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Read more about Tell Me Pretty Little Lies
Read more about Tell Me Pretty Little Lies

Tell Me Pretty Little Lies

Jul 26, 2024
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Read more about Tell Me Pretty Little Lies
Read more about Tell Me Pretty Little Lies
This is a poem about not being able to accept the happiness and peace when you finally heal and find someone.
Read more about Hamster Playground: A Delightful Experience
Read more about Hamster Playground: A Delightful Experience

Hamster Playground: A Delightful Experience

Jul 25, 2024
Read more about Hamster Playground: A Delightful Experience
Read more about Hamster Playground: A Delightful Experience
Hamster Playground, by Cheeky Rodents, is an indie simulation game where you design and manage a hamster habitat. Starting with a simple enclosure, players expand their playground, unlock new features, and discover hamster species with unique traits. Customization options abound, allowing for intricate tunnels, nests, and obstacle courses. Care involves feeding, entertainment, and health through mini-games. The charming, hand-drawn art and soothing soundtrack enhance the experience. With its blend of pet care, building, and strategy, Hamster Playground is engaging and intuitive. Endless customization and updates ensure high replayability, making it perfect for fans of virtual pet games. Dive in and create a hamster paradise!
Read more about Hampster Playground: A Delightful Virtual Pet Experience
Read more about Hampster Playground: A Delightful Virtual Pet Experience

Hampster Playground: A Delightful Virtual Pet Experience

Jul 25, 2024
Read more about Hampster Playground: A Delightful Virtual Pet Experience
Read more about Hampster Playground: A Delightful Virtual Pet Experience
Hamster Playground, by Cheeky Rodents, is an indie simulation game where you design and manage a hamster habitat. Starting with a simple enclosure, players expand their playground, unlock new features, and discover hamster species with unique traits. Customization options abound, allowing for intricate tunnels, nests, and obstacle courses. Care involves feeding, entertainment, and health through mini-games. The charming, hand-drawn art and soothing soundtrack enhance the experience. With its blend of pet care, building, and strategy, Hamster Playground is engaging and intuitive. Endless customization and updates ensure high replayability, making it perfect for fans of virtual pet games. Dive in and create a hamster paradise!
Read more about I’m solid your see through
Read more about I’m solid your see through

Hollow motions

Jul 24, 2024
Depression heartbreak loneliness alone forever
Read more about Motivate &Inspire❤️
Read more about Motivate &Inspire❤️

Motivate &Inspire❤️

Jul 23, 2024
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Read more about Motivate &Inspire❤️
Read more about Motivate &Inspire❤️
Here to remind you how loved and needed you are. To Motivate & Inspire you. To remind you that you are enough!

Star Wars: Acolyte - What went Wrong?

Jul 22, 2024
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This will be the first part in my Acolyte - What went Wrong? series. Here I will take a look at what I believe went wrong for the series. I will examine everything and stack it up against Star Wars lore. I plan to do in-depth character looks and analysis. This first note is free, just to give you a taste of what is to come and if you like please subscribe.
Read more about Green Chilli
Read more about Green Chilli

Green Chilli

Jul 22, 2024
Read more about Green Chilli
Read more about Green Chilli
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Read more about The Island of Whispers
Read more about The Island of Whispers

The Island of Whispers

Jul 22, 2024
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Read more about The Island of Whispers
Read more about The Island of Whispers
The island appeared like a dream, an ethereal paradise with unending grains of golden sand as if the whole island was made of gold itself. The shimmering blue waters sparkled in the sunlight, encircling the island and thundering into a pool like a gigantic waterspout. But beneath this beautiful facade lay secrets, waiting to be uncovered. Five teenagers, each with their own secrets and troubled pasts, found themselves washed ashore after a violent storm. There was Alex, the daring leader who always had a plan; Jenny, whose keen intuition often bordered on the supernatural; Mark, the tech genius who could hack into any system; Rachel, the empath with a mysterious connection to the island; and Ben, the quiet artist whose drawings often foreshadowed future events.
Read more about The True Meaning Of Love
Read more about The True Meaning Of Love

The True Meaning Of Love

Jul 22, 2024
Read more about The True Meaning Of Love
Read more about The True Meaning Of Love
This us about what true love is, in my opinion if you really want something you should fight for it no matter what it is. Follow your heart.

