleashed: Dive into My World
Explore my world through photography, where each click captures emotions and memories, from childhood discoveries to serene landscapes. Music is my daily companion, with "Who Says" by Selena Gomez uplifting me with its empowering message. Books like the Selection series offer escape into romance and empowerment. Join the conversation and share your passions as we connect and explore together.
Read more about The crow and the snake
Read more about The crow and the snake

The crow and the snake

Jul 18, 2024
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Read more about The crow and the snake
Read more about The crow and the snake
It's a beautiful poem related to the picture.
Read more about This world to you. (poem)
Read more about This world to you. (poem)

This world to you. (poem)

Jul 16, 2024
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Read more about This world to you. (poem)
Read more about This world to you. (poem)
Three words, One tear. There is no one more than you, my dear. Even on nights as cold as blue, My eyes will never cease to follow you. I shed a tear, one for each heart, Hearts that belong to you, no fault. Even on nights as cold as the moon, I will never stop loving you. For you are mine, and that's a promise, That I'll never try to break Held by your arms, the stars shined upon us. And on our lips fall snowflakes. <3
Read more about I Became His
Read more about I Became His

I Became His

Jul 16, 2024
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Read more about I Became His
Read more about I Became His
He told me the hardest part would be the next few months, during my training period. I would have to completely change my mindset, and that doesn’t happen without time and discipline. He put his hands around my head and kissed me softly on my unwilling lips before stomping up the stairs; leaving me in the cold darkness... Many Months Later… He’d only ever treated me as his platonic slave. He only ever ordered me to bath myself, although he did have me strip and do things in the nude. I admitted to myself that I wanted him to touch me.


Jul 16, 2024
This poem is intended to lit the motivation to chase the dreams !
Read more about Every raindrop tells a story
Read more about Every raindrop tells a story

Every raindrop tells a story

Jul 16, 2024
Read more about Every raindrop tells a story
Read more about Every raindrop tells a story
When it rains, let the thunder in. And when it pours, grab the bucket. You might just get what you've been praying for all of a sudden.
Read more about A Berry Blue day
Read more about A Berry Blue day

A Berry Blue day

Jul 15, 2024
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Read more about A Berry Blue day
Read more about A Berry Blue day
On a blue day, something stirrs inside that makes you want to GO GREEN. A poem to remind you it's okay to be okay too.

Words Hurt

Jul 14, 2024
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Words Hurt is about people bullying others through words that are mean and hurtful.
Read more about Life
Read more about Life


Jul 13, 2024
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Read more about Life
Read more about Life
Summary: Effective time management is crucial for personal and professional success but comes with challenges such as prioritization issues, procrastination, interruptions, overcommitment, and lack of planning. To overcome these challenges, individuals can implement strategies like setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks using frameworks like the Eisenhower Matrix, creating schedules, minimizing distractions, delegating or outsourcing tasks, practicing time blocking, and learning to say no when necessary. These practices help improve productivity, reduce stress, and foster a more organized approach to achieving goals.
Read more about Finally goodbye to the ones I love dearly
Read more about Finally goodbye to the ones I love dearly

Finally goodbye to the ones I love dearly

Jul 13, 2024
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Read more about Finally goodbye to the ones I love dearly
Read more about Finally goodbye to the ones I love dearly
I imagine being on my deathbed and having this note on hand to tell everyone standing around my deathbed
Read more about Souls of Sisters: The Unveiling
Read more about Souls of Sisters: The Unveiling

Souls of Sisters: The Unveiling

Jul 13, 2024
Read more about Souls of Sisters: The Unveiling
Read more about Souls of Sisters: The Unveiling
Strip away all shades of me, use me as droplets of your imagination diluting your pockets of all capital inflation, I strain to be worthy of the instrumentals playing between your legs mastering beats of pleasure more explicit than bedroom escapades.

Unfolded Love

Jul 12, 2024

Silent Confessions

Jul 12, 2024
"Do you know how much pain I'm in? It's a question I whisper into the emptiness, hoping for an echo that never comes. The weight of my thoughts crushes me, yet there's no one to turn to, no one to share these burdens with. Each breath feels like a struggle, a constant reminder of the love that once was. In love, they say, breathing becomes a burden when you realize the depths of the hurt you've inflicted. And here I am, drowning in the guilt and sorrow of the pain I've caused, unsure if I'll ever find relief or forgiveness."