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Read more about Will you be my man, I mean my fan?
Read more about Will you be my man, I mean my fan?

Will you be my man, I mean my fan?

Jun 25, 2024
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Read more about Will you be my man, I mean my fan?
Read more about Will you be my man, I mean my fan?
Notice me notice me, but please don't tame me.
Read more about Come sing to me bee
Read more about Come sing to me bee

Come sing to me bee

Jun 25, 2024
Read more about Come sing to me bee
Read more about Come sing to me bee
The wanderer goes as far south as the warner. Will the third eye ever catch his dragon?
Read more about For the Trippies
Read more about For the Trippies

For the Trippies

Jun 24, 2024
Read more about For the Trippies
Read more about For the Trippies
When life slows down and you understand a true friend in a man is his own best friend.

Nebraska mother

Jun 10, 2024
About Nebraska
Read more about Lowest calorie foods
Read more about Lowest calorie foods

Lowest calorie foods

Jun 09, 2024
Read more about Lowest calorie foods
Read more about Lowest calorie foods
When it comes to maintaining a healthy diet, one of the key factors to consider is calorie intake. Many people strive to find foods that not only satisfy their hunger but also help them stay within their daily calorie goals. Low-calorie foods are a fantastic option for those looking to lose weight, maintain their current weight, or simply adopt a healthier lifestyle. These foods are typically rich in nutrients, fiber, and water content, making them both filling and nutritious. In this article, we’ll explore some of the lowest calorie foods available, offering a variety of choices that can be seamlessly incorporated into your meals and snacks. From crisp, refreshing vegetables to juicy fruits and lean proteins, these options can help you enjoy flavorful and satisfying meals without the extra calories

We all make mistakes

Jun 02, 2024
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Hey there Just dropping you a quick note to check in and see how you're doing. Life has a way of keeping us on our toes doesn't it? Sometimes it feels like we're juggling a dozen different things at once, each one fighting for our attention. So, I missed the chaos and The quiet moments alike, I wanted to take a moment to ask: how's everything with you? Are you finding moments to Joy in the everyday hustle? Are there challenges you're facing that could use a listening ear? Remember, you don't have to navigate this journey alone. Whether you're riding the waves of success or weathering a storm, know that there are people who care about you and here to support you. So, take a deep breath, exit any worries or stresses then maybe weighing on your mind, and know that you're not alone in this. We're All in this together. Looking forward to hear from you soon. Take care, Ky
Read more about Urban Ethnobotany: Gardening and Foraging Medicinal Plants in Cities
Read more about Urban Ethnobotany: Gardening and Foraging Medicinal Plants in Cities

Urban Ethnobotany: Gardening and Foraging Medicinal Plants in Cities

May 31, 2024
Read more about Urban Ethnobotany: Gardening and Foraging Medicinal Plants in Cities
Read more about Urban Ethnobotany: Gardening and Foraging Medicinal Plants in Cities
Urban gardens and green spaces play a crucial role in the fabric of city life, offering numerous benefits to urban communities. Community gardens, rooftop gardens, and urban farms are pivotal elements in urban ethnobotany, providing accessible green spaces where city dwellers can grow food, medicinal plants, and ornamental flora. These gardens are hubs for cultural exchange, education, and social interaction, fostering a sense of community and shared responsibility.

Menstrual cramps

Apr 11, 2024
Women have menstrual cramps at a young age and we are grown up at a young age. However, We don't always have a heating pad or a way of "shaking off" the menstrual cramps when we are young in class. This is why I believe women have a revolutionary spirit. Because there is no solution to menstrual cramps at a young age, this problem grows into other people's problems like transitioning genders. People are clueless about the satanic transitioning ritual and above all women may go through menstrual cramps too and these two problems are similar. I think it's important to really inform other women and be proud. Inform each other on how to heal our pain, but sometimes society thinks it's vulgar. I, for example had a girlfriend as i am a woman too and I was beaten. I now have permanent pains elsewhere, but having a homosexual relationship made my cramps go away unlike my later heterosexual relationships. Women will understand each other and men have this "so called love" - writer.

weed helps fight cancer?

