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Who do I think I am?

Jul 26, 2024
Who do I think I am? How do I think others see me? Am I just some worthless human that hasn't had a chance to die yet or will I be something someday?
Read more about Inability to Communicate
Read more about Inability to Communicate

Inability to Communicate

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about Inability to Communicate
Read more about Inability to Communicate
Communication is key and yet, it seems it is one we have lost. Too much rage, pain, hate, distrust...just too much negative. Not near enough solution. Where do we go from here? With so much distorting the world does anyone know where to even begin?
Read more about Subjective beauty and human perceptions
Read more about Subjective beauty and human perceptions

Subjective beauty and human perceptions

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about Subjective beauty and human perceptions
Read more about Subjective beauty and human perceptions
How can we label someone as collectively attractive or unattractive when everyone experiences only their own unique reality? I argue that it's impossible and I question why we don't appreciate human uniqueness as we do with nature.
Read more about Please help our family battle Cancer !!
Read more about Please help our family battle Cancer !!

Please help our family battle Cancer !!

Jul 24, 2024
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Read more about Please help our family battle Cancer !!
Read more about Please help our family battle Cancer !!
November of 2023 my fiancee Thomas was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic adenocarcinoma (lung cancer) as well as bone cancer and pneumonia. We were completely unprepared for such a sudden and terminal diagnosis at that time. We had just become homeless due to my being unable to work as I was and still am his ONLY out of facility care provider. He was taken by ambulance to Sioux Falls, South Dakota which is where we spent our Christmas. We have since secured a small one bedroom apartment. We met In church in Marshall, MN and have been engaged for 6 years. We have 3 amazing daughters ages 21, 16 & 9 years old. Tom has not been able to see his mom or the rest of his family in Texas for over 20 years unfortunately. and we are hoping to raise funding for he and I to go for a week so he can see his family and we can have his mom and family present when we exchange vows. It would be life'changing We are using cashapp primarily as other platforms charge a percentage of donations. $helpfundhope
Read more about 7 Easy Ways To Boost Your Concentration
Read more about 7 Easy Ways To Boost Your Concentration

7 Easy Ways To Boost Your Concentration

Jul 23, 2024
Read more about 7 Easy Ways To Boost Your Concentration
Read more about 7 Easy Ways To Boost Your Concentration
In an increasingly fast-paced digital world, distractions come in many ways, shapes, and forms. A direct consequence of increased digitalization is loss of concentration. No matter how experienced, intelligent, talented, and laser-focused you are, you will experience some lack of concentration at one point in time.

Star Wars: Acolyte - What went Wrong?

Jul 22, 2024
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This will be the first part in my Acolyte - What went Wrong? series. Here I will take a look at what I believe went wrong for the series. I will examine everything and stack it up against Star Wars lore. I plan to do in-depth character looks and analysis. This first note is free, just to give you a taste of what is to come and if you like please subscribe.
Read more about Embracing the Quirks: Understanding and Accepting Pet Peeves
Read more about Embracing the Quirks: Understanding and Accepting Pet Peeves

Embracing the Quirks: Understanding and Accepting Pet Peeves

Jul 22, 2024
Read more about Embracing the Quirks: Understanding and Accepting Pet Peeves
Read more about Embracing the Quirks: Understanding and Accepting Pet Peeves
Pet peeves are those small, often irrational annoyances that can unexpectedly trigger strong reactions in us. Whether it's the sound of someone chewing loudly or the way a person taps their pen, these quirks are a normal part of being human. While it's okay to feel irritated by them, it's essential to manage our reactions and not let these minor irritations control us. Recognizing that everyone has their own set of pet peeves can foster empathy and patience, helping us create a more understanding and harmonious environment. Embrace your quirks, respect others, and navigate life's little annoyances with grace.
Read more about The story behind the JANMASTMI festival
Read more about The story behind the JANMASTMI festival

The story behind the JANMASTMI festival

Jul 18, 2024
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Read more about The story behind the JANMASTMI festival
Read more about The story behind the JANMASTMI festival
The Birth story of Lord Krishna
Read more about Todays Post: Wed Jul 17 2024 21:56:48 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Read more about Todays Post: Wed Jul 17 2024 21:56:48 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Todays Post: Wed Jul 17 2024 21:56:48 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)

Jul 17, 2024
Read more about Todays Post: Wed Jul 17 2024 21:56:48 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
Read more about Todays Post: Wed Jul 17 2024 21:56:48 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)
The first deep dove into the deep recess of my mind, heart and soul...
Read more about Give me puppy love
Read more about Give me puppy love

