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Who do I think I am?

Jul 26, 2024
Who do I think I am? How do I think others see me? Am I just some worthless human that hasn't had a chance to die yet or will I be something someday?
Read more about Subjective beauty and human perceptions
Read more about Subjective beauty and human perceptions

Subjective beauty and human perceptions

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about Subjective beauty and human perceptions
Read more about Subjective beauty and human perceptions
How can we label someone as collectively attractive or unattractive when everyone experiences only their own unique reality? I argue that it's impossible and I question why we don't appreciate human uniqueness as we do with nature.
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2

Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2
My Kind of Summer, scents, sounds and smells...

Vampire squids

Jul 23, 2024
What vampire squids are.
Read more about Pessimistic erections
Read more about Pessimistic erections
Read more about Pessimistic self help
Read more about Pessimistic self help

Pessimistic self help

Jul 19, 2024
free note
Read more about Pessimistic self help
Read more about Pessimistic self help
Pondering the purpose of my existence.
Read more about I am your breathing Mussel
Read more about I am your breathing Mussel

I am your breathing Mussel

Jul 19, 2024
free note
Read more about I am your breathing Mussel
Read more about I am your breathing Mussel
The effect that your hometown can have on you is symbolic, when you take moments to draw in its awareness in nature.
Read more about Intro to mushrooms
Read more about Intro to mushrooms

Intro to mushrooms

Jul 16, 2024
free note
Read more about Intro to mushrooms
Read more about Intro to mushrooms
What is a mushroom?
Read more about Every raindrop tells a story
Read more about Every raindrop tells a story

Every raindrop tells a story

Jul 16, 2024
Read more about Every raindrop tells a story
Read more about Every raindrop tells a story
When it rains, let the thunder in. And when it pours, grab the bucket. You might just get what you've been praying for all of a sudden.
Read more about My Mothers Keeper
Read more about My Mothers Keeper

My Mothers Keeper

Jul 15, 2024
Read more about My Mothers Keeper
Read more about My Mothers Keeper
The time my sister told me, "I hope you hurt yourself and burn in hell"
Read more about What is the Difference Between Tree Trimming and Pruning?
Read more about What is the Difference Between Tree Trimming and Pruning?

What is the Difference Between Tree Trimming and Pruning?

Jul 11, 2024
Read more about What is the Difference Between Tree Trimming and Pruning?
Read more about What is the Difference Between Tree Trimming and Pruning?
Ready to give your trees the care they deserve? Contact United Tree Care LLC for professional tree services in Manassas, VA. Our team is here to help you maintain the beauty and health of your landscape with expert trimming and pruning services.

How life began

Jul 10, 2024
Read this to find out how life began
Read more about "Embracing a Naturally Beautiful Home: Safe Haven for Pets and Kids"
Read more about "Embracing a Naturally Beautiful Home: Safe Haven for Pets and Kids"

"Embracing a Naturally Beautiful Home: Safe Haven for Pets and Kids"

Jul 10, 2024
Read more about "Embracing a Naturally Beautiful Home: Safe Haven for Pets and Kids"
Read more about "Embracing a Naturally Beautiful Home: Safe Haven for Pets and Kids"
Welcome back to The Urban Housewife blog, where we not only celebrate the fast-paced excitement of city living but also champion the importance of creating a harmonious and healthy living environment. Today, we're diving into a topic close to my heart: the significance of using all-natural products in our homes, paying special attention to the well-being of our beloved pets and the ever-growing children in our lives. Let's explore the reasons behind this conscious choice and discover some fantastic all-natural product recommendations along the way!
Read more about Hello & Welcome!
Read more about Hello & Welcome!

Hello & Welcome!

Jul 10, 2024
Read more about Hello & Welcome!
Read more about Hello & Welcome!
A Warm Welcome from The Urban Housewife Welcome to The Urban Housewife's corner of the internet! If you're a city dweller looking for a fresh perspective on urban living, you've come to the right place. From the bustling city streets to the cozy corners of neighborhood cafes, I'm here to share the quirks, joys, and challenges of navigating city life – all with a generous sprinkling of humor and heart.
Read more about As the DEAD FLOWERS die
Read more about As the DEAD FLOWERS die


Jul 07, 2024
free note
Read more about As the DEAD FLOWERS die
Read more about As the DEAD FLOWERS die
The wild winds blow away every winter trade and cosmic push in which leaves a strum in every third eye to close to face the music.
Read more about Traveling 24’
Read more about Traveling 24’

Traveling 24’

Jul 02, 2024
Read more about Traveling 24’
Read more about Traveling 24’
Read more about Deeper than desire
Read more about Deeper than desire

Deeper than desire

Jul 02, 2024
Read more about Deeper than desire
Read more about Deeper than desire
Poetry is simple yet characteristic. Writing is something more than just letters.
Read more about Unveiling the Myth: Sharks in Lakes - Separating Fact from Fiction
Read more about Unveiling the Myth: Sharks in Lakes - Separating Fact from Fiction

Unveiling the Myth: Sharks in Lakes - Separating Fact from Fiction

Jun 28, 2024
Read more about Unveiling the Myth: Sharks in Lakes - Separating Fact from Fiction
Read more about Unveiling the Myth: Sharks in Lakes - Separating Fact from Fiction
In this blog, we explore the persistent myth of sharks inhabiting freshwater lakes. While sensational stories and urban legends have fueled this captivating tale, scientific research reveals that sharks are primarily ocean dwellers with specific physiological needs that make permanent residence in lakes highly unlikely. By separating fact from fiction, we aim to promote a better understanding of these fascinating creatures and highlight the importance of marine conservation
Read more about The Unprepared Challenges Leading To Success
Read more about The Unprepared Challenges Leading To Success

Boss Up, Queens! Unleash Your Inner Beyoncé with Self-Worth and Innovation

Jun 27, 2024
Self-worth, confidence, and innovation are journeys. Embrace your uniqueness, strut with confidence, and never stop dreaming up new ideas. You've got this!