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Green chili

Jul 26, 2024
Green chili is very hot
Read more about Your neighborhood empath wants to feed your soul...
Read more about Your neighborhood empath wants to feed your soul...

Your neighborhood empath wants to feed your soul...

Jul 23, 2024
Read more about Your neighborhood empath wants to feed your soul...
Read more about Your neighborhood empath wants to feed your soul...
I have a huge amount of recipes for the soul.....what are you looking for?
Read more about Green Chilli
Read more about Green Chilli

Green Chilli

Jul 22, 2024
Read more about Green Chilli
Read more about Green Chilli
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Read more about Take Care Cafe
Read more about Take Care Cafe

Take Care Cafe

Jul 17, 2024
free note
Read more about Take Care Cafe
Read more about Take Care Cafe
Drunk Coffee'24 - EP1, featuring Take Care Cafe.
Read more about A Berry Blue day
Read more about A Berry Blue day

A Berry Blue day

Jul 15, 2024
free note
Read more about A Berry Blue day
Read more about A Berry Blue day
On a blue day, something stirrs inside that makes you want to GO GREEN. A poem to remind you it's okay to be okay too.
Read more about Have you been eating healthy lately?
Read more about Have you been eating healthy lately?

Have you been eating healthy lately?

Jul 08, 2024
Read more about Have you been eating healthy lately?
Read more about Have you been eating healthy lately?
Topic is about a well balanced diet and fruit water keeps you healthy and hydrated.
Read more about Nigerian Delicacy (Peppersoup Recipe)
Read more about Nigerian Delicacy (Peppersoup Recipe)

Nigerian Delicacy (Peppersoup Recipe)

Jul 07, 2024
Read more about Nigerian Delicacy (Peppersoup Recipe)
Read more about Nigerian Delicacy (Peppersoup Recipe)
Nigeria delicacy (Pepper.soup Recipes). Pepper soup is a popular West African dish known for its rich, spicy, andPepper soup is a popular West African dish known for its rich, spicy, and aromatic flavor.
Read more about Nigeria Delicacy (Recipe for Nigeria jollof rice and chicken
Read more about Nigeria Delicacy (Recipe for Nigeria jollof rice and chicken

Nigeria Delicacy (Recipe for Nigeria jollof rice and chicken

Jul 07, 2024
Read more about Nigeria Delicacy (Recipe for Nigeria jollof rice and chicken
Read more about Nigeria Delicacy (Recipe for Nigeria jollof rice and chicken
Nigeria delicacy( Recipes for Nigeria Rice and chicken) Nigerian Jollof Rice and Chicken is a beloved dish that holds a significant place in the culinary traditions of West Africa. Known for its vibrant colors and rich flavors, Jollof rice is often a staple at gatherings, celebrations, and everyday meals across Nigeria. The dish primarily consists of rice cooked in a tomato-based sauce, combined with a variety of spices and often served with perfectly seasoned and grilled or fried chicken

Being Healthy

Jul 06, 2024
Hey Everybody!! I’m here to help people with their health issues and how I can give you information on how you can reverse any disease that comes upon your body. Your body already a healing mechanism.

Easy tteokbokki (spicy Korean rice cakes)

Jun 19, 2024
Easy tteokbokki (spicy Korean rice cakes)
Read more about Lowest calorie foods
Read more about Lowest calorie foods

Lowest calorie foods

Jun 09, 2024
Read more about Lowest calorie foods
Read more about Lowest calorie foods
When it comes to maintaining a healthy diet, one of the key factors to consider is calorie intake. Many people strive to find foods that not only satisfy their hunger but also help them stay within their daily calorie goals. Low-calorie foods are a fantastic option for those looking to lose weight, maintain their current weight, or simply adopt a healthier lifestyle. These foods are typically rich in nutrients, fiber, and water content, making them both filling and nutritious. In this article, we’ll explore some of the lowest calorie foods available, offering a variety of choices that can be seamlessly incorporated into your meals and snacks. From crisp, refreshing vegetables to juicy fruits and lean proteins, these options can help you enjoy flavorful and satisfying meals without the extra calories
Read more about High Paying Remote Jobs Direct From USA
Read more about High Paying Remote Jobs Direct From USA

High Paying Remote Jobs Direct From USA

Jun 09, 2024
Read more about High Paying Remote Jobs Direct From USA
Read more about High Paying Remote Jobs Direct From USA
High Paying Remote Jobs Direct From USA
Read more about Living Sane On An Insane World
Read more about Living Sane On An Insane World

Living Sane On An Insane World

Jun 09, 2024
Read more about Living Sane On An Insane World
Read more about Living Sane On An Insane World
Living Sane On An Insane World Thoughtful commentary on economy, peace, war, culture, religion, home cooking, world news, family life, technology, politics, environment protection, health, progress, climate and other things worth for discussion. We are supposed to live in a sane world. But we do not. We are irrational. Stalin is one of the evilest men in history. In dekulakization of Soviet Russia, Stalin’s caused famines of 1932-33 left millions Kulaks deaths, including millions of farm animals. Time magazine awarded him Man of the Year in 1939 and 1942. Hitler who led the murder of six million Jews but Time magazine awarded him Man of the Year in 1938. The nickel mining in the Philippines is another insane economic driver. The EV is trying to save the world by its use of clean energy but the nickel mines are destroying rainforests, polluting rivers and seas. In reality in trying to save the world, EV is destroying the world it is saving. Insane world.
Read more about These are the highest-calorie foods
Read more about These are the highest-calorie foods

