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Immigration Crisis in NYC

Jun 10, 2024
I never considered myself anti immigration but the way the government just moved almost 100,000 migrants here with no plans on how to integrate them into the city except “the tax payers will house them” makes no sense to me. 20,000 of those migrants are unvaccinated children.
Read more about A Talismanic Book
Read more about A Talismanic Book

A Talismanic Book

Feb 29, 2024
Read more about A Talismanic Book
Read more about A Talismanic Book
We have delivered the book to the owner, but may you also accept the gift of "Talismanic Book" from us...What an amazing story is this and how a student found a book and what was inside of that book that compelled him to contact to the writer ... all is present in this story that makes this book A TALISMATIC BOOK...

A Homeless Man's Concern and Love for Country.

Feb 08, 2024
A homeless man's love for his homeland

Migrants attack police commentary

Feb 02, 2024
My first time witnessing an assault of an officer. ... ... New idea
Read more about Train Packed with Migrants Heading to US Southern Border
Read more about Train Packed with Migrants Heading to US Southern Border

Train Packed with Migrants Heading to US Southern Border

Nov 28, 2023
Read more about Train Packed with Migrants Heading to US Southern Border
Read more about Train Packed with Migrants Heading to US Southern Border
In recent weeks, a video capturing a cargo train filled with migrants making its way toward the US southern border has gone viral. The footage depicts a perilous journey undertaken by hundreds of individuals seeking refuge and a better life in the United States. Despite the risks and challenges, these migrants bravely embark on a 750-mile trip from central Mexico to the border, defying warnings to "not come" from US officials. This article delves into the details of this alarming situation, shedding light on the motivations of these migrants and the obstacles they face along the way.

Why we are against immigration as a nation

Oct 11, 2023
After the Hamas attack read this for a penny.
Read more about Refugee(s)
Read more about Refugee(s)


Oct 09, 2023
Read more about Refugee(s)
Read more about Refugee(s)
Here is some need to know about refugees in America
Read more about Justices rule against detained immigrants seeking release
Read more about Justices rule against detained immigrants seeking release

Justices rule against detained immigrants seeking release

Jun 14, 2022
Read more about Justices rule against detained immigrants seeking release
Read more about Justices rule against detained immigrants seeking release
The Supreme Court has ruled against immigrants who are seeking their release from long periods of detention while they fight deportation orders.
Read more about UK Rwanda deportation ruling appealed as prince sparks row
Read more about UK Rwanda deportation ruling appealed as prince sparks row

UK Rwanda deportation ruling appealed as prince sparks row

Jun 13, 2022
Read more about UK Rwanda deportation ruling appealed as prince sparks row
Read more about UK Rwanda deportation ruling appealed as prince sparks row
Opponents of the British government’s plan to deport migrants to Rwanda are preparing for an appeals court hearing Monday amid the political backlash following reports that Prince Charles had privately described the policy as “appalling.”
Read more about Judge blocks Texas investigating families of trans youth
Read more about Judge blocks Texas investigating families of trans youth

Judge blocks Texas investigating families of trans youth

Jun 12, 2022
Read more about Judge blocks Texas investigating families of trans youth
Read more about Judge blocks Texas investigating families of trans youth
A Texas judge has temporarily blocked the state from investigating families of transgender children who have received gender-confirming medical care.
Read more about Biden, leaders reach migration pact despite attendance flap
Read more about Biden, leaders reach migration pact despite attendance flap

Biden, leaders reach migration pact despite attendance flap

Jun 12, 2022
Read more about Biden, leaders reach migration pact despite attendance flap
Read more about Biden, leaders reach migration pact despite attendance flap
President Joe Biden and other Western Hemisphere leaders on Friday announced what is being billed as a roadmap for countries to host large numbers of migrants and refugees.
Read more about Biden, leaders reach migration pact despite attendance flap
Read more about Biden, leaders reach migration pact despite attendance flap

Biden, leaders reach migration pact despite attendance flap

Jun 12, 2022
Read more about Biden, leaders reach migration pact despite attendance flap
Read more about Biden, leaders reach migration pact despite attendance flap
President Joe Biden and other Western Hemisphere leaders on Friday announced what is being billed as a roadmap for countries to host large numbers of migrants and refugees.
Read more about Biden seeks unity, finds discord at Summit of the Americas
Read more about Biden seeks unity, finds discord at Summit of the Americas

