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Read more about Friends
Read more about Friends


Sep 07, 2024
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Read more about Friends
Read more about Friends
This poem is about desperately wanting to have a connection with someone and not having very high hopes about it.
Read more about Modern Love
Read more about Modern Love

Modern Love

Sep 07, 2024
Read more about Modern Love
Read more about Modern Love
I wrote this poem about my dislike of today's modern-day love and how romantic people are searching for something more real/serious. (We shouldn't drop our standards, for the sake of not being alone.)
Read more about No More
Read more about No More

No More

Sep 07, 2024
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Read more about No More
Read more about No More
This poem is kind of a sample of my writing. I wrote this based on how I felt after a breakup I went through and I hope you enjoy it.
Read more about A Broken Heart
Read more about A Broken Heart

A Broken Heart

Sep 06, 2024
Read more about A Broken Heart
Read more about A Broken Heart
Once you had me feeling whole A love so pure, I thought it would never fold But now I stand with tears that start A constant reminder of my broken heart
Read more about One More Goodbye
Read more about One More Goodbye

One More Goodbye

Sep 06, 2024
Read more about One More Goodbye
Read more about One More Goodbye
A poem I wrote when I passed another year of living life without my daughter here on earth.
Read more about In the space between dreams
Read more about In the space between dreams

In the space between dreams

Sep 05, 2024
Read more about In the space between dreams
Read more about In the space between dreams
what do I choose as my path


Sep 05, 2024
Do what you want in life for its too short
Read more about "I'm a writer"
Read more about "I'm a writer"

"I'm a writer"

Sep 05, 2024
Read more about "I'm a writer"
Read more about "I'm a writer"
something that just came to my mind
Read more about Love or lost
Read more about Love or lost

Love or lost

Sep 04, 2024
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Read more about Love or lost
Read more about Love or lost
Love or lost, you can either be loved or love someone, and you could be lost about many things, but it's only up to you to find yourself. Can't love anyone if you don't love yourself.

We are Creatures

Sep 03, 2024
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The human condition is a vast and intricate tapestry woven from the threads of joy and suffering, hope and despair.

The pyromancers oath

Sep 02, 2024
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Read more about A world of Sorrow and Splendor
Read more about A world of Sorrow and Splendor

A world of Sorrow and Splendor

Sep 01, 2024
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Read more about A world of Sorrow and Splendor
Read more about A world of Sorrow and Splendor
A story so sad yet so beautiful
Read more about A Solitary Black Sock
Read more about A Solitary Black Sock

A Solitary Black Sock

Sep 01, 2024
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Read more about A Solitary Black Sock
Read more about A Solitary Black Sock
A Solitary Black Sock I. Quaraun bent down to touch the sand, His fingers brushed a curious thing, A black cloth, small and rather bland, Oddly shaped, like it could cling, A puzzle from some distant land. A mystery found, strange, strange, strange, What could it be, strange, strange, strange. II. BoomFuzzy peered with furrowed brow, The cloth was soft, yet oddly stiff, An ancient relic, they knew not how, Or why it had washed ashore this cliff, An item lost, but not for now. Lost to the sea, old, old, old, Ancient and dark, old, old, old. III. Quaraun pondered with deep suspicion, A magic tool, or cursed device? Perhaps it held a dark magician,

Flicked lights and Soft pillows

Sep 01, 2024
Would you like to go to lala land?

Bright Light

Sep 01, 2024
Random one for you guys. Comment your best interpretation.

Toxic Love Pt.1

Sep 01, 2024
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The sweet love that hurts.

The Urge

Sep 01, 2024
Have you ever felt the urge to come clean?
Read more about Quaraun Sat in His Pink Silk Tent
Read more about Quaraun Sat in His Pink Silk Tent

Quaraun Sat in His Pink Silk Tent

Sep 01, 2024
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Read more about Quaraun Sat in His Pink Silk Tent
Read more about Quaraun Sat in His Pink Silk Tent
I. Quaraun sat in his pink silk tent, Rain drummed softly, thunder low, His thoughts like smoke, serene ascent, Fur pelts beneath, a gentle glow, Peaceful in the storm's content. Soft the thunder, slow, slow, slow, BoomFuzzy breathed, slow, slow, slow. II. The hookah's tendrils curled in air, Calm and steady, each breath he drew, Echoes of dreams lingered there, Night's embrace, the world anew, Quaraun watched with tender care. BoomFuzzy slept in deep, deep peace, GhoulSpawn beside, deep, deep peace.
Read more about Seeing Red, Crying Green
Read more about Seeing Red, Crying Green

Seeing Red, Crying Green

Aug 31, 2024
Read more about Seeing Red, Crying Green
Read more about Seeing Red, Crying Green
Cutting my hair off because my soul was bleeding for the green of the finest greenery sons.