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Read more about 10 life hacks to make your life easier
Read more about 10 life hacks to make your life easier

10 life hacks to make your life easier

Anaya Mirza Sep 21, 2024
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Read more about 10 life hacks to make your life easier
Read more about 10 life hacks to make your life easier
10 easy life hacks that you didn't know that can make your life 10x easier!
Read more about Everyone Start Here!!
Read more about Everyone Start Here!!

Everyone Start Here!!

Taylor Cecelia Brook
Sep 02, 2024
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Read more about Everyone Start Here!!
Read more about Everyone Start Here!!
Everything you could ever need to know about the author!
Read more about A Solitary Black Sock
Read more about A Solitary Black Sock

A Solitary Black Sock

Wendy Christine Allen aka EelKat
Sep 01, 2024
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Read more about A Solitary Black Sock
A Solitary Black Sock I. Quaraun bent down to touch the sand, His fingers brushed a curious thing, A black cloth, small and rather bland, Oddly shaped, like it could cling, A puzzle from some distant land. A mystery found, strange, strange, strange, What could it be, strange, strange, strange. II. BoomFuzzy peered with furrowed brow, The cloth was soft, yet oddly stiff, An ancient relic, they knew not how, Or why it had washed ashore this cliff, An item lost, but not for now. Lost to the sea, old, old, old, Ancient and dark, old, old, old. III. Quaraun pondered with deep suspicion, A magic tool, or cursed device? Perhaps it held a dark magician,

The Dragon Slayer

Josh Thornton
Aug 31, 2024
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The King raised his Axe and activated the ruby enchantment increasing the strength and adding the flames of Argkanzilch to said Axe. Next he jumped into the air, raising the Axe into the sky where it was struck by lightning. Then he brought it down onto Sabrina's shield with all his might breaking it into pieces and almost killing her.
Read more about The Dragon Slayer
Read more about The Dragon Slayer

The Dragon Slayer

Josh Thornton
Aug 31, 2024
Read more about The Dragon Slayer
Read more about The Dragon Slayer
The King raised his Axe and activated the ruby enchantment increasing the strength and adding the flames of Argkanzilch to said Axe. Next he jumped into the air, raising the Axe into the sky where it was struck by lightning. Then he brought it down onto Sabrina's shield with all his might breaking it into pieces and almost killing her.
Read more about The Dragon Slayer
Read more about The Dragon Slayer

The Dragon Slayer

Josh Thornton
Aug 19, 2024
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Read more about The Dragon Slayer
Read more about The Dragon Slayer
The King raised his Axe and activated the ruby enchantment increasing the strength and adding the flames of Argkanzilch to said Axe. Next he jumped into the air, raising the Axe into the sky where it was struck by lightning. Then he brought it down onto Sabrina's shield with all his might breaking it into pieces and almost killing her.
Read more about A Trip to the ER!
Read more about A Trip to the ER!

A Trip to the ER!

Keziah Bumgardner
Jul 16, 2024
Read more about A Trip to the ER!
Read more about A Trip to the ER!
My brother got hit by a car, but it was the car that needed to go to the hospital
Read more about Locking Eyes / Shaving Cream Names
Read more about Locking Eyes / Shaving Cream Names

Locking Eyes / Shaving Cream Names

Always, Armoni
Jul 14, 2024
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Read more about Locking Eyes / Shaving Cream Names
Read more about Locking Eyes / Shaving Cream Names
The short and sweet beginning to an embarrassingly long and sour story.
Read more about Life in a Glass Box
Read more about Life in a Glass Box

Life in a Glass Box

The StoryForge
Jul 11, 2024
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Read more about Life in a Glass Box
Read more about Life in a Glass Box
The article offers a satirical and introspective look at the life of a public transit dispatcher. The author compares their small, glass-enclosed workspace to a fishbowl, observing the constant stream of humanity passing through. With a mix of humor and detachment, the piece explores the psychological toll of witnessing the daily dramas, eccentricities, and struggles of the public. The dispatcher's role morphs from observer to confidant, ultimately leading to a sense of isolation and disillusionment.
Read more about A Day in the Life of a Public Transit Dispatcher: A Symphony of Screams
Read more about A Day in the Life of a Public Transit Dispatcher: A Symphony of Screams

A Day in the Life of a Public Transit Dispatcher: A Symphony of Screams

The StoryForge
Jul 11, 2024
Read more about A Day in the Life of a Public Transit Dispatcher: A Symphony of Screams
Read more about A Day in the Life of a Public Transit Dispatcher: A Symphony of Screams
They field an endless stream of bizarre calls, from passenger complaints about everything under the sun to dealing with unruly and intoxicated individuals. The job requires immense patience, quick thinking, and a strong stomach for the bizarre. From handling aggressive passengers to coordinating with mentally unstable individuals, dispatchers are the unsung heroes who keep public transportation running amidst the madness.
Read more about Confessions of a Sleep-Deprived Multitasking Mastermind
Read more about Confessions of a Sleep-Deprived Multitasking Mastermind

Confessions of a Sleep-Deprived Multitasking Mastermind

The StoryForge
Jul 11, 2024
Read more about Confessions of a Sleep-Deprived Multitasking Mastermind
Read more about Confessions of a Sleep-Deprived Multitasking Mastermind
The author of this article describes their busy and fulfilling life, juggling three different jobs: a night shift information specialist, a co-owner of a spice and tea shop, and a caretaker for rescued pigs. The author finds joy and satisfaction in each of these roles, and they wouldn't trade their chaotic life for anything.
Read more about I Ride the Bus... To Work on the Bus
Read more about I Ride the Bus... To Work on the Bus

