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Read more about The Forgotten Kingdom
Read more about The Forgotten Kingdom

The Forgotten Kingdom

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about The Forgotten Kingdom
Read more about The Forgotten Kingdom
The forest was dense, the sunlight filtering through the thick canopy of leaves in dappled patches. Elara trudged along the narrow path, her breath coming in quick, nervous gasps. The weight of her discovery was heavy on her shoulders. She was not just an ordinary young woman—she was the heir to a forgotten, magical kingdom. Her companion, a small, golden-furred creature with bright, intelligent eyes, scurried beside her.
Read more about The Last Flight
Read more about The Last Flight

The Last Flight

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about The Last Flight
Read more about The Last Flight
That’s when I saw him—a man in his mid-thirties, shifty-eyed, and overly cautious about his carry-on. He was in seat 16C, and every few minutes, he glanced nervously towards the cockpit. The plane took off smoothly, and once we were at cruising altitude, the cabin lights dimmed. I pretended to read a book but kept my eyes on the man. It wasn’t long before he got up, casually making his way to the restroom.
Read more about The Wedding Crasher
Read more about The Wedding Crasher

The Wedding Crasher

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about The Wedding Crasher
Read more about The Wedding Crasher
I’ve always believed that love is like an orchestra. Every note, every instrument, every pause has to be in perfect harmony for it to work. But today, the symphony of love seemed out of tune, and I was about to crash a wedding to prove it. The ballroom of the Grand Pavilion was decorated in opulent shades of gold and cream, the kind of place where fairy tales are made. Crystal chandeliers sparkled overhead, and every table was adorned with intricate floral arrangements. As I stood at the entrance, I could feel the nervous energy radiating off me.
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Chapter 1

Jul 24, 2024
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The beginning of Leiah's story.
Read more about The Island of Whispers
Read more about The Island of Whispers

The Island of Whispers

Jul 22, 2024
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Read more about The Island of Whispers
Read more about The Island of Whispers
The island appeared like a dream, an ethereal paradise with unending grains of golden sand as if the whole island was made of gold itself. The shimmering blue waters sparkled in the sunlight, encircling the island and thundering into a pool like a gigantic waterspout. But beneath this beautiful facade lay secrets, waiting to be uncovered. Five teenagers, each with their own secrets and troubled pasts, found themselves washed ashore after a violent storm. There was Alex, the daring leader who always had a plan; Jenny, whose keen intuition often bordered on the supernatural; Mark, the tech genius who could hack into any system; Rachel, the empath with a mysterious connection to the island; and Ben, the quiet artist whose drawings often foreshadowed future events.
Read more about The impartial Father
Read more about The impartial Father

The impartial Father

Jul 22, 2024
Read more about The impartial Father
Read more about The impartial Father
HE RESERVES THE BESTFOR THE LAST. “And Abraham gave all that he had unto Isaac. But unto the sons of the concubines, which Abraham had, Abraham gave gifts...” Genesis 25:5-6 KJV Abraham, our father of faith had two sons – Ishmael, and Isaac ( the son of promise). Like our earthly fathers have favourites among their children, so our heavenly Father. He has his own way of relating with everyone of us. The Psalmist realized this when he prayed; “Keep me as the apple of Your eye; Hide me under the shadow of Your wings” Psalms 17: 8. God is impartial, but it's your personal relationship with him that will determined the portion you will occupy in His heart. Cornelius, a centurion, had not accepted Christ at that time, but he was a just man who was given to prayers, and his family, and he gave alms generously. And God accepted his sacrifice and gave him the Grace of meeting with Peter. But before then, God gave Peter a vision which demonstrated that God shows no partiality to anyone
Read more about What is Amazon KDP, and How can it help you earn money Passively?
Read more about What is Amazon KDP, and How can it help you earn money Passively?

What is Amazon KDP, and How can it help you earn money Passively?

Jul 21, 2024
Read more about What is Amazon KDP, and How can it help you earn money Passively?
Read more about What is Amazon KDP, and How can it help you earn money Passively?
What is Canva and how you can sign up for canva for free and utilize all there tools to help you earn passivly through Amazon KDP
Read more about What is Amazon KDP, and How can it help you earn money Passively?
Read more about What is Amazon KDP, and How can it help you earn money Passively?

What is Amazon KDP, and How can it help you earn money Passively?

Jul 21, 2024
Read more about What is Amazon KDP, and How can it help you earn money Passively?
Read more about What is Amazon KDP, and How can it help you earn money Passively?
What is Amazon KDP, how to get started, website i use for free to create all my low content books, how to publish your books, how to be sold on amazon marketplace, steps i use to promote my work and how it can earn money for you passivly!
Read more about Chapter 1
Read more about Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Jul 19, 2024
Read more about Chapter 1
Read more about Chapter 1
Alaric almost relaxed when they pulled into the school parking lot. The slam of the door caught his attention. He watched Felix storm toward the large school building, before tensing. Why did his mother look like she was about to cry? "Mom?" She looked at him through the rear view mirror and he bristled. Although she hastily wiped her eyes, there was no disguising the liquid sheen. He grabbed his backpack and yanked open the door, nearly slamming it shut behind him. His boots pounded across the asphalt as he rushed after Felix. The slam of his backpack hitting the ground was followed by a loud thud as he lunged toward his brother. But before he could reach Felix, a pair of tanned palms hit his chest, holding him back.
Read more about New Post: Different title for this Note is The lifter of Men!
Read more about New Post: Different title for this Note is The lifter of Men!