Apr 09, 2024
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… trials have reported that CBD have slowed growth, reduce spreading, and, in some cases, cause death in certain cancerous cells
Read more about “Grace in Goodbye, A Journey with Jesus Calling”
Read more about “Grace in Goodbye, A Journey with Jesus Calling”

“Grace in Goodbye, A Journey with Jesus Calling”

Mar 19, 2024
Read more about “Grace in Goodbye, A Journey with Jesus Calling”
Read more about “Grace in Goodbye, A Journey with Jesus Calling”
A touching story of my grandmother and the devotional Jesus Calling. It was confirmation on March 10, 2023.
Read more about "Obedience Training: Male German Shepherd Dogs"
Read more about "Obedience Training: Male German Shepherd Dogs"

"Obedience Training: Male German Shepherd Dogs"

Mar 09, 2024
Read more about "Obedience Training: Male German Shepherd Dogs"
Read more about "Obedience Training: Male German Shepherd Dogs"
"There are a lot of people that own male German Shepherds that would like to be able to bring out the best in them. Sometimes it's not just a guessing game. That's why there are and have been quite a bit of testing and documentation around the subject to shed some light on the male German Shepherd, their history, and temperament, from the original breeder in 1923 throughout years of tried and proven service in the armed forces, to today's use with a variety of different things such as registered emotional support animals for people with disabilities. Although they may seem as though they have nerves of steel at times, they are very keen."
Read more about Heaven’s poetry
Read more about Heaven’s poetry

Heaven’s poetry

Mar 07, 2024
Read more about Heaven’s poetry
Read more about Heaven’s poetry
This poem tells the story of a plant's life, which reflects the journey of a human life. It starts as a small seed, growing gracefully and finding its place in the world. Like a child, it explores and thrives, reaching for the sky. Through the seasons, it faces challenges but blossoms with beauty, just like a youth. As time passes, the plant grows older, but it remains wise and bold, sharing its wisdom and leaving a legacy. It reminds us to cherish every moment, as life's beauty unfolds for all of us.
Read more about “The Forgotten Memories: A Grandmother’s Journey Through Dementia”
Read more about “The Forgotten Memories: A Grandmother’s Journey Through Dementia”

“The Forgotten Memories: A Grandmother’s Journey Through Dementia”

Feb 17, 2024
Read more about “The Forgotten Memories: A Grandmother’s Journey Through Dementia”
Read more about “The Forgotten Memories: A Grandmother’s Journey Through Dementia”
There was a remarkable woman named Mildred, whose warm smile and kind heart touched the lives of everyone she met. Mildred was not only a loving grandmother, but also a pillar of strength for her family. Her gentle nature and wise words provided comfort during the most challenging times.
Read more about Blossoms of Love
Read more about Blossoms of Love

Blossoms of Love

Feb 01, 2024
Read more about Blossoms of Love
Read more about Blossoms of Love
My grandmother had always had a remarkable talent for gardening. Her green thumb transformed her yard into a vibrant oasis, filled with beautiful flowers and thriving plants. Her dedication and expertise always inspired me and the ones around her.
Read more about How to identify, harvest, and use Allegheny Monkey Flower
Read more about How to identify, harvest, and use Allegheny Monkey Flower

How to identify, harvest, and use Allegheny Monkey Flower

Jan 31, 2024
Read more about How to identify, harvest, and use Allegheny Monkey Flower
Read more about How to identify, harvest, and use Allegheny Monkey Flower
How to harvest and prepare Allegheny Monkey Flower

My journey to Success.

Jan 03, 2024
I'm going to introduce myself, and make my dreams and thoughts known. I might give you some of my background information but not all of it, as I doubt I can remember it all and don't want to bore you. As you can probably tell, I'm going to treat this as a journal. I hope you enjoy.


Nov 05, 2023
Mangoes are not just a delicious and decadent treat; they are a powerhouse of nutrients and health benefits. From boosting immunity to improving digestion and from protecting against diseases to indulging in mouthwatering culinary creations, mangoes cater to both taste and health.