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Read more about I’m solid your see through
Read more about I’m solid your see through

Hollow motions

Jul 24, 2024
Depression heartbreak loneliness alone forever
Read more about How full a moon feeds off
Read more about How full a moon feeds off

How full a moon feeds off

Jul 20, 2024
Read more about How full a moon feeds off
Read more about How full a moon feeds off
Where the full moon meets the horizon; to send a kiss to the night sky.

"The Haunting of Miller House"

Jul 18, 2024
In a small town haunted by the tragic history of the Miller House, a group of teenagers ventures inside one stormy night. They confront eerie whispers and ghostly manifestations, uncovering a journal detailing a forbidden love and betrayal that led to the house's haunting. Fleeing in terror, they hear ghostly cries echoing through the town, forever haunted by the restless spirits of the past.
Read more about How time affects everything
Read more about How time affects everything

How time affects everything

Jul 14, 2024
Read more about How time affects everything
Read more about How time affects everything
Time is something we simply can’t stop or mold for our own use. To its very core we have to accept it and move on
Read more about Three nights before Halloween chapter 6
Read more about Three nights before Halloween chapter 6

Three nights before Halloween chapter 6

Jul 12, 2024
Read more about Three nights before Halloween chapter 6
Read more about Three nights before Halloween chapter 6
Colours have power and can shape and mold reality itself if used correctly.
Read more about Three nights before Halloween chapter 1
Read more about Three nights before Halloween chapter 1

Three nights before Halloween chapter 1

Jul 12, 2024
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Read more about Three nights before Halloween chapter 1
Read more about Three nights before Halloween chapter 1
Dive into the mind of warran and his journey with what’s real or not.
Read more about The One That Got Away- A Poem
Read more about The One That Got Away- A Poem

The One That Got Away- A Poem

Jul 11, 2024
free note
Read more about The One That Got Away- A Poem
Read more about The One That Got Away- A Poem
A poem I wrote about the right person wrong time.
Read more about Fall.
Read more about Fall.


Jun 27, 2024
free note
Read more about Fall.
Read more about Fall.
I am awake with a craving for the taste that still lingers on my tongue.
Read more about I prefer.
Read more about I prefer.

I prefer.

Jun 27, 2024
free note
Read more about I prefer.
Read more about I prefer.
I prefer silent conversations, ones where bodies speak and hearts listen.
Read more about Author Introduction
Read more about Author Introduction

Author Introduction

May 17, 2024
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Read more about Author Introduction
Read more about Author Introduction
Hello Reader! Whoever you may be. While this may present as a novel, it is a collection of short stories retelling my adventures as a Hotwife. Being a true story, I thought I would tell you a little about me! My name is Elizabeth and I am 28 years old. My husband's name is Eric and he is 41. We are, what we like to call, married with benefits. We started this journey in February of 2023 and we really hit the ground running with at least 70 encounters for the year. I truly can't wait to share these stories with you! Names of my partners will be changed to protect their privacy.
Read more about Regret
Read more about Regret


Apr 08, 2024
Read more about Regret
Read more about Regret
I won't say too much because it's a short story and it's gonna give everything away, but its about regret.
Read more about ⚠️Night⚠️
Read more about ⚠️Night⚠️


Mar 28, 2024
free note
Read more about ⚠️Night⚠️
Read more about ⚠️Night⚠️
Read more about Just A Normal Night
Read more about Just A Normal Night

Just A Normal Night

Mar 25, 2024
Read more about Just A Normal Night
Read more about Just A Normal Night
A young girl is enjoying her night when she suddenly experiences bone chilling things.


Mar 21, 2024
Hi If to be truthful is to be cruel than lies must be kind that's why kindness is a lie.
Read more about Little Girl In The Woods..
Read more about Little Girl In The Woods..

Little Girl In The Woods..

Mar 11, 2024
Read more about Little Girl In The Woods..
Read more about Little Girl In The Woods..
This story is about a young girl named Emily who was stranded in the woods..

Chapter 7

Mar 10, 2024
Who needs ice when it is this heated in the chariot of prince charming?
Read more about Moon
Read more about Moon


Jan 19, 2024
Read more about Moon
Read more about Moon
Moon, will you hear as my soul is pieced back together by the hands in which your stars crafted ever so carefully? Moon, will you watch words of life glide as smooth as honey through the lips of my lover to land so delicately in my ear? (Faye Shelnutt, 2024)
Read more about Three Friends Locked in A Cave and The Acceptance of Prayer
Read more about Three Friends Locked in A Cave and The Acceptance of Prayer

Three Friends Locked in A Cave and The Acceptance of Prayer

Jan 18, 2024
Read more about Three Friends Locked in A Cave and The Acceptance of Prayer
Read more about Three Friends Locked in A Cave and The Acceptance of Prayer
Today, every second person seems to be saying that our prayers are not accepted. Therefore, before praying, do a good deed, for example, give charity, feed a hungry person, or arrange Nafl prayers and fasts, and if Allah wants you to be caught in any trouble, then pray for your deeds. I have done it with full sincerity only for Allah.
Read more about Boundaries in emotional bliss
Read more about Boundaries in emotional bliss

Boundaries in emotional bliss

Jan 16, 2024
Read more about Boundaries in emotional bliss
Read more about Boundaries in emotional bliss
When you think of the world "bliss" it can sound almost euphoric. The fear of losing yourself in another can be very blissful but raise caution to turning a blind eye to the person at your side. Can you blossom? or will you wilt under the pressure.