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Addictive personalities I

Jul 27, 2024
Having an addictive personality can manifest in various ways, each unique to the individual. Some people may find themselves addicted to substances like drugs or alcohol, while others may struggle with addictive behaviors such as gambling or shopping. Regardless of the specific manifestation, addictive personalities often share common traits, such as impulsivity, difficulty regulating emotions, and a tendency to seek out pleasure and avoid pain. It's important to understand that addiction is a complex and multifaceted issue that can impact anyone, regardless of age, gender, or background.
Read more about Please help our family battle Cancer !!
Read more about Please help our family battle Cancer !!

Please help our family battle Cancer !!

Jul 24, 2024
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Read more about Please help our family battle Cancer !!
Read more about Please help our family battle Cancer !!
November of 2023 my fiancee Thomas was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic adenocarcinoma (lung cancer) as well as bone cancer and pneumonia. We were completely unprepared for such a sudden and terminal diagnosis at that time. We had just become homeless due to my being unable to work as I was and still am his ONLY out of facility care provider. He was taken by ambulance to Sioux Falls, South Dakota which is where we spent our Christmas. We have since secured a small one bedroom apartment. We met In church in Marshall, MN and have been engaged for 6 years. We have 3 amazing daughters ages 21, 16 & 9 years old. Tom has not been able to see his mom or the rest of his family in Texas for over 20 years unfortunately. and we are hoping to raise funding for he and I to go for a week so he can see his family and we can have his mom and family present when we exchange vows. It would be life'changing We are using cashapp primarily as other platforms charge a percentage of donations. $helpfundhope
Read more about Understanding the Advantages of AI Integrating Soft Skills in Trading
Read more about Understanding the Advantages of AI Integrating Soft Skills in Trading

Understanding the Advantages of AI Integrating Soft Skills in Trading

Jul 23, 2024
Read more about Understanding the Advantages of AI Integrating Soft Skills in Trading
Read more about Understanding the Advantages of AI Integrating Soft Skills in Trading
By honing their technical competence and soft skills, people can significantly enhance their career prospects and contribute more meaningfully to their organizations. In a dynamic job market, the ability to adapt, communicate, and empathize with others is just as crucial as technical expertise. This realization can inspire and motivate traders to invest in their soft skills, knowing that it can transform them from good to great.
Read more about Has technology had an impact on the level of laziness in society?
Read more about Has technology had an impact on the level of laziness in society?

Has technology had an impact on the level of laziness in society?

Jul 15, 2024
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Read more about Has technology had an impact on the level of laziness in society?
Read more about Has technology had an impact on the level of laziness in society?
"The only time a lazy man ever succeeds is when he tries to do nothing." - Unknown
Read more about 10 Mindblowing Ways to Boost Your Productivity
Read more about 10 Mindblowing Ways to Boost Your Productivity

10 Mindblowing Ways to Boost Your Productivity

Jul 15, 2024
Read more about 10 Mindblowing Ways to Boost Your Productivity
Read more about 10 Mindblowing Ways to Boost Your Productivity
"Discover ten transformative strategies to skyrocket your productivity. From effective planning and time management techniques to embracing mindfulness and delegation, this guide equips you with essential tools for achieving more in less time. Learn how to create a distraction-free workspace, set SMART goals, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. Whether you're a professional, entrepreneur, or student, these mindblowing tips will revolutionize how you approach tasks, enhance focus, and achieve sustainable productivity gains. Elevate your performance and unleash your full potential with these actionable insights."


Jul 13, 2024
We are yours, O rich, yet when we call, You vanish, leaving us to fall. You flaunt your wealth with pride so vain, As if it’s yours to forever claim. Your callous heart, your selfish ways, Can never shine in human’s praise. A body bloated, greed’s cruel hand, Has crushed the poor across this land. Your promises, a cruel disguise, Have left the poor to agonize. With all your wealth, you'll die in shame, Your deeds condemned, a wretched name. The grave will be your final bed, With snakes and scorpions 'round your head. Your wealth and towers can’t redeem, The pain you've caused, the broken dream. You spit on poor with hidden scorn, Yet mask it with a smile, forlorn. Why not reveal your truth, so cold? We see the lie, the story told. We may depart before your end, But justice waits, and will attend. So go, O rich, your fate is clear, God stands with poor, their hearts sincere. By Aadil Ahad ( 143)
Read more about No Animal Hungry
Read more about No Animal Hungry

No Animal Hungry

Jul 12, 2024
Read more about No Animal Hungry
Read more about No Animal Hungry
No Animal Hungry. Need help with feeding your pets? Who loves animals as much as I do? Let's share
Read more about Stream to the Beginning of the story of my life
Read more about Stream to the Beginning of the story of my life

Stream to the Beginning of the story of my life

Jul 09, 2024
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Read more about Stream to the Beginning of the story of my life
Read more about Stream to the Beginning of the story of my life
The story of my life will start tomorrow, stream to follow up from zilla the storyteller. Thankyou.

What says u ?