These are the highest-calorie foods

Jun 06, 2024
Read more about These are the highest-calorie foods
Read more about These are the highest-calorie foods
High-calorie foods, such as nuts, avocados, cheese, dark chocolate, fatty fish, oils and butters, seeds, dried fruits, granola and energy bars, and full-fat dairy products, can be beneficial for various dietary needs and preferences. Nuts and their butters are high in nutrition, packed with healthy fats, protein, fibre, vitamins, and minerals. Avocados are high in monounsaturated fats, beneficial for heart health. Cheese is rich in protein, calcium, and vitamins. Dark chocolate is rich in antioxidants and has health benefits. Fatty fish are high in calories due to their fat content. Dried fruits are concentrated sources of calories, while granola and energy bars provide quick energy boosts.
Read more about Cracker Barrel is Getting a Facelift
Read more about Cracker Barrel is Getting a Facelift

Cracker Barrel is Getting a Facelift

May 31, 2024
Read more about Cracker Barrel is Getting a Facelift
Read more about Cracker Barrel is Getting a Facelift
Cracker Barrel, which is known as America's "old country store," may soon see changes in the near future
Read more about 19 foods you should NEVER eat after their expiry date
Read more about 19 foods you should NEVER eat after their expiry date

19 foods you should NEVER eat after their expiry date

May 30, 2024
Read more about 19 foods you should NEVER eat after their expiry date
Read more about 19 foods you should NEVER eat after their expiry date
Consuming expired foods can pose serious health risks. Deli meats, raw chicken, raw fish, shellfish, eggs, milk, soft cheeses, yogurt, cold-pressed juices, sprouts, cooked rice, mayonnaise, pre-packaged salads, ground meats, fresh berries, sliced bread, soft drinks and juices, canned foods, leftovers, and hummus can all harbour harmful bacteria. Consuming these foods after their expiration date can lead to severe foodborne illnesses. It is crucial to check expiration dates and handle food storage properly to ensure safety and freshness.
Read more about All the things that happens to your body if you’re constantly waking up at 6am
Read more about All the things that happens to your body if you’re constantly waking up at 6am

All the things that happens to your body if you’re constantly waking up at 6am

May 30, 2024
Read more about All the things that happens to your body if you’re constantly waking up at 6am
Read more about All the things that happens to your body if you’re constantly waking up at 6am
Consistently waking up at 6am can significantly improve your body and lifestyle. It regulates your body's internal clock, leading to better sleep quality. This routine also enhances mental health, increasing productivity. It provides a head start for the day, promoting focused work and goal setting. Regular wake-up times are associated with a healthier lifestyle, promoting better physical health, cognitive function, hormonal balance, mood and emotional stability, better social life, more time for breakfast, reduced risk of sleep disorders, and increased exposure to natural light. By establishing a consistent wake-up time, you can create a foundation for a healthier, happier, and more productive life.
Read more about This is why you keep waking up at night
Read more about This is why you keep waking up at night

This is why you keep waking up at night

May 30, 2024
Read more about This is why you keep waking up at night
Read more about This is why you keep waking up at night
Persistent nighttime awakenings can be caused by various factors, including stress, poor sleep environment, diet, sleep disorders, inconsistent sleep schedules, hormonal changes, medications, underlying health conditions, overstimulation before bed, and aging. Stress and anxiety can cause overproduction of cortisol, which can disrupt sleep. To improve sleep quality, develop a calming bedtime routine, ensure a quiet, dark, and cool bedroom, avoid caffeine and alcohol, and consult a healthcare professional if you suspect a sleep disorder. Stick to a consistent sleep schedule, avoid hormonal changes, and review medications with a healthcare provider. Manage underlying health conditions through appropriate medical treatment and avoid stimulating activities before bed. As we age, maintaining good sleep hygiene and regular physical activity can contribute to better sleep.
Read more about Small things you do that reveal a lot about your personality
Read more about Small things you do that reveal a lot about your personality

Small things you do that reveal a lot about your personality

May 30, 2024
Read more about Small things you do that reveal a lot about your personality
Read more about Small things you do that reveal a lot about your personality
Small actions can reveal a lot about our personalities. Handwriting, phone handling, eating habits, shopping preferences, email style, waiting reactions, posture, body language, punctuality, and social media behaviour can all provide insights into our personalities. Handwriting analysis can reveal emotional states, while phone handling can reveal social connections or anxiety. Eating habits can reveal patience and methodical Ness, while shopping preferences can reveal sociability and shared experiences. Email style and punctuality can also reveal time management and reliability. Treating service staff with kindness and respect can indicate empathy and humility. Social media behaviour can also reveal a person's interests and knowledge. Understanding these subtle behaviours can foster self-awareness and improve relationships.
Read more about Americans groceries from store brands as inflation eats into purchasing power
Read more about Americans groceries from store brands as inflation eats into purchasing power

Americans groceries from store brands as inflation eats into purchasing power

May 29, 2024
Read more about Americans groceries from store brands as inflation eats into purchasing power
Read more about Americans groceries from store brands as inflation eats into purchasing power
Inflation is causing a shift in grocery shopping habits, with approximately one-quarter of all purchases in the US now being made by store brands, or private labels. This trend is driven by cost savings, improved quality, and increased variety. Retailers like Walmart, Kroger, and Target are expanding their store brand offerings, offering products across various categories. This shift is driven by changing consumer perceptions and behaviours, such as trust, value perception, and economic necessity. Retailers are enhancing their private label strategies, including product innovation, marketing, and exclusive products. This trend is expected to continue as inflation remains a concern.