why have kids if you can’t be with them in the way that they deserve,
i did born in a country where in the time, man’s were de power and women’s on the bottom which make things complicated for a new born who their parents are already splitting up…
i remember still clear images of when i was a baby but also realistic images and experiences that i have to live with…. just because two persons decide to have a kid but they didn’t know were they wanted to go in life…
My mother was minor and my dad recently adult at least for a couple years,.. they knew each other since a few years because they were neighbors…
my dad coming from a family not rich but with very good stability to be living in a country full of corruption and parents who give him everything
my mom other side of the way … family of low income and very strict and rude
but this is just the starting what could become my nightmares and the pain of my life carrying without telling anyone about my biggest weak points…