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Read more about Prologue
Read more about Prologue


Oct 18, 2024
Read more about Prologue
Read more about Prologue
This is the prologue to the long story of my life! Strap in! You're in for a wild ride with this one.

The Saddest, Coldest Night

Oct 17, 2024
I was in paper clothes, alone, and crying on a bed in the middle of the room where nobody seemed to care.

The Artistic Mess Behind the Magic: A Glimpse into Tykenna’s Creative Journey!

Tykenna Anderson Oct 16, 2024
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The Artistic Mess Behind the Magic: A Glimpse into Tykenna’s Creative Journey Ever wondered what it’s like to live inside the mind of someone who thrives on both creativity and strategy? Welcome to my world, where tarot, spirituality, and entrepreneurial ideas collide in the most wonderfully chaotic way. From launching my inclusive spiritual niche blog, MoonBabieMarkets, to co-writing “You Must Be This Tall to Ride” with the help of my trusty AI co-author (yes, ChitChat’s the real MVP), I’m constantly blending inspiration with intention. Here, it’s not just about crafting content or chasing trends. It’s about tapping into the messy brilliance of self-expression and creating something authentic—whether through affiliate marketing, insightful writing, or a good laugh about life’s challenges. Some days, it’s a beautiful mess, but hey, that’s where the magic happens. Stick around. It’s going to be a ride worth taking.
Read more about Sniffing Smelly Feet And Used Socks
Read more about Sniffing Smelly Feet And Used Socks

Sniffing Smelly Feet And Used Socks

Illinoisey Play
Oct 15, 2024
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Read more about Sniffing Smelly Feet And Used Socks
Read more about Sniffing Smelly Feet And Used Socks
Are you into smelly, stinky socks and feet? You have a foot fetish, or a sock fetish, or maybe a fetish for used, worn, salty, sweaty scented shoes from a beautiful foot model? You aren't alone! Research has shown that foot fetishism is thee number one fetish in the world! And with so much smelly socks and feet and footwear, there definitely is enough to go around. In this Blog you will get indepth views and outlooks, as well as information into the freaky kinky world of Smelly Feet, Stinky Socks And Shoes, Used Panties and a whole lot more fetish related content. Stay tuned!

At the risk of sounding paranoid...

Ashley Velez
Oct 14, 2024
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Has anyone else dealt with an extreme narcissist. The kind who would rather argue til they're blue in the face than just admit the truth? Even when faced with an outstanding amount of evidence to the contrary? Then, have you had them gaslight and flip the situation on you as if you're the one who's crazy and causing issues? Yeah...welcome to my world. Buckle're in for a treat...
Read more about Reverie - Drive Slow
Read more about Reverie - Drive Slow

Reverie - Drive Slow

Solus Libella
Oct 11, 2024
Read more about Reverie - Drive Slow
Read more about Reverie - Drive Slow
Small exerpt from this romance practice i tried before. not my best work but its whatever. please gimmie feedback
Read more about Portals, Time, and Interdimensional Travel: The Realms Beyond Our Perception
Read more about Portals, Time, and Interdimensional Travel: The Realms Beyond Our Perception

Portals, Time, and Interdimensional Travel: The Realms Beyond Our Perception

Rena Hundley
Oct 11, 2024
Read more about Portals, Time, and Interdimensional Travel: The Realms Beyond Our Perception
Read more about Portals, Time, and Interdimensional Travel: The Realms Beyond Our Perception
First, let’s talk about time. Most of us think of time as linear—a continuous line that flows in one direction from past to present to future. It’s straightforward, comforting even. You know where you are in time (or at least, you think you do). The clock ticks forward, and we age. Nothing too crazy, right?
Read more about Quantum Shadows: Are Our Thoughts Creating Alternate Realities?
Read more about Quantum Shadows: Are Our Thoughts Creating Alternate Realities?

Quantum Shadows: Are Our Thoughts Creating Alternate Realities?