Biden seeks unity, finds discord at Summit of the Americas

Jun 10, 2022
Read more about Biden seeks unity, finds discord at Summit of the Americas
Read more about Biden seeks unity, finds discord at Summit of the Americas
President Joe Biden tried to present a unifying vision for the Western Hemisphere on Thursday but the Summit of the Americas quickly spilled into open discord.
Read more about Biden seeks unity, finds discord at Summit of the Americas
Read more about Biden seeks unity, finds discord at Summit of the Americas

Biden seeks unity, finds discord at Summit of the Americas

Jun 10, 2022
Read more about Biden seeks unity, finds discord at Summit of the Americas
Read more about Biden seeks unity, finds discord at Summit of the Americas
President Joe Biden tried to present a unifying vision for the Western Hemisphere on Thursday but the Summit of the Americas quickly spilled into open discord.
Read more about US sees heightened extremist threat heading into midterms
Read more about US sees heightened extremist threat heading into midterms

US sees heightened extremist threat heading into midterms

Jun 08, 2022
Read more about US sees heightened extremist threat heading into midterms
Read more about US sees heightened extremist threat heading into midterms
A looming Supreme Court decision on abortion, an increase of migrants at the U.S.-Mexico border and the midterm elections are potential triggers for extremist violence over the next six months, the Department of Homeland Security said Tuesday.
Read more about Tackling migration, Harris backs investment in Latin America
Read more about Tackling migration, Harris backs investment in Latin America

Tackling migration, Harris backs investment in Latin America

Jun 08, 2022
Read more about Tackling migration, Harris backs investment in Latin America
Read more about Tackling migration, Harris backs investment in Latin America
Vice President Kamala Harris said Tuesday that the Biden administration's work to attract investment to Central America, part of the U.S. effort to reduce migration, has generated $3.2 billion in private-sector commitments.
Read more about Court ruling extends uneven treatment for asylum-seekers
Read more about Court ruling extends uneven treatment for asylum-seekers

Court ruling extends uneven treatment for asylum-seekers

May 24, 2022
Read more about Court ruling extends uneven treatment for asylum-seekers
Read more about Court ruling extends uneven treatment for asylum-seekers
The U.S. government has expelled migrants more than 1.9 million times under Title 42, denying them a chance to seek asylum as permitted under U.S. law and international treaty for purposes of preventing the spread of COVID-19. But Title 42 is not applied evenly across nationalities.
Read more about Judge: COVID asylum restrictions must continue on border
Read more about Judge: COVID asylum restrictions must continue on border

Judge: COVID asylum restrictions must continue on border

May 21, 2022
Read more about Judge: COVID asylum restrictions must continue on border
Read more about Judge: COVID asylum restrictions must continue on border
A judge ruled on Friday to block the Biden administration’s plan to lift them early next week.
Read more about 1 in 3 fears immigrants influence US elections: AP-NORC poll
Read more about 1 in 3 fears immigrants influence US elections: AP-NORC poll

1 in 3 fears immigrants influence US elections: AP-NORC poll

May 11, 2022
Read more about 1 in 3 fears immigrants influence US elections: AP-NORC poll
Read more about 1 in 3 fears immigrants influence US elections: AP-NORC poll
With anti-immigrant rhetoric bubbling over in the leadup to this year’s critical midterm elections, about 1 in 3 U.S. adults believes an effort is underway to replace U.S.-born Americans with immigrants for electoral gains.
Read more about Less immigrant labor in US contributing to price hikes
Read more about Less immigrant labor in US contributing to price hikes

Less immigrant labor in US contributing to price hikes

May 08, 2022
Read more about Less immigrant labor in US contributing to price hikes
Read more about Less immigrant labor in US contributing to price hikes
After immigration to the United States tapered off during the Trump administration — then ground to a near complete halt for 18 months during the coronavirus pandemic — the country is waking up to a labor shortage partly fueled by that slowdown.