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Addictive personalities I

Jul 27, 2024
Having an addictive personality can manifest in various ways, each unique to the individual. Some people may find themselves addicted to substances like drugs or alcohol, while others may struggle with addictive behaviors such as gambling or shopping. Regardless of the specific manifestation, addictive personalities often share common traits, such as impulsivity, difficulty regulating emotions, and a tendency to seek out pleasure and avoid pain. It's important to understand that addiction is a complex and multifaceted issue that can impact anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background.

All In My Hands

Jul 26, 2024
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This poem is smaller than the rest I plan on writing. Just wanted to give a little sample of what I like to write about
Read more about Tell Me Pretty Little Lies
Read more about Tell Me Pretty Little Lies

Tell Me Pretty Little Lies

Jul 26, 2024
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Read more about Tell Me Pretty Little Lies
Read more about Tell Me Pretty Little Lies
This is a poem about not being able to accept the happiness and peace when you finally heal and find someone.
Read more about Inability to Communicate
Read more about Inability to Communicate

Inability to Communicate

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about Inability to Communicate
Read more about Inability to Communicate
Communication is key and yet, it seems it is one we have lost. Too much rage, pain, hate, distrust...just too much negative. Not near enough solution. Where do we go from here? With so much distorting the world does anyone know where to even begin?
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2

Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2
Read more about Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2
Honest Thoughts with Hannah: Poem No.2: My Kind of Summer.
Read more about You GOAL girl!
Read more about You GOAL girl!

You GOAL girl!

Jul 24, 2024
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Read more about You GOAL girl!
Read more about You GOAL girl!
Your mind may take you places you do not want to go, so take your next steps to shadow your unweighted glow.
Read more about Please help our family battle Cancer !!
Read more about Please help our family battle Cancer !!

Please help our family battle Cancer !!

Jul 24, 2024
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Read more about Please help our family battle Cancer !!
Read more about Please help our family battle Cancer !!
November of 2023 my fiancee Thomas was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic adenocarcinoma (lung cancer) as well as bone cancer and pneumonia. We were completely unprepared for such a sudden and terminal diagnosis at that time. We had just become homeless due to my being unable to work as I was and still am his ONLY out of facility care provider. He was taken by ambulance to Sioux Falls, South Dakota which is where we spent our Christmas. We have since secured a small one bedroom apartment. We met In church in Marshall, MN and have been engaged for 6 years. We have 3 amazing daughters ages 21, 16 & 9 years old. Tom has not been able to see his mom or the rest of his family in Texas for over 20 years unfortunately. and we are hoping to raise funding for he and I to go for a week so he can see his family and we can have his mom and family present when we exchange vows. It would be life'changing We are using cashapp primarily as other platforms charge a percentage of donations. $helpfundhope
Read more about The Beginning
Read more about The Beginning

The Beginning

Jul 24, 2024
Read more about The Beginning
Read more about The Beginning
Come on a journey that proves that what is thought is just a myth is actually real. There is more dangers that are real but also the rewords are just as much real. So join the crew and hopefully we all come back alive.
Read more about Words to you (poem)
Read more about Words to you (poem)

Words to you (poem)

Jul 23, 2024
Read more about Words to you (poem)
Read more about Words to you (poem)
By Arcassin B Shameful of the days that was given in return had the karma of Babylon, looking for the light but not searching every day, nights are colder with these open wounds still fresh, No one ever wants peace, I remember the days when times were simpler thinking that I could do what I wanted in a peaceful manner, my love and care would always go to waste, it's clear to see that I was heaven sent, no repent, no one gives a fuck If I die , thats literally evident, but I would sit and keep explaining things about the carelessness of people, or the corrupted world or maybe that life's a movie, and didn't get to the sequel.