New Post: Different title for this Note is The lifter of Men!

Jul 19, 2024
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Read more about New Post: Different title for this Note is The lifter of Men!
Read more about New Post: Different title for this Note is The lifter of Men!
A FRIEND FOR THE LONELY Men are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges;I built bridges; every Dick and Harry came in and made me crowdy;Yet, I found no Friend in them: My head became rowdy and almost knocked down; My heart pants and longs for a Friend, but got none.I needed someone who could hold my hands;When my own strength fails,Surrounded by so many of them, but none fits into my Heart.What a life! Then, I realized that two is a company, But, three is a crowd, so I said; That which I dreaded most overtook me ;Then, I became a wreck when I realized I had no Friend; All around me were mere spectators,Watching and waiting for what would become of me; What a Friend we have in Jesus! I taught my heart to look up to Jesus;Then, I found sweetest relief.We are often troubled, but not crushed; Sometimes in doubt, but never in despair;Though surrounded by enemies,But was never without a Friend;Though badly hurt at times, But we were never destroyed.
Read more about Curiosity Unleashed: Dive into My World
Read more about Curiosity Unleashed: Dive into My World

Curiosity Unleashed: Dive into My World

Jul 18, 2024
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Read more about Curiosity Unleashed: Dive into My World
Read more about Curiosity Unleashed: Dive into My World
Explore my world through photography, where each click captures emotions and memories, from childhood discoveries to serene landscapes. Music is my daily companion, with "Who Says" by Selena Gomez uplifting me with its empowering message. Books like the Selection series offer escape into romance and empowerment. Join the conversation and share your passions as we connect and explore together.
Read more about How to grow and Get Monetized on Tiktok.
Read more about How to grow and Get Monetized on Tiktok.

How to grow and Get Monetized on Tiktok.

Jul 16, 2024
Read more about How to grow and Get Monetized on Tiktok.
Read more about How to grow and Get Monetized on Tiktok.
Posting consistently on tiktok without getting any engagement could be very hurtful and excruciating especially when trying to make money from the short video form platform.


Jul 16, 2024
This poem is intended to lit the motivation to chase the dreams !
Read more about Beginning a book but don't know where to begin
Read more about Beginning a book but don't know where to begin

Beginning a book but don't know where to begin

Jul 15, 2024
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Read more about Beginning a book but don't know where to begin
Read more about Beginning a book but don't know where to begin
I need a bit of universal brain power
Read more about Silent Crime
Read more about Silent Crime

Silent Crime

Jul 14, 2024
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Read more about Silent Crime
Read more about Silent Crime
The Shades Of Life. It's poetry about the bad things that happen in life, such as the following: Abuse, Depression, and Death.
Read more about Non-Corporal Punishment
Read more about Non-Corporal Punishment

Non-Corporal Punishment

Jul 14, 2024
Read more about Non-Corporal Punishment
Read more about Non-Corporal Punishment
Stephan and Isla were running around, up after their bedtime. As usual, they were making a bunch of noise after 2000, an hour and a ½ after their usual bedtime. Their mother Sylus was trying to get them to calm down and off their tablets that they were running around with. The annoyance was clear in the protruding veins in her neck and forehead. The younger silver-eyed boy (Stephan) stuck his tongue out at his similarly coloured female counterpart. The blue-eyed girl snatched the tablet from her brown-haired counterpart and laughed as she ran around the couch. An annoyed Sylus was just waiting for them to just wear themselves out so she could put them to bed. No amount of yelling would help the situation and her kids hadn’t done anything too serious, at the very least, nothing to warrant anything more than a stern talking-to.


Jul 13, 2024
We are yours, O rich, yet when we call, You vanish, leaving us to fall. You flaunt your wealth with pride so vain, As if it’s yours to forever claim. Your callous heart, your selfish ways, Can never shine in human’s praise. A body bloated, greed’s cruel hand, Has crushed the poor across this land. Your promises, a cruel disguise, Have left the poor to agonize. With all your wealth, you'll die in shame, Your deeds condemned, a wretched name. The grave will be your final bed, With snakes and scorpions 'round your head. Your wealth and towers can’t redeem, The pain you've caused, the broken dream. You spit on poor with hidden scorn, Yet mask it with a smile, forlorn. Why not reveal your truth, so cold? We see the lie, the story told. We may depart before your end, But justice waits, and will attend. So go, O rich, your fate is clear, God stands with poor, their hearts sincere. By Aadil Ahad ( 143)

Unfolded Love

Jul 12, 2024
Read more about Three nights before Halloween chapter 5
Read more about Three nights before Halloween chapter 5

Three nights before Halloween chapter 5

Jul 12, 2024
Read more about Three nights before Halloween chapter 5
Read more about Three nights before Halloween chapter 5
The introduction of the other side and spotlight demons takes you one step closer to the truth.