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Addictive personalities I

Jul 27, 2024
Having an addictive personality can manifest in various ways, each unique to the individual. Some people may find themselves addicted to substances like drugs or alcohol, while others may struggle with addictive behaviors such as gambling or shopping. Regardless of the specific manifestation, addictive personalities often share common traits, such as impulsivity, difficulty regulating emotions, and a tendency to seek out pleasure and avoid pain. It's important to understand that addiction is a complex and multifaceted issue that can impact anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background.

My World Poem 1

Jul 26, 2024
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This is a poem that's part of a series talking about a love that I once had. I hope you enjoy.
Read more about My World Series Poem 1
Read more about My World Series Poem 1

My World Series Poem 1

Jul 26, 2024
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Read more about My World Series Poem 1
Read more about My World Series Poem 1
This is a poem that's part of a series talking about a love that I once had. I hope you enjoy.
Read more about Tell Me Pretty Little Lies
Read more about Tell Me Pretty Little Lies

Tell Me Pretty Little Lies

Jul 26, 2024
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Read more about Tell Me Pretty Little Lies
Read more about Tell Me Pretty Little Lies
This is a poem about not being able to accept the happiness and peace when you finally heal and find someone.

My hair care and why its so important to me

Jul 26, 2024
Im just gonna be open and talk about how some of the simple things in life make me happy.

Introduction to reviews

Jul 26, 2024
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We all want what we want ! And we want good reviews!
Read more about Prior to Obesity
Read more about Prior to Obesity

Prior to Obesity

Jul 25, 2024
Read more about Prior to Obesity
Read more about Prior to Obesity
The Beginning...
Read more about From Underneath
Read more about From Underneath

From Underneath

Jul 25, 2024
Read more about From Underneath
Read more about From Underneath
When I look back on my life I realize I had been fighting against the current of my own life instead of going with the flow. I often find myself fighting the immensity of everything that's happened to me like a small animal fighting every wave on the surface. I wondered what if I let myself drown in my own thoughts for once? What waited for me at the bottom of everything I was up against? It was within this question that I found I was fighting nothing but figments and debris of things that were no longer happening no longer relevant no longer current.

A day in the life of me

Jul 24, 2024
Have you ever wondered what the day in the life of a 21 Omnisexual trans man who's just recently started therapy, taking meds and trying to get a job well strap in cause I'm about to make it all about me
Read more about Inability to Communicate
Read more about Inability to Communicate

Inability to Communicate

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about Inability to Communicate
Read more about Inability to Communicate
Communication is key and yet, it seems it is one we have lost. Too much rage, pain, hate, distrust...just too much negative. Not near enough solution. Where do we go from here? With so much distorting the world does anyone know where to even begin?
Read more about Subjective beauty and human perceptions
Read more about Subjective beauty and human perceptions

Subjective beauty and human perceptions

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about Subjective beauty and human perceptions
Read more about Subjective beauty and human perceptions
How can we label someone as collectively attractive or unattractive when everyone experiences only their own unique reality? I argue that it's impossible and I question why we don't appreciate human uniqueness as we do with nature.
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2

Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2
My Kind of Summer, scents, sounds and smells...
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2

Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2
Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2: My Kind of Summer.
Read more about You GOAL girl!
Read more about You GOAL girl!

You GOAL girl!

Jul 24, 2024
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Read more about You GOAL girl!
Read more about You GOAL girl!
Your mind may take you places you do not want to go, so take your next steps to shadow your unweighted glow.
Read more about Please help our family battle Cancer !!
Read more about Please help our family battle Cancer !!

Please help our family battle Cancer !!

Jul 24, 2024
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Read more about Please help our family battle Cancer !!
Read more about Please help our family battle Cancer !!
November of 2023 my fiancee Thomas was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic adenocarcinoma (lung cancer) as well as bone cancer and pneumonia. We were completely unprepared for such a sudden and terminal diagnosis at that time. We had just become homeless due to my being unable to work as I was and still am his ONLY out of facility care provider. He was taken by ambulance to Sioux Falls, South Dakota which is where we spent our Christmas. We have since secured a small one bedroom apartment. We met In church in Marshall, MN and have been engaged for 6 years. We have 3 amazing daughters ages 21, 16 & 9 years old. Tom has not been able to see his mom or the rest of his family in Texas for over 20 years unfortunately. and we are hoping to raise funding for he and I to go for a week so he can see his family and we can have his mom and family present when we exchange vows. It would be life'changing We are using cashapp primarily as other platforms charge a percentage of donations. $helpfundhope
Read more about The Beginning
Read more about The Beginning

The Beginning

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about The Beginning
Read more about The Beginning
Come on a journey that proves that what is thought is just a myth is actually real. There is more dangers that are real but also the rewords are just as much real. So join the crew and hopefully we all come back alive.
Read more about I’m solid your see through
Read more about I’m solid your see through

Hollow motions

Jul 24, 2024
Depression heartbreak loneliness alone forever

Temptation Tossed

Jul 23, 2024
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Lust verses Love
Read more about Blind Faith
Read more about Blind Faith

Blind Faith

Jul 23, 2024
Read more about Blind Faith
Read more about Blind Faith
Finding where to listen when life seems loud.