The mind is the most powerful tool on Earth. Used in the right way and with many minds, great things occur.
No one man in history had risen without his team of men behind him. Same goes for any great woman of history.
Each has, at one point, worked with a group large or small in or der to achieve the statue they had...
Nothing changes unless you do.
Make what you want a reality. Doubt the doubters. Relieve yourself from the burden of those who do not truly want the best for you.
A stretch a day keeps the cramps away. Like an apple and a doctor.
The difference. Stretching is a routine developed into habit. Though habits and routines go hand in hand.
Anybody who is everybody loves music. From the classics to modern tracks, ask different people and you'll find different tastes.
Music is more than just sound and vibes. Especially with how we listen to it.
We all know that first time tasting some sweet candy. From then on, we were hooked for life in one way the next.
I personally don't remember the exact candy, or day, and unless your memory is perfect, I'm betting we're in the same boat...
We need to have more systems in place to really simplify life as much as possible. Why bother littering our minds, the ultimate processor, with utter garbage or things we can easily systemize? That way we free up as much mental space as possible for the more important things in life.
Growing up as a kid, out on the countryside of the American Mid-West, Life was fairly easy going. Plenty of time outside, surrounded by wooded areas for miles, and best of all having a river in our backyard there was TONS of fun to be had.
What can be done when the mind has over a million thoughts racing through it?
How can the noise be so distracting?
Simply put; there is a solution. No average joe likes that solution, but it's the best result bearer.
This little note entails the lovely adventure of progress.
and how in the process there seems to be a lot more toppling over included.
What toppled over you ask?
I did... Twas me who done did it. Tune in to find out what exactly happened!
What is Content Creation really? How many of us actually sit down and ask ourselves this sort of question?
My personal take on this idea, from working as an SMM.. And how History has a funny way of shaping the modern world.