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Green chili

Jul 26, 2024
Green chili is very hot

Journey through life

Jul 25, 2024
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Journey through life with my family and I. Travel with us. Figure out what life is and who we are. Figure out with us who God has called us to be. As we learn and travel the world. Follow and come with us. I will post streams everyday if something new or exciting. What we learned and seen.
Read more about I Love You Like The Sun Loves Blacktop
Read more about I Love You Like The Sun Loves Blacktop

I Love You Like The Sun Loves Blacktop

Jul 22, 2024
Read more about I Love You Like The Sun Loves Blacktop
Read more about I Love You Like The Sun Loves Blacktop
This is a poem I made for my fiance and children after having an Emergency C-section with my son. The pain was unbearable but I'd do it all over again. This poem explains how much I love my family as I had a very hard time after my C-section.
Read more about Dog Is A Man's Best Friend
Read more about Dog Is A Man's Best Friend

Dog Is A Man's Best Friend

Jul 21, 2024
Read more about Dog Is A Man's Best Friend
Read more about Dog Is A Man's Best Friend
Everyone needs a companion. In this case, the homeless man and his dog are inseparable.
Read more about I am your breathing Mussel
Read more about I am your breathing Mussel

I am your breathing Mussel

Jul 19, 2024
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Read more about I am your breathing Mussel
Read more about I am your breathing Mussel
The effect that your hometown can have on you is symbolic, when you take moments to draw in its awareness in nature.
Read more about Finding Serenity in the Chaos
Read more about Finding Serenity in the Chaos

Finding Serenity in the Chaos

Jul 18, 2024
Read more about Finding Serenity in the Chaos
Read more about Finding Serenity in the Chaos
Finding serenity in chaos isn't about escaping our responsibilities or ignoring our problems. It's about creating pockets of peace within our daily lives, learning to navigate the storm with grace, and giving ourselves the space to breathe and grow.
Read more about Give me puppy love
Read more about Give me puppy love

Give me puppy love

Jul 16, 2024
Read more about Give me puppy love
Read more about Give me puppy love
There's no appreciation like the love for self. Bundle up with warm thoughts of yourself to help you go to sleep at night.
Read more about A Berry Blue day
Read more about A Berry Blue day

A Berry Blue day

Jul 15, 2024
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Read more about A Berry Blue day
Read more about A Berry Blue day
On a blue day, something stirrs inside that makes you want to GO GREEN. A poem to remind you it's okay to be okay too.
Read more about Part of my life
Read more about Part of my life

Part of my life

Jul 13, 2024
Read more about Part of my life
Read more about Part of my life
First off I would like to say that I'm very much thankful for the life I have...However things have been difficult let me tell you why...
Read more about Stream to the Beginning of the story of my life
Read more about Stream to the Beginning of the story of my life

Stream to the Beginning of the story of my life

Jul 09, 2024
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Read more about Stream to the Beginning of the story of my life
Read more about Stream to the Beginning of the story of my life
The story of my life will start tomorrow, stream to follow up from zilla the storyteller. Thankyou.
Read more about 21 | Adulting Sinks In
Read more about 21 | Adulting Sinks In

21 | Adulting Sinks In

Jul 08, 2024
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Read more about 21 | Adulting Sinks In
Read more about 21 | Adulting Sinks In
As a growing young adult, what's your priority? Did it change? How do you feel about it?
Read more about As the DEAD FLOWERS die
Read more about As the DEAD FLOWERS die


Jul 07, 2024
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Read more about As the DEAD FLOWERS die
Read more about As the DEAD FLOWERS die
The wild winds blow away every winter trade and cosmic push in which leaves a strum in every third eye to close to face the music.
Read more about Understanding Intimacy
Read more about Understanding Intimacy

Understanding Intimacy

Jul 05, 2024
Read more about Understanding Intimacy
Read more about Understanding Intimacy
Understanding Anal Sex:
Read more about Lost Affection
Read more about Lost Affection