Jul 09, 2024
The invisible force around us , people live in a world where a lot of us are distracted .. our leaders in America are walking us to the end of the world as we know it.. people can not be religious but believe it or not we're in the beginning stages of the world war three.. the invisible force is demonic and our leaders pray to the dark forces ... I open this blog for free thinkers I love America I am worried about where we are headed .. I just want free thinkers in this blog I open the floor to thoughts of what I said

Financial literacy 101

Jul 08, 2024
Imagine making your money work for you. That's the essence of financial literacy. It’s not just balancing a checkbook; it’s mastering your financial future. Starting to save early harnesses the magic of compound interest, growing your wealth exponentially. Managing debt wisely, like avoiding credit card traps, can save you from financial headaches. Budgeting isn’t about depriving yourself; it’s about smartly allocating your money to enjoy life now and later. Investing, whether in stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, offers growth opportunities if you understand the risks. Taxes and retirement planning are key to long-term security. Becoming financially literate means taking control of your finances and securing a prosperous future. What steps are you taking toward financial literacy?

The corruption of America

Jun 28, 2024
Individuals Being Enslaved By Corrupt America With No Clue

Social Cognition

Jun 26, 2024
Social cognition is the study of how people understand and interact in social situations. It explains how we form our attitudes and beliefs, and how we interpret and react to different situations. This field involves mental processes like attention, perception, memory, and reasoning. It also includes attribution theory, which explains how we attribute others' behavior to internal or external causes, and schema theory, which explains how we use mental frameworks to organize and interpret information. Understanding social cognition is crucial for explaining social behavior and mental health. People who struggle with social cognition may have difficulty with social interactions and be more prone to mental health issues like depression and anxiety.
Read more about quote - excerpt
Read more about quote - excerpt

quote - excerpt

Jun 18, 2024
Read more about quote - excerpt
Read more about quote - excerpt
"Beneath this mystic world of beauty there lies the truth,
Read more about What Do You Truly Desire in Life?
Read more about What Do You Truly Desire in Life?

What Do You Truly Desire in Life?

Jun 17, 2024
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Read more about What Do You Truly Desire in Life?
Read more about What Do You Truly Desire in Life?
What Do You Truly Desire in Life? The question echoes through the chambers of our hearts, a persistent whisper amidst the clamor of daily existence. "What do you want?" It's a query as old as time itself, yet its answer remains elusive, shifting like sand beneath our feet. In the grand tapestry of life, desires weave intricate patterns, each thread a unique hue representing our deepest longings. For some, it's the pursuit of material wealth, the allure of shiny trinkets and luxurious comforts. Others yearn for recognition, the intoxicating applause of an adoring audience. Still, others crave power, the intoxicating ability to shape the world according to their will.
Read more about Blue Collar
Read more about Blue Collar

Blue Collar

Jun 16, 2024
Read more about Blue Collar
Read more about Blue Collar
most mornings he doesn't know he's awake until he starts up his battered truck, the vibration reminds him it's time to make a difference. Most don't know he exists, the few who do are his world. Sometimes it's a wife and kids, sometimes it's a child with fur. This is who he works for really, not the corporation that writes his checks. Another day's grind, his heart won't let him give anything but his best.
Read more about The way of achieving 100% of your brain #1
Read more about The way of achieving 100% of your brain #1

The way of achieving 100% of your brain #1

Jun 15, 2024
Read more about The way of achieving 100% of your brain #1
Read more about The way of achieving 100% of your brain #1
This will be long process of how I learned how to achieve 100% of your brains limit.
Read more about High Paying Remote Jobs Direct From USA
Read more about High Paying Remote Jobs Direct From USA

High Paying Remote Jobs Direct From USA

Jun 09, 2024
Read more about High Paying Remote Jobs Direct From USA
Read more about High Paying Remote Jobs Direct From USA
High Paying Remote Jobs Direct From USA
Read more about Living Sane On An Insane World
Read more about Living Sane On An Insane World

Living Sane On An Insane World

Jun 09, 2024
Read more about Living Sane On An Insane World
Read more about Living Sane On An Insane World
Living Sane On An Insane World Thoughtful commentary on economy, peace, war, culture, religion, home cooking, world news, family life, technology, politics, environment protection, health, progress, climate and other things worth for discussion. We are supposed to live in a sane world. But we do not. We are irrational. Stalin is one of the evilest men in history. In dekulakization of Soviet Russia, Stalin’s caused famines of 1932-33 left millions Kulaks deaths, including millions of farm animals. Time magazine awarded him Man of the Year in 1939 and 1942. Hitler who led the murder of six million Jews but Time magazine awarded him Man of the Year in 1938. The nickel mining in the Philippines is another insane economic driver. The EV is trying to save the world by its use of clean energy but the nickel mines are destroying rainforests, polluting rivers and seas. In reality in trying to save the world, EV is destroying the world it is saving. Insane world.
Read more about romanticizing greece
Read more about romanticizing greece

romanticizing greece

Jun 06, 2024
Read more about romanticizing greece
Read more about romanticizing greece
Aristotle, the Philosopher of Reason teaching on stage high Leonidas, the legendary King of Sparta creating his sacrificial altar for protection Archimedes, the Mathematician changing the knowledge of our universe

What is an influencer?

May 31, 2024
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In today’s society we hear the word influencer. We see these people rising to huge places and honestly when I see someone who is “famous” and I have no idea who they are I was so confused. My own son has talked about the car scene, videoing, PODCASTS traveling and things I thought were a hobby. You know, when you are on the periphery of someone else's dreams or desires it is very hard to understand exactly what that means to them. What it means in the big scheme of things and mostly what it means to the rest of us who have no idea what they are doing.