I Ride the Bus... To Work on the Bus

The StoryForge
Jul 11, 2024
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Read more about I Ride the Bus... To Work on the Bus
Read more about I Ride the Bus... To Work on the Bus
A public transportation expert finds himself ironically stranded without a car, forcing him to rely on the very system he oversees. The author humorously describes the challenges and unexpected joys of navigating public transit as a passenger, from the discomfort of crowded buses to the amusing encounters with fellow riders. Ultimately, the experience offers a new perspective on the daily realities of public transportation users.
Read more about From Gumball Glories to Latte Longings
Read more about From Gumball Glories to Latte Longings

From Gumball Glories to Latte Longings

The StoryForge
Jul 11, 2024
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Read more about From Gumball Glories to Latte Longings
This piece explores the shift in the meaning of money from childhood to adulthood. While a quarter once held endless possibilities, adult life often transforms money into a mere utility. The author suggests rediscovering the joy of money by focusing on experiences, savoring small pleasures, and practicing delayed gratification. It's a call to recapture the childlike wonder associated with money and find happiness in life's simple moments.

Manipulative life

Jade W Jul 05, 2024
I was totally dreading the 4th of July bc my mom was forcing me to go to their lake house 2.5 hours away. My dog is old and I didn't think he would make the trip in my truck but I knew my mom would be a bitch about it until the next disaster occurred. I put going up there off until 2 pm on the 4th of July. Finally loaded my truck with everything got my dog his pallet made and hit the road. Poor cricket was struggling bc his joints hurt but he wouldn't lay down and was exhausting himself trying to stay sitting up. My mom had called and I told her this is just what happened the last time I didn't want to go. Will you be mad mom if I don't come? No, I won't be and goes back to her show. I got home, layed down and passed out. Woke up to messages where are you? We put dinner off until 7 for you (family of 10 others). Then we realized you weren't coming. I wish you would reply or let us know you are okay. If she would listen to anything I say she would know she told me it was okay go home.
Read more about The Misadventures of Professor Puddlebottom
Read more about The Misadventures of Professor Puddlebottom

The Misadventures of Professor Puddlebottom

Yash Khakhi Jun 23, 2024
Read more about The Misadventures of Professor Puddlebottom
Read more about The Misadventures of Professor Puddlebottom
Professor Percival Puddlebottom, with his wild shock of white hair and perpetually smudged spectacles, stood triumphantly in the center of his laboratory. The air crackled with anticipation as the townspeople gathered around, whispering excitedly among themselves.
Read more about The first, it’s slow ? Or it’s just okay to keep moving..
Read more about The first, it’s slow ? Or it’s just okay to keep moving..

The first, it’s slow ? Or it’s just okay to keep moving..

Mmc Jun 01, 2024
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Read more about The first, it’s slow ? Or it’s just okay to keep moving..
Read more about The first, it’s slow ? Or it’s just okay to keep moving..
It wasn’t till I saw sex in the city that I could figure this out what was the voice in my head it was me my inner talk it could be a film show or maybe just an articule or maybe just something to eat popcorns with , but what was it really with this inner voice of mine
Read more about The edge of Everything
Read more about The edge of Everything

The edge of Everything

Aladdin May 26, 2024
Read more about The edge of Everything
Read more about The edge of Everything
Chapter 1: The Edge of Everything Aloin had always known the world could be unkind. At seventeen, he had grown accustomed to the orphanage's cold, indifferent stares, the way the other kids treated him like he was something fragile. In truth, he was. With a heart too big for his slight frame and eyes that saw too much, Aloin navigated life with the caution of a scared puppy and the grace of a shy cat. The night was unusually quiet, a velvet blanket of stars overhead as Aloin slipped through the streets of the small town. The orphanage's curfew was long past, but he needed this-these moments of solitude where he could breathe without the weight of judgment. His breath hitched as he turned a corner and found himself face-to-face with a figure cloaked in darkness. The man's eyes glowed with an unnatural light, a glint that sent a shiver down Aloin's spine. "You're Aloin," the man said, his voice a low rumble that seemed to echo off the walls. (To be continued...)
Read more about Botched Burgles
Read more about Botched Burgles

Botched Burgles

D. Kolby Gercevich
May 23, 2024
Read more about Botched Burgles
Read more about Botched Burgles
Of all the perpetrators that I would find, arrest, and provide a free ride down to the County Jail, burglary suspects tended to be those I found in some of the craziest situations. I struggled with whether I should chop several of these up into separate stories, or just slap together one, long, compilation of burglary bungles. These are just a couple of those.
Read more about Post-Modern Problems Require Hilarious Solutions: Stream Concept
Read more about Post-Modern Problems Require Hilarious Solutions: Stream Concept

Post-Modern Problems Require Hilarious Solutions: Stream Concept

Argelia Salmon May 22, 2024
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Read more about Post-Modern Problems Require Hilarious Solutions: Stream Concept
Read more about Post-Modern Problems Require Hilarious Solutions: Stream Concept
The note outlines a concept for a live stream titled "Post-Modern Problems Require Hilarious Solutions." The stream aims to address the challenges faced by social media users in creating engaging and funny content. It will offer solutions through interactive activities, like brainstorming captions and memes, and address common struggles like writer's block and algorithm woes. The overall tone is lighthearted and humorous, aiming to make learning about social media content creation fun.
Read more about 3 Wheel Drive
Read more about 3 Wheel Drive

3 Wheel Drive

D. Kolby Gercevich
May 20, 2024
Read more about 3 Wheel Drive
Read more about 3 Wheel Drive
The morel of the story: Whether you see the vodka bottle as half empty, or half full, don’t drink and drive.