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Read more about Earthquake in Iran
Read more about Earthquake in Iran

Earthquake in Iran

Jun 26, 2024
Read more about Earthquake in Iran
Read more about Earthquake in Iran
Latest Earthquake in Iran On June 26, 2024, a 4.9 magnitude earthquake struck the province of Hormozgan in southern Iran, resulting in the tragic loss of four lives and leaving 120 others injured.
Read more about The Curse
Read more about The Curse

The Curse

Jun 16, 2024
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Read more about The Curse
Read more about The Curse
With tears in his eyes, he did as she begged. Vowing before he did, to share her story told true. This would never happen again, and he was eternally sorry.

The Froth of War

May 28, 2024
Depicting warlike behavior as inhuman and outside of normal human behavior justifies further horrific behavior.
Read more about SO I GET UP
Read more about SO I GET UP


May 19, 2024
Read more about SO I GET UP
Read more about SO I GET UP
I spend my time thinking and turning, wondering what next? I hear people laughing and gossiping at my misfortune, but I say nothing. How can I speak up? Life has been hard, relentlessly cruel, kicking me over and again, trying to break my esteem, spirit, and confidence. From the cover of my bed,

My Personal Superman

May 04, 2024
I avoid the cold as much as humanly possible. And now, with everything delivered, I practically hibernate. Winter, to me, is anything below 8 degrees Celsius. Anything less, and my ability to function decreases drastically. Today, the cold is the only thing keeping me alive, shock enough to bring me back to reality, pain enough to stop me from drawing my own blood. There's no silver this time, only darkness.
Read more about Belle Gunness: The Black Widow of the Midwest
Read more about Belle Gunness: The Black Widow of the Midwest

Belle Gunness: The Black Widow of the Midwest

Apr 12, 2024
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Read more about Belle Gunness: The Black Widow of the Midwest
Read more about Belle Gunness: The Black Widow of the Midwest
With her beguiling smile and gentle demeanor, Gunness possessed an uncanny ability to ensnare the unsuspecting. Through carefully crafted personal ads, she lured lonely hearts to her doorstep with promises of love and companionship. Yet, beneath her charm lay a heart as cold as the Midwestern winters, driven not by passion, but by greed. As the flames consumed her farmhouse and the truth emerged from the ashes, the full extent of her depravity was laid bare. Amongst the ruins, investigators uncovered the grim evidence of her crimes: the charred remains of her victims, their lives extinguished in the pursuit of her insatiable lust for wealth. But even in death, remained an enigma. The mystery of her missing head fueled speculation that she had orchestrated her own demise. And so, as the embers smoldered and the echoes of her crimes faded into the night, the legend of Belle Gunness was born—a cautionary tale of the darkness that dwells within us all.
Read more about The Disturbing Legacy of Genene Jones: Dark Depths of Healthcare-Related Crimes
Read more about The Disturbing Legacy of Genene Jones: Dark Depths of Healthcare-Related Crimes

The Disturbing Legacy of Genene Jones: Dark Depths of Healthcare-Related Crimes

Apr 12, 2024
Read more about The Disturbing Legacy of Genene Jones: Dark Depths of Healthcare-Related Crimes
Read more about The Disturbing Legacy of Genene Jones: Dark Depths of Healthcare-Related Crimes
Genene Jones, born July 13, 1950, in San Antonio, Texas, was a licensed vocational nurse infamous for her role as a serial killer in the 1980s. Working at pediatric clinics, notably Bexar County Hospital, she administered lethal doses of medication to infants and children under her care. Suspicion arose in 1982 due to a spike in infant deaths. Despite being fired, she found employment elsewhere, where more deaths occurred. Arrested in 1983, she was convicted of murdering 15-month-old Chelsea McClellan, receiving a 99-year sentence. Suspected of up to 60 deaths, Jones's case highlights the complexities of healthcare-related crimes.
Read more about Hi nice to met you
Read more about Hi nice to met you

Hi nice to met you

Apr 09, 2024
Read more about Hi nice to met you
Read more about Hi nice to met you
Hello this is Dustin here and this chat/community is about being a human
Read more about []Chapter 1 of Parasitic Perfection[]
Read more about []Chapter 1 of Parasitic Perfection[]

[]Chapter 1 of Parasitic Perfection[]

Apr 06, 2024
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Read more about []Chapter 1 of Parasitic Perfection[]
Read more about []Chapter 1 of Parasitic Perfection[]
This chapter of my book could be triggering to an immature audience as there is mention and direct description of cat calling a young girl. This chapter is a slice of life to begin the story of a young girl as well as her friends and attachments. I also hope that this free first chapter will lead the audience to subscribe for more!

Who am I really?

