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Read more about Advance Screenings of 'Deadpool & Wolverine' for Troops Overseas
Read more about Advance Screenings of 'Deadpool & Wolverine' for Troops Overseas

Advance Screenings of 'Deadpool & Wolverine' for Troops Overseas

Jul 23, 2024
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Read more about Advance Screenings of 'Deadpool & Wolverine' for Troops Overseas
Read more about Advance Screenings of 'Deadpool & Wolverine' for Troops Overseas
U.S. troops in Romania and Lithuania will get an early screening of Marvel's "Deadpool & Wolverine" on July 25, ahead of its U.S. release. The film, starring Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman, is part of a collaboration between Disney and the Army and Air Force Exchange Service to boost morale. Each service member will also receive a commemorative Disney coin.
Read more about Pessimistic self help
Read more about Pessimistic self help

Pessimistic self help

Jul 19, 2024
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Read more about Pessimistic self help
Read more about Pessimistic self help
Pondering the purpose of my existence.


Jul 17, 2024
In light of recent discussions surrounding the assassination attempt of Donald Trump and the unfounded claims suggesting it was staged, it is crucial to approach such assertions with skepticism and rationality. Conspiracy type of theories undermine and can damage the integrity of our society and also have the potential to cause division and mistrust within society.
Read more about Internet star "Bella Brave" Dead at age 10
Read more about Internet star "Bella Brave" Dead at age 10

Internet star "Bella Brave" Dead at age 10

Jul 16, 2024
Read more about Internet star "Bella Brave" Dead at age 10
Read more about Internet star "Bella Brave" Dead at age 10
Bella Thomson also known as "Bella Brave" passed away on July 14th 2024 after complications with her health in Toronto, Canada. In this article, you will be filled with warmth and hope from a girl fighting her health issues with a smile and not letting her life go to waste.

Why Re-electioning Trump would be the best option for the 2024 Election.

Jul 14, 2024
As we navigate through a pivotal moment in American history, the upcoming presidential election has brought about a wave of emotions and opinions. With President Trump seeking re-election and former Vice President Joe Biden as his opponent, the choice for the next leader of the United States has never been more crucial. In this heartfelt discussion, we delve into why President Trump stands out over Biden as the better candidate for the presidency.
Read more about Publishers: Grow Revenue and Audience with Notd
Read more about Publishers: Grow Revenue and Audience with Notd

Publishers: Grow Revenue and Audience with Notd

Jul 02, 2024
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Read more about Publishers: Grow Revenue and Audience with Notd
Read more about Publishers: Grow Revenue and Audience with Notd
Notd is a groundbreaking way to generate revenue by allowing news publishers to offer new readers sectional subscriptions in specific categories — such as sports, business, editorials, or local news.
Read more about The Zodiac Killer: America's Most Infamous Unsolved Mystery
Read more about The Zodiac Killer: America's Most Infamous Unsolved Mystery

The Zodiac Killer: America's Most Infamous Unsolved Mystery

Jun 29, 2024
Read more about The Zodiac Killer: America's Most Infamous Unsolved Mystery
Read more about The Zodiac Killer: America's Most Infamous Unsolved Mystery
In this blog, we delved into the chilling story of the Zodiac Killer, an infamous serial killer who terrorized the San Francisco Bay Area in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The killer's cryptic messages, unsolved murders, and taunting letters captured the public's attention, and his identity remains a mystery to this day. Despite numerous investigations, suspects, and theories, the Zodiac Killer remains an enigmatic figure, inspiring fear, fascination, and a relentless quest for answers. The case continues to captivate true crime enthusiasts and the general public, with new advances in forensic technology offering hope for a breakthrough in the future.

The corruption of America

Jun 28, 2024
Individuals Being Enslaved By Corrupt America With No Clue
Read more about Latest Presidential Debate
Read more about Latest Presidential Debate

Latest Presidential Debate

Jun 27, 2024
Read more about Latest Presidential Debate
Read more about Latest Presidential Debate
In the latest presidential debate, candidates clashed on a range of critical issues, from economic policies and healthcare to foreign relations and climate change.
Read more about Marijuana: An Argument
Read more about Marijuana: An Argument

Marijuana: An Argument

Jun 06, 2024
Read more about Marijuana: An Argument
Read more about Marijuana: An Argument
For my topic, I have chosen to discuss whether marijuana is beneficial or harmful. More specifically, the impact of marijuana can have on an individual’s mental and physical health. Over the last 7 years or so, studies have shown that there is still much to learn about marijuana. Medical marijuana dispensaries have become the norm and there is only a handful of states left debating whether to legalize marijuana.

