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Overview of Ayurveda

Jul 24, 2024
The overview of Ayurveda to be incorporated in daily life
Read more about Week 1 news and trends
Read more about Week 1 news and trends
Read more about Wanna grow your eyelashes
Read more about Wanna grow your eyelashes

Wanna grow your eyelashes

Jul 16, 2024
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Read more about Wanna grow your eyelashes
Read more about Wanna grow your eyelashes
7 tips to grow your eyelashes...
Read more about Go Glam
Read more about Go Glam

Go Glam

Jul 16, 2024
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Read more about Go Glam
Read more about Go Glam
Go Glam
Read more about Caffeine/Pre-workouts: The good the bad and the ugly.
Read more about Caffeine/Pre-workouts: The good the bad and the ugly.

Caffeine/Pre-workouts: The good the bad and the ugly.

Jul 07, 2024
Read more about Caffeine/Pre-workouts: The good the bad and the ugly.
Read more about Caffeine/Pre-workouts: The good the bad and the ugly.
Remember the old saying, even too much of a good thing can be bad for you. That is very true. I test things on myself sometimes and for two months I tested having 400 to 600 mg of caffeine a day, from different sources such as pre-workouts, energy drinks and coffee. I am not much of a tea person.

Being Healthy

Jul 06, 2024
Hey Everybody!! I’m here to help people with their health issues and how I can give you information on how you can reverse any disease that comes upon your body. Your body already a healing mechanism.
Read more about Cristiano Ronaldo
Read more about Cristiano Ronaldo

Cristiano Ronaldo

Jul 04, 2024
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Read more about Cristiano Ronaldo
Read more about Cristiano Ronaldo
The Goat
Read more about Rediscovering my passion for fitness: A personal Journey part 2/2.
Read more about Rediscovering my passion for fitness: A personal Journey part 2/2.

Rediscovering my passion for fitness: A personal Journey part 2/2.

Jun 28, 2024
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Read more about Rediscovering my passion for fitness: A personal Journey part 2/2.
Read more about Rediscovering my passion for fitness: A personal Journey part 2/2.
In my opinion regardless of you being a man or a woman it starts with the body, why? Well besides the fact that hairstyles and clothes just look better on a person when they are leaner, you feel good about yourself as well and you wear that confidence and smile more when you feel good about yourself and that’s where the makeover starts.
Read more about Rediscovering My Passion for Fitness: A Personal Journey part 1/2
Read more about Rediscovering My Passion for Fitness: A Personal Journey part 1/2

Rediscovering My Passion for Fitness: A Personal Journey part 1/2

Jun 27, 2024
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Read more about Rediscovering My Passion for Fitness: A Personal Journey part 1/2
Read more about Rediscovering My Passion for Fitness: A Personal Journey part 1/2
time went by and now I am back to square one and starting over. Over time I have been on and off the wagon, but I want to take it more seriously this time and not fall off the wagon. Also, this time I want to prove to myself that I can achieve the physique I want.
Read more about Jamie and his life story
Read more about Jamie and his life story

Jamie and his life story

Jun 22, 2024
Read more about Jamie and his life story
Read more about Jamie and his life story
Jamie, a young computer science graduate in San Francisco, always had a passion for technology and innovation. While sipping a latte at a café one day, he overheard a conversation about the difficulty of finding affordable, high-quality personal trainers who could fit into busy schedules. This inspired Jamie to create FitFlex, an app that connected users with personal trainers for virtual training sessions. Jamie developed the initial prototype for FitFlex, which allowed users to book sessions via video calls, access specialized workout plans, and track their fitness progress. With modest seed funding from a startup incubator, Jamie hired a small team and launched FitFlex just as remote lifestyles became widespread.
Read more about Love is a pure form of art.
Read more about Love is a pure form of art.

Love is a pure form of art.

Jun 20, 2024
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Read more about Love is a pure form of art.
Read more about Love is a pure form of art.
Hiii..... Nothin much i just wanted to express what i have been feelin always. In such a short period of time i didn't knew how i became so close to u. I feel like after knowin u i can trust u with my heart, i have been in love with u for a while now, all my heart wants is to be with u , hold ur hand, u know how to make me laugh how to caress me when im sad or depressed, ur the motivation i need in life, the moments i have shared with u are memorable and i can never forget them. You're a wonderful person, one i could ever find. I feel like u have shared a special place in my heart now. I hope u feel the same and i cant wait to be with yours always. Atlast,thank u for comin in my life when i was at my lowest and curin me from that unsafe, depressed phase. Together with u is my favourite place to be. U have become the reason for my smile n i hope u do forever. I'm in so loveeee with U💕
Read more about Lowest calorie foods
Read more about Lowest calorie foods