Give me puppy love

Jul 16, 2024
Read more about Give me puppy love
Read more about Give me puppy love
There's no appreciation like the love for self. Bundle up with warm thoughts of yourself to help you go to sleep at night.
Read more about The History Of Kenya's Main Ethnic Gro
Read more about The History Of Kenya's Main Ethnic Gro

The History Of Kenya's Main Ethnic Gro

Jul 16, 2024
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Read more about The History Of Kenya's Main Ethnic Gro
Read more about The History Of Kenya's Main Ethnic Gro
A country that prides itself on being one of the enlargements, with magnificent landscapes and abundant wildlife, Kenya also harbors a mosaic of cultural diversity. Such a mosaic is vividly woven from threads of many ethnic groups, each independent in history, traditions, and contributions to the nation's identity. Particularly fascinating is the fact that the major ethnic origin provides a telling view into the intricate social fabric and history of the nation.
Read more about Beauty standards then and now
Read more about Beauty standards then and now

Beauty standards then and now

Jul 15, 2024
Read more about Beauty standards then and now
Read more about Beauty standards then and now
How did beauty standards go from looking like Aphrodite to looking like a freaking barbie
Read more about 2gether
Read more about 2gether


Jul 15, 2024
Read more about 2gether
Read more about 2gether
There are many things that comes with being married that doesn't particularly revolve around marriage itself. While it is a necessity to provide, provision is a fundamental that must be sustained no matter what realm of life a person is in. Being married only intensifies the demand. The Bible actually says that if a man doesn't work than a man doesn't eat. So it's our mission in life to work for and towards bettering ourselves and all of those we can. Whether you're married or not. Some might look at the scope of the matter and reason that the concept is easy, but the reality is toilsome. That's not how it should be viewed though. As long as we put our faith and trust in Yahweh God Himself, our difficulties will merely be lesson that will give us the strength to not give up.
Read more about Room 2 Breathe
Read more about Room 2 Breathe

Room 2 Breathe

Jul 15, 2024
Read more about Room 2 Breathe
Read more about Room 2 Breathe
In a relationship, especially a marriage, the two people must give one another room to breathe. While jealous can be an emotion that could damage one's self, as well as the relationship, maturity can erase any concerns. As an adult, I have learned to realize that being overly consumed with something going wrong only hurts the person at hand. That's why it's so important to give your significant other the space that they need to be who they are. If something is meant to be then it will be. If it's not meant to be there is nothing we can do to change that. So by giving the room to breathe to your mate, you will know sooner than later if things will turn out as you want them to.
Read more about Go on, let the kids PLAY
Read more about Go on, let the kids PLAY

Go on, let the kids PLAY

Jul 15, 2024
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Read more about Go on, let the kids PLAY
Read more about Go on, let the kids PLAY
Instead of making the make believe, we throw stones at at the child to be.
Read more about I Love Movies
Read more about I Love Movies

I Love Movies

Jul 14, 2024
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Read more about I Love Movies
Read more about I Love Movies
They're my favorite thing.

Exploring Hinduism: A Journey into the World’s Oldest Religion

Jul 13, 2024
Exploring Hinduism: A Journey into the World’s Oldest Religion Hinduism, often regarded as the world's oldest living religion, is a complex tapestry of beliefs, rituals, and philosophies that has evolved over thousands of years. It is not just a religion but a way of life deeply rooted in the cultural and spiritual fabric of India. Let's delve into the rich and diverse aspects of Hinduism that make it unique and intriguing. Origins and Diversity Hinduism's origins can be traced back to ancient India, evolving over millennia and influenced by various cultures, traditions, and philosophies. Unlike many other religions, Hinduism does not have a single founder or a centralized authority. Instead, it encompasses a vast array of beliefs and practices that vary regionally and across different sects and schools of thought.
Read more about I Wiped my own tears
Read more about I Wiped my own tears

I Wiped my own tears

Jul 11, 2024
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Read more about I Wiped my own tears
Read more about I Wiped my own tears
Crawl out of your hole sometimes; the sun is shinning on its new day.
Read more about The One That Got Away- A Poem
Read more about The One That Got Away- A Poem

The One That Got Away- A Poem

Jul 11, 2024
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Read more about The One That Got Away- A Poem
Read more about The One That Got Away- A Poem
A poem I wrote about the right person wrong time.
Read more about Home of the prayers
Read more about Home of the prayers

Home of the prayers

Jul 10, 2024
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Read more about Home of the prayers
Read more about Home of the prayers
Every house is made into a home, once you cross its threshold.