The Froth of War

May 28, 2024
Depicting warlike behavior as inhuman and outside of normal human behavior justifies further horrific behavior.
Read more about 3 Wheel Drive
Read more about 3 Wheel Drive

3 Wheel Drive

May 20, 2024
Read more about 3 Wheel Drive
Read more about 3 Wheel Drive
The morel of the story: Whether you see the vodka bottle as half empty, or half full, don’t drink and drive.

The Fallout of Another Biden 4 Years

May 18, 2024
As the next presidential election approaches, many political observers are considering the potential impact of another Biden presidency. While President Biden's supporters laud his dedication to social justice and environmental policies, some critics are concerned about the negative effects that another term in office could bring. One of the primary concerns surrounding another Biden presidency is the potential for increased government spending and higher taxes. President Biden has proposed numerous ambitious

Unlock Incredible Savings: Grab Your Temu Coupon Code Now!

May 13, 2024
Unlock Incredible Savings: Grab Your Temu Coupon Code Now!
Read more about CERN'S milestone: The First Stable Beam of 2024
Read more about CERN'S milestone: The First Stable Beam of 2024

CERN'S milestone: The First Stable Beam of 2024

May 12, 2024
Read more about CERN'S milestone: The First Stable Beam of 2024
Read more about CERN'S milestone: The First Stable Beam of 2024
CERN's Milestone: The First Stable Beam of 2024
Read more about The Giant Quantum Vortex: Scientists have created a 'Giant Quantum Vortex'
Read more about The Giant Quantum Vortex: Scientists have created a 'Giant Quantum Vortex'

The Giant Quantum Vortex: Scientists have created a 'Giant Quantum Vortex'

May 12, 2024
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Read more about The Giant Quantum Vortex: Scientists have created a 'Giant Quantum Vortex'
Read more about The Giant Quantum Vortex: Scientists have created a 'Giant Quantum Vortex'
Scientists have created a vortex that mimics black holes! And we were only worrying about CERN 🤔


May 08, 2024
The history of the United States began with the arrival of the first people in the Americas around 15,000 BC. European colonization started in the late 15th century, and most colonies in what would become the United States were settled after 1600. The thirteen British colonies grew in population and were established along the Atlantic Coast. The Southern Colonies relied on slave labor for agriculture. Conflict with Britain over taxes led to armed resistance and eventually the declaration of independence in 1776. The United States won the Revolutionary War and established a new government with the Constitution in 1789. The country expanded westward, doubling its size with the Louisiana Purchase in 1803.
Read more about Fox News Bows to Biden Censorship Pressure, Removes 'Docuseries'
Read more about Fox News Bows to Biden Censorship Pressure, Removes 'Docuseries'

Fox News Bows to Biden Censorship Pressure, Removes 'Docuseries'

May 01, 2024
Read more about Fox News Bows to Biden Censorship Pressure, Removes 'Docuseries'
Read more about Fox News Bows to Biden Censorship Pressure, Removes 'Docuseries'
Truth is something which the Biden regime simply won't permit to be aired or streamed. Fox News caved in to censorship pressure and yanked the two year old documentary series focusing on Hunter's legal troubles.
Read more about Breaking: Jew Hating Mob Captures Campus Building With Complicity
Read more about Breaking: Jew Hating Mob Captures Campus Building With Complicity

Breaking: Jew Hating Mob Captures Campus Building With Complicity

Apr 30, 2024
Read more about Breaking: Jew Hating Mob Captures Campus Building With Complicity
Read more about Breaking: Jew Hating Mob Captures Campus Building With Complicity
Hamas irregulars, disguised as students, assembled their forces just before midnight for an assault on the campus administration building formerly known as Hamilton Hall. Recently, they have been allowed to illegally occupy part of the campus, calling it "the Gaza Solidarity Encampment." Since nobody did anything to stop that, they decided to advance their objectives by gaining a more defensible base of operations.
Read more about China Doesn't Care What Blinken Says: They'll Take Taiwan This Year
Read more about China Doesn't Care What Blinken Says: They'll Take Taiwan This Year

China Doesn't Care What Blinken Says: They'll Take Taiwan This Year

Apr 28, 2024
Read more about China Doesn't Care What Blinken Says: They'll Take Taiwan This Year
Read more about China Doesn't Care What Blinken Says: They'll Take Taiwan This Year
China will re-take their island territory of Taiwan sometime this year. Probably by fall. The Pooh Bear apparently wants to get it done and over with before Donald Trump gets re-elected.