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Read more about This Ukrainian strike against Russia could accidentally trigger World War 3
Read more about This Ukrainian strike against Russia could accidentally trigger World War 3

This Ukrainian strike against Russia could accidentally trigger World War 3

May 29, 2024
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Read more about This Ukrainian strike against Russia could accidentally trigger World War 3
Read more about This Ukrainian strike against Russia could accidentally trigger World War 3
The geopolitical tension between Ukraine and Russia is at a precarious point, with recent Ukrainian military actions threatening to escalate into a broader conflict. The historical context of the conflict, particularly over Crimea, has led to ongoing military confrontations in the Donbas region. The risk of accidental global conflict is high, as modern military alliances can rapidly expand into a global confrontation. Preventive measures include enhanced communication channels, international mediation, confidence-building measures, and economic sanctions and incentives. The international community must act decisively and collaboratively to de-escalate the situation and ensure lasting peace.
Read more about The Devastating Toll of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
Read more about The Devastating Toll of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

The Devastating Toll of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine

May 20, 2024
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Read more about The Devastating Toll of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
Read more about The Devastating Toll of Russia's Invasion of Ukraine
The Russian invasion of Ukraine has taken an immense toll, both in terms of human lives and broader societal impacts.
Read more about The Ongoing Risks of the Palestine-Israel Conflict: A Closer Look.
Read more about The Ongoing Risks of the Palestine-Israel Conflict: A Closer Look.

The Ongoing Risks of the Palestine-Israel Conflict: A Closer Look.

Apr 28, 2024
Read more about The Ongoing Risks of the Palestine-Israel Conflict: A Closer Look.
Read more about The Ongoing Risks of the Palestine-Israel Conflict: A Closer Look.
The Palestine-Israel conflict, born from intertwined histories and competing narratives, is a saga of struggle, resilience, and pain. Dating back to the late 19th century with the rise of Zionism and subsequent waves of Jewish immigration to Palestine, tensions simmered between indigenous Palestinians and Jewish settlers. The establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 marked a pivotal moment, leading to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, igniting what Palestinians refer to as the Nakba, or catastrophe. Since then, the region has been engulfed in a cycle of wars, uprisings, and peace initiatives, with issues like borders, settlements, and the status of Jerusalem remaining contentious. Amidst the bloodshed and diplomatic efforts, the human toll continues to mount, underscoring the urgent need for dialogue, empathy, and a just resolution to end the suffering of both peoples.

Post-military life

Apr 10, 2024
The challenges of post-military life can be frustrating and confusing. Some of us are still struggling to make the transition from "military to civilian." Millions of ex-military can agree that this transition is no "cake-walk."
Read more about The Bonus Army's Struggle for Promised Promises during the Great Depression
Read more about The Bonus Army's Struggle for Promised Promises during the Great Depression

The Bonus Army's Struggle for Promised Promises during the Great Depression

Nov 10, 2023
Read more about The Bonus Army's Struggle for Promised Promises during the Great Depression
Read more about The Bonus Army's Struggle for Promised Promises during the Great Depression
The Forgotten March" recounts the little-known tale of the Bonus Army, a group of World War I veterans who, during the Great Depression, marched on Washington in 1932 to demand the early payment of bonuses promised for their wartime service. Set against the backdrop of economic hardship, the veterans' peaceful protests turned into a tragic confrontation with the U.S. government, revealing the challenges faced by those who had served their country in a time of need. The episode, marked by eviction, violence, and the harsh realities of the era, sheds light on a lesser-known chapter of American history.

Why we are against immigration as a nation

Oct 11, 2023
After the Hamas attack read this for a penny.

Hitler, the World’s Most Feared Man

Oct 07, 2023
An article about the history of Adolf Hitler.
Read more about New Jersey woman fired for telling tourists to 'get the f...k out' of US
Read more about New Jersey woman fired for telling tourists to 'get the f...k out' of US

New Jersey woman fired for telling tourists to 'get the f...k out' of US

Oct 06, 2023
Read more about New Jersey woman fired for telling tourists to 'get the f...k out' of US
Read more about New Jersey woman fired for telling tourists to 'get the f...k out' of US
A woman in New Jersey was fired from her job at Capital Rx after misbehaving with a group of German tourists on a train. The woman, who appeared intoxicated, told the tourists to

Biden faces backlash from both sides for building new border wall in Texas

Oct 06, 2023
US President Joe Biden is facing criticism from both Republicans and Democrats over the decision to continue construction of the border wall in Texas. Despite previously
Read more about In the military, fertility policies and family building collide
Read more about In the military, fertility policies and family building collide

In the military, fertility policies and family building collide

May 31, 2023
Read more about In the military, fertility policies and family building collide
Read more about In the military, fertility policies and family building collide
If you’re a service member with a family, the military’s got your back. If you’re trying to start one, it can be another story.
Read more about Biden: Killing of al-Qaida leader is long-sought 'justice'
Read more about Biden: Killing of al-Qaida leader is long-sought 'justice'