Lost Affection

Jun 27, 2024
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Read more about Lost Affection
Read more about Lost Affection
"Lost Affection" is a poem about the painful transformation of a once passionate and loving relationship into one filled with emptiness and numbness. It explores the journey from intense desire and connection to a state where even physical closeness feels hollow. The poem expresses the emotions of confusion, loss, and the search for reasons behind the fading of love, highlighting the struggle to understand and cope with the disconnection that has taken over. Through vivid imagery and uncut emotions, it captures the heartache of realizing that what was once cherished has become a distant memory.
Read more about Are You Cleaning Longer Than Anticipated?
Read more about Are You Cleaning Longer Than Anticipated?

Are You Cleaning Longer Than Anticipated?

Jun 24, 2024
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Read more about Are You Cleaning Longer Than Anticipated?
Read more about Are You Cleaning Longer Than Anticipated?
Having all of your supplies and equipment handy, following a routine and addressing all areas within a space takes three essential duties that everyone knows, but may not place in this particular order. No worries, I got you. It's easy to get inside of any vacant space, fully furnished home, office or apartment and not have a particular tool or product handy. This can be a bummer if you're needing to descale shower doors and forget to fill your spray bottle with degreaser or proper solution. Or, you may come across paint or old food stains that without your handheld plastic scraper (and using your fingernails can sometimes be dangerous) could scrape and damage a surface that you didn't intend to and wish you've packed. Many times we guesstimate how essential our supplies and equipment are until we really need them. Well Guess No More. 3 Best Options To Cut Cleaning Time In Half is only the half! Let’s Jump right in.
Read more about Football News
Read more about Football News

Football News

Jun 22, 2024
Read more about Football News
Read more about Football News
🔴⚪️ Atlético Madrid are moving to the final stages of Robin Le Normand deal.Negotiations advancing with Real Sociedad, personal terms already agreed weeks ago with player side.Atlético have scheduled new round of talks with hope to get it done by the end of next week. Jun 22, 2024
Read more about Exams malpractice
Read more about Exams malpractice

Exams malpractice

Jun 18, 2024
Read more about Exams malpractice
Read more about Exams malpractice
Exams malpractice is a psychological crime committed by all genders, all religion and all races in the entire world. It is what you would say, a binding factor that we all share in common. This crime is oftenly disregarded as nothing in juvenile stage, until it escalates to the college level This deplorable act, comes in various forms, from asking in tests, to bringing foreign objects to exams and mutilations on the skin of students. This crime leads to an ever increasing multitude of half baked and unskilled graduates in the country. It is a crime that is tearing our nation apart, we must try to alleviate this crime and save our nations manpower!
Read more about Aloayk
Read more about Aloayk


Jun 18, 2024
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Read more about Aloayk
Read more about Aloayk
Im a realest and im very much absorbed with understanding of knowledge i consider myself a well rounded and creative person 🤷🏾‍♂️

Rainy At the River

Jun 15, 2024
Rainy was a young girl who was raised in a small town. Everybody knew everybody or at least that's what they assumed. Rainy dated a guy in highschool that had quite the reputation for getting into trouble. It wasn't that he started the trouble, he just always had to end it. Rainy spent most of her days babysittin her drunk father because her mama pretended to be working just to get away from her husband. Rainy didn't trip about her crazy life because she realized that it was common in her community to deal with low poverty situations. Just over broke, pitiful, sob story type situations. Rainy got pregnant at 16, like most of the other girls in her class at the time. It was as if something was in the water that year. The late 90s was a time Rainy would never forget. Young girls with big bellies carrying books on one hip with babies on the other. Rainy loved the river however. Had it not been for the river and the good Lord on her side; She would have lost her mind....

What I feel about in everyday life

Jun 12, 2024
They say there are jobs everywhere, but what about us single moms who have no way to get a job even to work from home. Raising an autistic child I can't get a job because of requirements and jobs sites give viruses on computers