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Read more about Publish Your Blog Free on Notd
Publish Your Blog Free on Notd

free note

We built Notd to be a publishing network specifically to benefit writers. News, opinion, essays – whatever gets your creative juices flowing! Use high-resolution photos (photographers welcome here!) and even offer audio versions (podcasts).

If you want to monetize your blog, you set your own subscription price and keep 90% of the revenue you earn. We recommend starting low to test the market and working your way up. Even a tiny subscription cost will keep most trolls away!

There’s no learning curve or ongoing maintenance to worry about. You simply write each post as a “Note,” and multiple notes become a “Stream.” (Simple, step-by-step instructions here.)

And unlike stand-alone blogs (we’re looking at you, WordPress), your Notd stream is part of a network of other streams. We make it easy for Notd readers to discover new content ­– like yours – without using ad-based search engines.

More fabulous features:

Enable/disable comments.

Make your publisher profile anonymous or use your real name.

Publish multiple streams on different topics or for different audiences.

Create a “Community Stream” (a group blog), where subscribers can post (or respond) instead of just commenting.

Invite people to debate on your stream (without 280 character limits).

Create a short, custom URL for your stream(s) and any/all your notes.

Email subscribers every new post (if they want).

So bloggers, get creative! Here are some great tips for publishing on Notd, and even more info about how Notd is unique.

Have questions? Drop us a line at

bill king7 months ago

thank you

Konke Nqobani4 months ago

Hi i wish to make $600


You can publish here, too - it's easy and free.