My haunted past

Jul 21, 2024
This is just a song that I wrote using ai song generator with a poem I wrote


Jul 20, 2024
Positivity is very important part of our life....if a person remain positive in our life .......their life become more happy than before......if our surroundings or people are negative their clear impact upon us firstly find peace to get positivity........we can do meditation,yoga and any other exercises..... positivity makes our life more comfortable and peaceful......nothing is more important than ourself......put ourself first than others are a soul of positivity's your work to make other positive because there are many people who are disturbed.......and many negative thoughts came their mind suicide and it's our duty to spread positivity...... it only occur if we remain first make yourself positive so you can spread positivity........if you are going through mental problem, disturbance and any other problem can share it with your parents last ,it's your duty to make yourself positive and happy ........
Read more about New Post: Different title for this Note is The lifter of Men!
Read more about New Post: Different title for this Note is The lifter of Men!

New Post: Different title for this Note is The lifter of Men!

Jul 19, 2024
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Read more about New Post: Different title for this Note is The lifter of Men!
Read more about New Post: Different title for this Note is The lifter of Men!
A FRIEND FOR THE LONELY Men are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges;I built bridges; every Dick and Harry came in and made me crowdy;Yet, I found no Friend in them: My head became rowdy and almost knocked down; My heart pants and longs for a Friend, but got none.I needed someone who could hold my hands;When my own strength fails,Surrounded by so many of them, but none fits into my Heart.What a life! Then, I realized that two is a company, But, three is a crowd, so I said; That which I dreaded most overtook me ;Then, I became a wreck when I realized I had no Friend; All around me were mere spectators,Watching and waiting for what would become of me; What a Friend we have in Jesus! I taught my heart to look up to Jesus;Then, I found sweetest relief.We are often troubled, but not crushed; Sometimes in doubt, but never in despair;Though surrounded by enemies,But was never without a Friend;Though badly hurt at times, But we were never destroyed.
Read more about Curiosity Unleashed: Dive into My World
Read more about Curiosity Unleashed: Dive into My World

Curiosity Unleashed: Dive into My World

Jul 18, 2024
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Read more about Curiosity Unleashed: Dive into My World
Read more about Curiosity Unleashed: Dive into My World
Explore my world through photography, where each click captures emotions and memories, from childhood discoveries to serene landscapes. Music is my daily companion, with "Who Says" by Selena Gomez uplifting me with its empowering message. Books like the Selection series offer escape into romance and empowerment. Join the conversation and share your passions as we connect and explore together.
Read more about Take Care Cafe
Read more about Take Care Cafe

Take Care Cafe

Jul 17, 2024
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Read more about Take Care Cafe
Read more about Take Care Cafe
Drunk Coffee'24 - EP1, featuring Take Care Cafe.
Read more about How to grow and Get Monetized on Tiktok.
Read more about How to grow and Get Monetized on Tiktok.

How to grow and Get Monetized on Tiktok.

Jul 16, 2024
Read more about How to grow and Get Monetized on Tiktok.
Read more about How to grow and Get Monetized on Tiktok.
Posting consistently on tiktok without getting any engagement could be very hurtful and excruciating especially when trying to make money from the short video form platform.


Jul 16, 2024
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The attempted assassination of any public figure, regardless of their political beliefs or actions is never okay and should always be considered a condemnable act that strikes at our principles not only as Americans but as human beings. Political disagreements will always exist in any society but resorting to violence is never justified.
Read more about Intro to mushrooms
Read more about Intro to mushrooms

Intro to mushrooms

Jul 16, 2024
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Read more about Intro to mushrooms
Read more about Intro to mushrooms
What is a mushroom?
Read more about How time affects everything
Read more about How time affects everything

How time affects everything

Jul 14, 2024
Read more about How time affects everything
Read more about How time affects everything
Time is something we simply can’t stop or mold for our own use. To its very core we have to accept it and move on
Read more about Silent Crime
Read more about Silent Crime

Silent Crime

Jul 14, 2024
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Read more about Silent Crime
Read more about Silent Crime
The Shades Of Life. It's poetry about the bad things that happen in life, such as the following: Abuse, Depression, and Death.