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Read more about Witches and Wise Women
Read more about Witches and Wise Women

Witches and Wise Women

Jun 10, 2024
Read more about Witches and Wise Women
Read more about Witches and Wise Women
It is unknown how many women were tortured and murdered during the European witch hunts, but it is estimated to be in the hundreds of thousands or even millions, when the population of Europe was much smaller than it is now.
Read more about Potential & Everything Involved
Read more about Potential & Everything Involved

Potential & Everything Involved

Jun 01, 2024
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Read more about Potential & Everything Involved
Read more about Potential & Everything Involved
A better understanding of TimberWolf

What is social networking??

Mar 18, 2024
Social networking is a term used to describe the use of internet-based platforms that allow individuals to connect, communicate, and share information with each other. It has become an integral part of our lives and has revolutionized the way we interact with others, access information, and build communities. Social networking platforms come in various types, including personal networking platforms like Facebook and Snapchat, professional networking platforms like LinkedIn, interest-based platforms like Pinterest and Reddit, multimedia-sharing platforms like Instagram and YouTube, and geolocation platforms like Foursquare and Yelp. Each type of platform caters to different needs and interests, providing users with a range of options to connect with others
Read more about Teen Talk 101: A Crash Course for Parents in Adolescent Linguistics
Read more about Teen Talk 101: A Crash Course for Parents in Adolescent Linguistics

Teen Talk 101: A Crash Course for Parents in Adolescent Linguistics

Mar 02, 2024
Read more about Teen Talk 101: A Crash Course for Parents in Adolescent Linguistics
Read more about Teen Talk 101: A Crash Course for Parents in Adolescent Linguistics
offers parents practical tips for understanding and communicating with their teens. Covering slang, abbreviations, emojis, and nonverbal cues, the blog highlights the importance of empathy and open dialogue in bridging the generation gap.
Read more about A Resurgence of Online Communities
Read more about A Resurgence of Online Communities

A Resurgence of Online Communities

Oct 14, 2023
Read more about A Resurgence of Online Communities
Read more about A Resurgence of Online Communities
In the early days of the internet, Bulletin Board Systems (BBS) served as the primary platform for online communication and interaction. These text-based forums allowed users to connect, discuss various topics, and share files before the widespread use of World Wide Web. However, with the advent of mainstream internet service providers like AOL and Compuserve, BBS seemingly faded into obscurity. Despite this, BBS has recently experienced a remarkable comeback, with new programs and a growing user base.

Remembering the old days,

Oct 14, 2023
Remembering the old days, I often find myself thinking about the various chat platforms that were popular in the 1990s. From BBS to AOL, Compuserve, Prodigy, GEnie, and IRC, there were so many options to connect with people around the world. It's fascinating to see how these platforms have evolved over time, with some even making a comeback. In particular, IRC has been gaining popularity once again, and it's interesting to explore why people are gravitating towards it.
Read more about My opinion! The Mountain is You!
Read more about My opinion! The Mountain is You!

My opinion! The Mountain is You!

Oct 12, 2023
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Read more about My opinion! The Mountain is You!
Read more about My opinion! The Mountain is You!
If you struggle with moving forward or seem to be stuck in life this book by Brianna Wiest is just for you! As soon as you read that first page it grabs your attention and helps you connect feelings with logic. As someone who struggles with “anxiety” this book has absolutely helped me not allow anxiety to take over my life. You have control over your life and that’s the ONLY thing you have control of you shouldn’t worry too much about what other people think. Trust me and give this book a try if you are trying to improve your life abundantly!!
Read more about DELE GIWA
Read more about DELE GIWA


Oct 12, 2023
Read more about DELE GIWA
Read more about DELE GIWA
This song is a nigeria n writer called dele giwa and dimka: am giwa am giwa am giwa.dele giwa am giwa am giwa am giwa am giwa dele giwa. am giwa am giwa am giwa dele giwa ami,am giwa am giwa am giwa dele giwa, rude boy, rude boy boy


Oct 12, 2023
There have been many important inventors throughout history, but only a handful are usually recognized simply by their last name. This shortlist is of some of the esteemed inventors who are responsible for major innovations such as the printing press, the light bulb, television and, yes, even the iPhone. The following is a gallery of the most popular inventors as determined by reader usage and research demand. Read on to learn more about these well-known, influential inventors.

The Unique Perspective of an Independent Reverend

Oct 12, 2023
Being an independent reverend, aspiring science fiction writer, and someone seeking to fund their upcoming wedding, I find myself constantly challenged to prioritize and balance my various interests and responsibilities. In this essay, I will discuss my personal philosophy, which incorporates elements of Gnosticism, Primitive Baptism, and Charismatic Trinity Pentecostalism. Additionally, I will explore how my psychology degree complements my diverse perspectives, allowing me to approach both spiritual and secular matters with a unique viewpoint.

The Importance of Etiquette

Oct 12, 2023
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in traditional relationships, with the rise of trad-wives and men embracing traditional values. While the controversy surrounding this lifestyle remains a topic of debate, it is essential to address the needs and desires of individuals seeking a traditional dynamic. In this essay, I will provide some advice on cultivating a traditional relationship by focusing on two key elements: etiquette and fashion.

Let's talk about IRC

Oct 12, 2023
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Let's talk about IRC. I tried it back in the day, and it was a little complicated for my simple mind to figure out. However, a few years ago, I decided to give it another shot because I truly miss the chatroom experience. In my opinion, no social media site, from the big ones to the newer alternatives, can recreate the unique atmosphere of chatrooms.

good old American Online days of the '90s

Oct 12, 2023
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Ah, the good old American Online days of the '90s. I find myself reminiscing about those times often, taking a stroll down memory lane and indulging in a wave of nostalgia. There are many things I miss about those early days, but one aspect that stands out to me is the chatrooms. Oh, the chatrooms! They were the heart and soul of AOL, offering a virtual space where people from all walks of life could gather and connect.

Here was the plan, But that plan that never happened, Unexpected Characters

Oct 11, 2023
In the process of crafting stories, authors typically focus on developing their main characters, antagonists, and protagonists as well as their inner circle of tertiary characters. However, there are instances where unexpected characters emerge, defying initial expectations and becoming integral to the plot. These characters often possess unique histories, personalities, and roles that were not initially envisioned. This essay explores the phenomenon of unexpected characters and their significant contributions to fictional universes.
Read more about The day i met your great grandma
Read more about The day i met your great grandma

The day i met your great grandma

Oct 11, 2023
Read more about The day i met your great grandma
Read more about The day i met your great grandma
There she was, on t'other side o' th'bridge, With th'risin' sun, o'er th'ocean's ridge, A sliver peeked out, castin' rays so fine, Creepin' eerily 'round her, makin' her shine.

I miss the old internet

Oct 11, 2023
The internet has undoubtedly evolved over the years, bringing numerous advancements and changes to the way we interact and access information. However, amidst all this progress, there are certain aspects of the old internet that we can't help but miss. One such element is the terminology surrounding internet usage. Gone are the days when we used to say, "I'm going to surf the internet" or "browse the information superhighway."
Read more about THE PUPPET
Read more about THE PUPPET


Oct 10, 2023
Read more about THE PUPPET
Read more about THE PUPPET


Oct 10, 2023
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