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Read more about Tell Me Pretty Little Lies
Read more about Tell Me Pretty Little Lies

Tell Me Pretty Little Lies

Jul 26, 2024
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Read more about Tell Me Pretty Little Lies
Read more about Tell Me Pretty Little Lies
This is a poem about not being able to accept the happiness and peace when you finally heal and find someone.

Introduction to reviews

Jul 26, 2024
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We all want what we want ! And we want good reviews!
Read more about Chapter 1
Read more about Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about Chapter 1
Read more about Chapter 1
The beginning of Leiah's story.

Not Going Back By TR Kamau

Jul 23, 2024
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I wrote this when I was heated & I don't remember why I was mad but I do feel the power in the words.
Read more about The True Meaning Of Love
Read more about The True Meaning Of Love

The True Meaning Of Love

Jul 22, 2024
Read more about The True Meaning Of Love
Read more about The True Meaning Of Love
This us about what true love is, in my opinion if you really want something you should fight for it no matter what it is. Follow your heart.
Read more about PROLOGUE
Read more about PROLOGUE


Jul 20, 2024
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Read more about PROLOGUE
Read more about PROLOGUE


Jul 19, 2024
This is the prologue of a story i am currently writing. Which you can find on Ao3 and Wattpad. Enjoy!
Read more about Atmosphere
Read more about Atmosphere


Jul 18, 2024
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Read more about Atmosphere
Read more about Atmosphere
This poem reflects on a lifelong love story that began in youth, navigating through separations and reunions shaped by fate. It captures the nostalgia of revisiting past memories and places, evoking emotions of longing and a deep, enduring connection. Ultimately, it finds peace and clarity in the present, celebrating a love that has persisted and grown stronger over time.
Read more about "Kim and Khloe Kardashian Show Their Heart!!!!! Wow
Read more about "Kim and Khloe Kardashian Show Their Heart!!!!! Wow

"Kim and Khloe Kardashian Show Their Heart!!!!! Wow

Jul 18, 2024
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Read more about "Kim and Khloe Kardashian Show Their Heart!!!!! Wow
Read more about "Kim and Khloe Kardashian Show Their Heart!!!!! Wow
Kim and Khloe Kardashian, often synonymous with luxury and high fashion, recently embarked on a trip to Mumbai that showcased their commitment to giving back and connecting with cultures far from their Los Angeles home. The Kardashians' visit to Mumbai was a profound spiritual journey. The sisters visited a local temple, participating in traditional rituals and learning about the rich history and customs of the community. This visit underscored their respect for diverse cultures and genuine interest in understanding and appreciating traditions. Kim and Khloe also dedicated part of their trip to making a tangible difference in the lives of children. They visited a local shelter, rolling up their sleeves to serve food to underprivileged children. This heartfelt gesture highlighted their desire to give back and use their platform for good.
Read more about This world to you. (poem)
Read more about This world to you. (poem)

This world to you. (poem)

Jul 16, 2024
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Read more about This world to you. (poem)
Read more about This world to you. (poem)
Three words, One tear. There is no one more than you, my dear. Even on nights as cold as blue, My eyes will never cease to follow you. I shed a tear, one for each heart, Hearts that belong to you, no fault. Even on nights as cold as the moon, I will never stop loving you. For you are mine, and that's a promise, That I'll never try to break Held by your arms, the stars shined upon us. And on our lips fall snowflakes. <3
Read more about Where The Crows Meet
Read more about Where The Crows Meet

Where The Crows Meet

Jul 16, 2024
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Read more about Where The Crows Meet
Read more about Where The Crows Meet
This poem is about healing from trauma and finding all the pieces of you that were taken along the way.
Read more about Beauty standards then and now
Read more about Beauty standards then and now

Beauty standards then and now

Jul 15, 2024
Read more about Beauty standards then and now
Read more about Beauty standards then and now
How did beauty standards go from looking like Aphrodite to looking like a freaking barbie

Why Re-electioning Trump would be the best option for the 2024 Election.

Jul 14, 2024
As we navigate through a pivotal moment in American history, the upcoming presidential election has brought about a wave of emotions and opinions. With President Trump seeking re-election and former Vice President Joe Biden as his opponent, the choice for the next leader of the United States has never been more crucial. In this heartfelt discussion, we delve into why President Trump stands out over Biden as the better candidate for the presidency.

my rape experience.

Jul 12, 2024
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When I was 15, there was a guy I met at a mental hospital. We shared similar interests. The reason for my hospital stay was unreasonable, but it was because of my flirtatious risky behaviors (possibly due to my past and my abuse), however, he also shared similar experiences. Fast forward. I meet up with him at night as I snuck out without my parents knowing, but got caught and went home. Fast forward after getting caught, my parents finally decided to let me go to his house where I was eventually raped. How it happened is undefined, but the act of rape is penetration without consent. Whether or not "I consented", it was still sexual assault due to the nature of how I didn't allow him to violate my body, but he still did anyways.
Read more about Healing from your ex(family)
Read more about Healing from your ex(family)

Healing from your ex(family)

Jul 11, 2024
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Read more about Healing from your ex(family)
Read more about Healing from your ex(family)
Trigger warning: this is a very raw poem based on my experiences in life. There are child abuse implications.
Read more about Healing from your ex(family)
Read more about Healing from your ex(family)

Healing from your ex(family)

Jul 11, 2024
Read more about Healing from your ex(family)
Read more about Healing from your ex(family)
Trigger warning: this is a very raw poem based on my experiences in life. There are child abuse implications.
Read more about Where do the children grow
Read more about Where do the children grow

Where do the children grow

Jul 11, 2024
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Read more about Where do the children grow
Read more about Where do the children grow
If only the adult mind can go as far in length as a child's mind in strength.
Read more about App evolution with AI
Read more about App evolution with AI

App evolution with AI

Jul 10, 2024
Read more about App evolution with AI
Read more about App evolution with AI
Can AI Transform the Mobile Experience? Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming mobile applications, enhancing personalization, user interface design, performance, and security. AI technologies such as Machine Learning (ML), Natural Language Processing (NLP), and Computer Vision are already integrated into apps, enabling personalized recommendations, virtual assistants, chatbots, and advanced security features like facial recognition. AI-driven personalization systems, predictive analytics, and user behavior analysis are improving user experiences by tailoring content and anticipating needs. Health and fitness apps use AI to offer personalized insights, while augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) apps benefit from AI’s real-time object recognition and interactive content capabilities. Integrating AI into mobile apps presents opportunities and challenges. Developers need expertise in AI technologies, and businesses must prioritize data privacy and ethical practices.

Motivational messages

Jul 10, 2024
My motivational messages are to inspire people to follow their dreams and never give up.
Read more about Thoughts
Read more about Thoughts


Jul 07, 2024
Read more about Thoughts
Read more about Thoughts
These thought in my head do not define me, as yours do not define you