Biden: Killing of al-Qaida leader is long-sought 'justice'

Aug 03, 2022
Read more about Biden: Killing of al-Qaida leader is long-sought 'justice'
Read more about Biden: Killing of al-Qaida leader is long-sought 'justice'
President Joe Biden announced Monday that al-Qaida leader Ayman al-Zawahri was killed in a U.S. drone strike in Kabul, an operation he said delivered justice and hopefully “one more measure of closure” to families of the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States.
Read more about Tomorrow's 'Top Gun' might have drone wingman, use AI
Read more about Tomorrow's 'Top Gun' might have drone wingman, use AI

Tomorrow's 'Top Gun' might have drone wingman, use AI

Jul 24, 2022
Read more about Tomorrow's 'Top Gun' might have drone wingman, use AI
Read more about Tomorrow's 'Top Gun' might have drone wingman, use AI
In the movies, fighter pilots are depicted as highly trained military aviators with the skills and experience to defeat adversaries in thrilling aerial dogfights. New technologies, though, are set to redefine what it means to be a “Top Gun."
Read more about Olena Zelenska, Ukraine first lady, on high-profile US trip
Read more about Olena Zelenska, Ukraine first lady, on high-profile US trip

Olena Zelenska, Ukraine first lady, on high-profile US trip

Jul 20, 2022
Read more about Olena Zelenska, Ukraine first lady, on high-profile US trip
Read more about Olena Zelenska, Ukraine first lady, on high-profile US trip
Ukraine’s first lady, Olena Zelenska, is in Washington for a series of high-profile appearances.
Read more about Olena Zelenska, Ukraine first lady, on high-profile US trip
Read more about Olena Zelenska, Ukraine first lady, on high-profile US trip

Olena Zelenska, Ukraine first lady, on high-profile US trip

Jul 20, 2022
Read more about Olena Zelenska, Ukraine first lady, on high-profile US trip
Read more about Olena Zelenska, Ukraine first lady, on high-profile US trip
Ukraine’s first lady, Olena Zelenska, is in Washington for a series of high-profile appearances.
Read more about Ukraine's Zelenskyy fires top security chief and prosecutor
Read more about Ukraine's Zelenskyy fires top security chief and prosecutor

Ukraine's Zelenskyy fires top security chief and prosecutor

Jul 18, 2022
Read more about Ukraine's Zelenskyy fires top security chief and prosecutor
Read more about Ukraine's Zelenskyy fires top security chief and prosecutor
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy fired his state security chief and prosecutor general on Sunday, citing hundreds of criminal proceedings into treason.
Read more about Russia steps up attacks across Ukraine's north, east, south
Read more about Russia steps up attacks across Ukraine's north, east, south

Russia steps up attacks across Ukraine's north, east, south

Jul 17, 2022
Read more about Russia steps up attacks across Ukraine's north, east, south
Read more about Russia steps up attacks across Ukraine's north, east, south
Russian forces fired missiles and shells at cities and towns across Ukraine on Saturday, killing at least 17 civilians.
Read more about Iran launches rocket into space as nuclear talks to resume
Read more about Iran launches rocket into space as nuclear talks to resume

Iran launches rocket into space as nuclear talks to resume

Jun 27, 2022
Read more about Iran launches rocket into space as nuclear talks to resume
Read more about Iran launches rocket into space as nuclear talks to resume
Iranian state television said Sunday that Tehran had launched a solid-fueled rocket into space.
Read more about As summit host, Spain urges NATO to watch its southern flank
Read more about As summit host, Spain urges NATO to watch its southern flank

As summit host, Spain urges NATO to watch its southern flank

Jun 27, 2022
Read more about As summit host, Spain urges NATO to watch its southern flank
Read more about As summit host, Spain urges NATO to watch its southern flank
Spain and other NATO nations are pushing the alliance to consider how mercenaries aligned with Russia are spreading Moscow's influence to Africa.
Read more about Russia fires missiles across Ukraine, cements gains in east
Read more about Russia fires missiles across Ukraine, cements gains in east

Russia fires missiles across Ukraine, cements gains in east

Jun 27, 2022
Read more about Russia fires missiles across Ukraine, cements gains in east
Read more about Russia fires missiles across Ukraine, cements gains in east
Russia launched dozens of missiles on several areas across the country far from the heart of the eastern battles Saturday.
Read more about Biden's mission in Europe: Shore up alliance against Russia
Read more about Biden's mission in Europe: Shore up alliance against Russia

Biden's mission in Europe: Shore up alliance against Russia

Jun 27, 2022
Read more about Biden's mission in Europe: Shore up alliance against Russia
Read more about Biden's mission in Europe: Shore up alliance against Russia
President Joe Biden is out to sustain the global alliance punishing Russia for its invasion of Ukraine as he embarks on a five-day trip to Europe.