Sasha had terrorized the commune of Deshrentis for long enough. Her latest punishment, 3 moons in the stalks wearing the Mute Mask, a terrifying helmet that pinches the tongue while locking the jaw open and encasing the rest of the head in pure darkness.
Then some of the great minds took some of the normies and shuttled them into the sky in search of a new home, a new hope really. They just wanted out of the crosshairs of a worldwide my-dick-is-bigger-than-yours argument...
Your Crime & My Punishment
as collectively written by: The Four
To remain in our world, refugees must abide by our law alone. Man's law does not exist here...
We, the Gentlemen of Etisur, in order to keep a perfect union, establish justice, insure tranquility, and provide the general defense and welfare to ourselves and our communes, do establish this, The Gentleman’s Scrolls, for the communes of Etisur.
They called it the War of Fools and it all started with a plane crash that killed nearly three thousand people and injured six thousand more. Since that day the world went to shit with back to back battles and wars that lasted two hundred eighty long and bloody years before humanity, with all its advancements and great minds, killed the planet. Of course they killed eachother first...
Thank you for tuning into Truth Unveiled. Tonight we have a very special guest that will enlighten us on the inner workings of The Butcher. But before we get to that, let's have a quick word from our sponsors.
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