Lowest calorie foods

Jun 09, 2024
Read more about Lowest calorie foods
Read more about Lowest calorie foods
When it comes to maintaining a healthy diet, one of the key factors to consider is calorie intake. Many people strive to find foods that not only satisfy their hunger but also help them stay within their daily calorie goals. Low-calorie foods are a fantastic option for those looking to lose weight, maintain their current weight, or simply adopt a healthier lifestyle. These foods are typically rich in nutrients, fiber, and water content, making them both filling and nutritious. In this article, we’ll explore some of the lowest calorie foods available, offering a variety of choices that can be seamlessly incorporated into your meals and snacks. From crisp, refreshing vegetables to juicy fruits and lean proteins, these options can help you enjoy flavorful and satisfying meals without the extra calories
Read more about Dietician reveals the top 10 foods that make you gain weight
Read more about Dietician reveals the top 10 foods that make you gain weight

Dietician reveals the top 10 foods that make you gain weight

May 28, 2024
Read more about Dietician reveals the top 10 foods that make you gain weight
Read more about Dietician reveals the top 10 foods that make you gain weight
A US-based weight loss coach, Tayla, has revealed 10 popular foods that are'sneakily' making you gain weight, detailing how and why these items can cause the number on the scale to go up without you even realizing it. In a viral video, which has amassed over 2.5 million views, Tayla shared the top 10 foods that cause you to gain weight, including nuts, granola, and peanut butter. The diet expert advised followers to keep their hands out of granola bags, as one cup can range from 400 to 500 calories. Nuts are nutritious but should be eaten in moderation. Peanut butter is a good source of calories, but one serving is 200 calories. Dried fruit is calorie dense and often has added sugar, causing the GI tract to hate you. The sixth food on the list is pasta, which is easy to overeat. Salad dressing is another problem when forgotten to measure, and alcohol blocks the body's ability to burn body fat when consumed.

Struggles being a new mom at 16

May 28, 2024
Struggles and challenges that you will face being a new mom
Read more about Struggling to lose weight? Here are five possible reasons why
Read more about Struggling to lose weight? Here are five possible reasons why

Struggling to lose weight? Here are five possible reasons why

May 25, 2024
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Read more about Struggling to lose weight? Here are five possible reasons why
Read more about Struggling to lose weight? Here are five possible reasons why
Weight loss can be hindered by five main factors: inconsistent caloric intake, lack of physical activity, sleep deprivation, high stress levels, and underlying medical conditions. Inconsistent caloric intake can prevent weight loss, while lack of physical activity can hinder it. Incorporating a mix of cardiovascular and strength training into your routine can help. High stress levels can increase appetite and hinder weight loss. Seeking healthcare professional support is crucial for a sustainable weight loss plan.
Read more about Being a momma at 16
Read more about Being a momma at 16

Being a momma at 16

May 25, 2024
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Read more about Being a momma at 16
Read more about Being a momma at 16
I’ll be talking about the basics of being a new mom at 16 and hopefully helping other moms out there. This year is a new year new change. This is your year momma you can do all things in the lord. He will guide you and show you the way to go don’t over estimate yourself you got this!
Read more about  The Whole World of Martial Arts: Techniques, History, Training, and Weapons
Read more about  The Whole World of Martial Arts: Techniques, History, Training, and Weapons

The Whole World of Martial Arts: Techniques, History, Training, and Weapons

May 25, 2024
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Read more about  The Whole World of Martial Arts: Techniques, History, Training, and Weapons
Read more about  The Whole World of Martial Arts: Techniques, History, Training, and Weapons
The Whole World of Martial Arts: Techniques, History, Training, and Weapons in this article you will know the whole history wepons and technique of martial arts
Read more about Preconception: What you need to know!
Read more about Preconception: What you need to know!
Read more about What is the easiest way to lose weight naturally?
Read more about What is the easiest way to lose weight naturally?

What is the easiest way to lose weight naturally?

May 22, 2024
Read more about What is the easiest way to lose weight naturally?
Read more about What is the easiest way to lose weight naturally?
What is the easiest way to lose weight naturally?
Read more about My article about care of human health.
Read more about My article about care of human health.

My article about care of human health.

May 22, 2024
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Read more about My article about care of human health.
Read more about My article about care of human health.
My content about care of human health.