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Read more about The Fall of the Bronze Age Civilization.
Read more about The Fall of the Bronze Age Civilization.

The Fall of the Bronze Age Civilization.

Jul 27, 2024
Read more about The Fall of the Bronze Age Civilization.
Read more about The Fall of the Bronze Age Civilization.
The fall of the Bronze Age civilizations around 1200 BC is attributed to multiple factors, including invasions by the Sea Peoples, severe droughts leading to famine, and earthquakes. Disruptions in critical trade routes for tin and copper weakened economies, while political instability further destabilized these societies. This period marked a dark age, characterized by technological regression and societal collapse.

Who do I think I am?

Jul 26, 2024
Who do I think I am? How do I think others see me? Am I just some worthless human that hasn't had a chance to die yet or will I be something someday?
Read more about Tell Me Pretty Little Lies
Read more about Tell Me Pretty Little Lies

Tell Me Pretty Little Lies

Jul 26, 2024
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Read more about Tell Me Pretty Little Lies
Read more about Tell Me Pretty Little Lies
This is a poem about not being able to accept the happiness and peace when you finally heal and find someone.
Read more about When twins souls unite.
Read more about When twins souls unite.

When twins souls unite.

Jul 26, 2024
Read more about When twins souls unite.
Read more about When twins souls unite.
In the realm of love, hearts entwined A dance of passion, so divine Two souls united, in sweet embrace Love's tender touch, a warm embrace In every heartbeat, love does grow A bond so strong, it overflows Through stormy seas and sunny skies Love's light shines in each other's eyes So let us cherish, this love so true A gift from above, just for me and you In love's sweet embrace, we find our home Together forever, never to roam Love's sweet melody, forever sung In each other's arms, we are forever young So let us hold on, to this love so dear For in each other's hearts, we have no fear
Read more about Have Cake, Eait it too
Read more about Have Cake, Eait it too

Have Cake, Eait it too

Jul 25, 2024
Read more about Have Cake, Eait it too
Read more about Have Cake, Eait it too
I've thought about the concept of God quite a bit recently and I wanted to share some of my thoughts. **disclaimer** I am not speaking on whether or not God exists, but rather the consistency of people's words when speaking of God. If you enjoy these reads and want to see more, hit that subscribe button and share with your friends!

Journey through life

Jul 25, 2024
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Journey through life with my family and I. Travel with us. Figure out what life is and who we are. Figure out with us who God has called us to be. As we learn and travel the world. Follow and come with us. I will post streams everyday if something new or exciting. What we learned and seen.

A day in the life of me

Jul 24, 2024
Have you ever wondered what the day in the life of a 21 Omnisexual trans man who's just recently started therapy, taking meds and trying to get a job well strap in cause I'm about to make it all about me
Read more about Inability to Communicate
Read more about Inability to Communicate

Inability to Communicate

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about Inability to Communicate
Read more about Inability to Communicate
Communication is key and yet, it seems it is one we have lost. Too much rage, pain, hate, distrust...just too much negative. Not near enough solution. Where do we go from here? With so much distorting the world does anyone know where to even begin?
Read more about Subjective beauty and human perceptions
Read more about Subjective beauty and human perceptions

Subjective beauty and human perceptions

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about Subjective beauty and human perceptions
Read more about Subjective beauty and human perceptions
How can we label someone as collectively attractive or unattractive when everyone experiences only their own unique reality? I argue that it's impossible and I question why we don't appreciate human uniqueness as we do with nature.
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2

Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2
My Kind of Summer, scents, sounds and smells...
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2

Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2
Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2: My Kind of Summer.
Read more about You GOAL girl!
Read more about You GOAL girl!

You GOAL girl!

Jul 24, 2024
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Read more about You GOAL girl!
Read more about You GOAL girl!
Your mind may take you places you do not want to go, so take your next steps to shadow your unweighted glow.
Read more about The Wedding Crasher
Read more about The Wedding Crasher

The Wedding Crasher

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about The Wedding Crasher
Read more about The Wedding Crasher
I’ve always believed that love is like an orchestra. Every note, every instrument, every pause has to be in perfect harmony for it to work. But today, the symphony of love seemed out of tune, and I was about to crash a wedding to prove it. The ballroom of the Grand Pavilion was decorated in opulent shades of gold and cream, the kind of place where fairy tales are made. Crystal chandeliers sparkled overhead, and every table was adorned with intricate floral arrangements. As I stood at the entrance, I could feel the nervous energy radiating off me.

Overview of Ayurveda

Jul 24, 2024
The overview of Ayurveda to be incorporated in daily life
Read more about The Beginning
Read more about The Beginning

The Beginning

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about The Beginning
Read more about The Beginning
Come on a journey that proves that what is thought is just a myth is actually real. There is more dangers that are real but also the rewords are just as much real. So join the crew and hopefully we all come back alive.
Read more about I’m solid your see through
Read more about I’m solid your see through

Hollow motions

Jul 24, 2024
Depression heartbreak loneliness alone forever
Read more about Chapter 1
Read more about Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about Chapter 1
Read more about Chapter 1
The beginning of Leiah's story.

Vampire squids

Jul 23, 2024
What vampire squids are.

Not Going Back By TR Kamau

Jul 23, 2024
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I wrote this when I was heated & I don't remember why I was mad but I do feel the power in the words.