Apr 02, 2024
I found myself on the website... NCMEC (National Center For Missing and Exploited Children) I was told that I was adopted because my parents had both died, i'll call them mom and dad because that's who they were, and who they still are and will always be!!!

Bored with my marriage

Mar 26, 2024
Part 1 of marriage
Read more about i don't recognize me either
Read more about i don't recognize me either

i don't recognize me either

Mar 20, 2024
Read more about i don't recognize me either
Read more about i don't recognize me either
never thought people could be colder than they were already
Read more about This Society Is Very Hypocritical
Read more about This Society Is Very Hypocritical

This Society Is Very Hypocritical

Jan 19, 2024
Read more about This Society Is Very Hypocritical
Read more about This Society Is Very Hypocritical
Khalilur Rehman Qamar, the famous writer of Urdu dramas in Pakistan, writes that when I was young, I was very egoistic and despite my poverty, I never wore used or dirty clothes. Once my father got a suit of clothes as a gift. I told my father that I want to sew a coat from this suit, so he gave permission and I sewed a round neck coat from the half suit, which was very popular in those days.

-Chapter 1-

Jan 19, 2024
Chapter 1
Read more about Love up High
Read more about Love up High

Love up High

Dec 17, 2023
Read more about Love up High
Read more about Love up High
In the enchanting town of Whimsyville, Lily and Mark's extraordinary love story unfolds under the guidance of a mystical clock tower that dictates the whims of romance. As the hands spin, their journey is a dance of cosmic connection, where the ordinary is transformed into an extraordinary adventure of love.
Read more about How Thanksgiving Glorifies the Violence Against Native Americans
Read more about How Thanksgiving Glorifies the Violence Against Native Americans

How Thanksgiving Glorifies the Violence Against Native Americans

Nov 29, 2023
Read more about How Thanksgiving Glorifies the Violence Against Native Americans
Read more about How Thanksgiving Glorifies the Violence Against Native Americans
Thanksgiving, a cherished holiday celebrated by millions of Americans, has long been associated with images of Pilgrims and Native Americans coming together in harmony to share a feast. However, a deeper examination of the history surrounding Thanksgiving reveals a complex and troubling narrative that has often been glossed over. Many Native Americans view Thanksgiving as a reminder of the violence and oppression they have endured at the hands of European colonizers. This essay explores how Thanksgiving glorifies the violence against Native Americans and the importance of acknowledging and addressing this painful history.
Read more about Mona Lisa Chronicles
Read more about Mona Lisa Chronicles

Mona Lisa Chronicles

Nov 10, 2023
Read more about Mona Lisa Chronicles
Read more about Mona Lisa Chronicles
Everything ain't easy when you're hiding behind a smile so displeasing to the world. Let alone the depression that seeps through at young, when everything crumbles at once.
Read more about Dallas: Strong Community, Bright Future
Read more about Dallas: Strong Community, Bright Future

Dallas: Strong Community, Bright Future

Oct 18, 2023
Read more about Dallas: Strong Community, Bright Future
Read more about Dallas: Strong Community, Bright Future
Joining the Dallas community is an excellent opportunity to connect with people from diverse backgrounds and experiences. Dallas is renowned for its inclusive and friendly community, and there are various ways to get involved to become a part of it. You can join social clubs and organizations that cater to your interests, network with professionals in your industry, or volunteer your time for community initiatives and events. Dallas is also home to many iconic landmarks and attractions, which provide unique experiences and opportunities to explore and learn more about the city. From the bustling nightlife to the vibrant art scene, Dallas offers something for everyone. Not only will you be joining a community that values diversity and promotes personal growth, but you'll also have access to numerous amenities that make Dallas an exceptional place to live. By joining the Dallas community, you'll build lasting connections, make new friends, and enhance your quality of life.

Toxic love

Sep 01, 2023
To all the woman who still love the man or woman who treated them wrong
Read more about ROMEO AND JULIET
Read more about ROMEO AND JULIET


Aug 30, 2023
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Read more about ROMEO AND JULIET
Read more about ROMEO AND JULIET
Romeo and Juliet It is a tragic love story about two young lovers from feuding families, the Montagues and the Capulets. Romeo meets Juliet at a ball and they fall in love instantly. However, their families’ ongoing conflict prevents them from being together. They secretly marry with the help of Friar Laurence, but their happiness is short-lived. Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, challenges Romeo to a duel and kills Romeo’s friend Mercutio instead. In revenge, Romeo kills Tybalt and is banished from Verona. Juliet’s father arranges for her to marry Paris, but she refuses and takes a potion that makes her appear dead. Romeo, believing Juliet is dead, takes his own life beside her tomb. When Juliet wakes up and finds Romeo dead, she also kills herself.