Words to you (poem)

Jul 23, 2024
Read more about Caution to Readers
Read more about Caution to Readers

Caution to Readers

Jul 22, 2024
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Read more about Caution to Readers
Read more about Caution to Readers
In a sane world, it would not need be said however, the world is not sane thus, caution must be conveyed. I am just another individual, with my own individual thoughts and opinions. I want to feel hopeful in the sharing of my internal world. In the act of granting entrance here, learning to permit gaining additional perspectives in which to contemplate and becoming able to work together to repair and rebuild is what I am attempting to achieve.
Read more about City Council Approves Major New Development to Revitalize Downtown
Read more about City Council Approves Major New Development to Revitalize Downtown

City Council Approves Major New Development to Revitalize Downtown

Jul 22, 2024
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Read more about City Council Approves Major New Development to Revitalize Downtown
Read more about City Council Approves Major New Development to Revitalize Downtown
City Council Approves Major New Development to Revitalize Downtown In a landmark decision set to transform the city’s downtown area, the City Council has approved a comprehensive development project aimed at revitalizing the heart of the city. The approval follows months of detailed planning, extensive community engagement, and heated debates among council members, developers, and local residents. The project promises to breathe new life into several underutilized blocks, incorporating a mix of residential, commercial, and public spaces designed to stimulate economic growth and enhance urban living.
Read more about Hello?
Read more about Hello?


Jul 22, 2024
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Read more about Hello?
Read more about Hello?
Who are you? Why are you here? What do you want? Are you the person I want to be? Mirror, mirror why have I forsaken myself?
Read more about Life in my days
Read more about Life in my days

Life in my days

Jul 21, 2024
Read more about Life in my days
Read more about Life in my days
My life in general
Read more about My inner vampiric life
Read more about My inner vampiric life

My inner vampiric life

Jul 21, 2024
Read more about My inner vampiric life
Read more about My inner vampiric life
Another thing from which I like to write about.

Different stories of versions of my life

Jul 21, 2024
I walk into a room surrounded by people that argue and fight about the smallest of things throughout the day,as the day progresses my mind begins to feel clouded,clouded by the many noises and things that invades my thoughts as the day progresses,my life is like a living hell with the torture treatment of which I receive by the constant ignorance and annoyances brought fourth unto me through the vagueness and immature actions that people use and do on a daily basis I live my life in darkness surrounded by mirrors that reflect the many images of the thoughts of constant drama, depression,fear,and distress of which I go through in my every day living,living surrounded by the mirrors I feel closed in boxed in within this cage a torture chamber created in my head take a look into my eyes to realize that what was once a pretty sight is now that of a nightmare behind these eyes is the story of my life take credit for the credit that is due is not taken lightly behind these eyes of mine.


Jul 21, 2024
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I want to jump, but I can't find the edge. Where do I want to land? I want to go somewhere, but where? A place with happiness, pure and unfiltered happiness far beyond the daily grind and turmoil. I think my time is beginning to spoil. Where am I? Why is everything so dark? Flowers can't grow here, but I need them to. A way out, there has to be. I am the way out. I am that ledge. I'll land outside of myself and see all I was looking for! Smiling from ear to ear until my cheeks hurt and then some. I could be better as someone else! My core is damaged, time to trade in.
Read more about What is Book Volt?
Read more about What is Book Volt?

What is Book Volt?

Jul 21, 2024
Read more about What is Book Volt?
Read more about What is Book Volt?
What is Book Volt and how to Utilize its sources to earn passivly on amazon kdp
Read more about What is Amazon KDP, and How can it help you earn money Passively?
Read more about What is Amazon KDP, and How can it help you earn money Passively?

What is Amazon KDP, and How can it help you earn money Passively?

Jul 21, 2024
Read more about What is Amazon KDP, and How can it help you earn money Passively?
Read more about What is Amazon KDP, and How can it help you earn money Passively?
What is Canva and how you can sign up for canva for free and utilize all there tools to help you earn passivly through Amazon KDP
Read more about What is Amazon KDP, and How can it help you earn money Passively?
Read more about What is Amazon KDP, and How can it help you earn money Passively?

What is Amazon KDP, and How can it help you earn money Passively?

Jul 21, 2024
Read more about What is Amazon KDP, and How can it help you earn money Passively?
Read more about What is Amazon KDP, and How can it help you earn money Passively?
What is Amazon KDP, how to get started, website i use for free to create all my low content books, how to publish your books, how to be sold on amazon marketplace, steps i use to promote my work and how it can earn money for you passivly!