Rena Hundley
Oct 11, 2024
Read more about Quantum Shadows: Are Our Thoughts Creating Alternate Realities?
Read more about Quantum Shadows: Are Our Thoughts Creating Alternate Realities?
Imagine this: every thought you’ve ever had—every fleeting worry, hope, and daydream—is not just a figment of your imagination, but a tangible force. Now, imagine that each of these thoughts splinters off into its own reality, creating entire worlds that mirror, twist, or diverge from our own. It sounds like the stuff of science fiction or metaphysical fantasy, but what if the foundation of this idea rests not in myth, but in science?


Patrick William Dodoo
Oct 11, 2024
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This story encapsulates the emotional intensity, suspense, and the triumph you wanted, with art serving as the ultimate solution to Nana Kwamena Inkoom’s journey. Let me know if there’s anything else you’d like to adjust or expand!
Read more about Breaking Gender Stereotypes: women cheat as much and or more than men
Read more about Breaking Gender Stereotypes: women cheat as much and or more than men

Breaking Gender Stereotypes: women cheat as much and or more than men

D.K. Jackson II
Oct 11, 2024
Read more about Breaking Gender Stereotypes: women cheat as much and or more than men
Read more about Breaking Gender Stereotypes: women cheat as much and or more than men
- **Women Cheat as Much and or More Than Men** This chapter will serve as an introduction to the reality that girls or women are not the fairer sex, that are not made of sugar and spice and everything nice, just like men are much more emotionally complex than we're giving credit for. Women are not above infidelity, infact because of the stereotypical propaganda of bad stupid man, and the helpless victim whose trustworthy women, the smarter of the sex along with their most manipulative often hide behind this screen to conceal their true nature
Read more about 3:33: The Geometry of Time and the Synchronicity of Numbers
Read more about 3:33: The Geometry of Time and the Synchronicity of Numbers

3:33: The Geometry of Time and the Synchronicity of Numbers

Rena Hundley
Oct 11, 2024
Read more about 3:33: The Geometry of Time and the Synchronicity of Numbers
Read more about 3:33: The Geometry of Time and the Synchronicity of Numbers
Ever wake up at 3:33 AM, glance at the clock, and get a weird sense that the universe is winking at you? If you're like most people who find themselves drawn to the mysteries of numbers and sacred geometry, that little moment of alignment feels like more than just coincidence. Is it a glitch in the matrix? A cosmic breadcrumb? Or perhaps, just math flexing its eternal muscles? Let’s dive into the number 3:33 and its connection to sacred geometry, mathematical synchronicity, and how the universe might just be a massive geometric blueprint wrapped in quantum fabric.
Read more about From Rock Bottom to Top: You Gotta See This!
Read more about From Rock Bottom to Top: You Gotta See This!

From Rock Bottom to Top: You Gotta See This!

Mr. M - Business Growth Strategist
Oct 10, 2024
Read more about From Rock Bottom to Top: You Gotta See This!
Read more about From Rock Bottom to Top: You Gotta See This!
Explore how a positive attitude and self-care can turn your life around. Read inspiring stories and practical tips to boost your mindset and achieve your goals. Subscribe to Winning Attitude for ongoing motivation and support.
Read more about When doves cry
Read more about When doves cry

When doves cry

Jessica Brown
Oct 09, 2024
Read more about When doves cry
Read more about When doves cry
They called me deep like it's a bad thing. Doesn't that make them shallow. Anyone can swim on the surface, heck you can doggy paddle or do a back float. It's more comfortable I'll give you that. The thing is nobody grows in comfort, you gotta dive in, go deep. That's where the treasure is. I almost died so many times before I ever really had a chance to live. Covid almost did me in, 3 months consistently getting worse each day. My husband couldn't wake me up for 3 days. It turned into pneumonia and I got so bad I woke him up near the end of those 3 months and told him to take me to the ER, I couldn’t do it anymore. We both had this eerie gut feeling if I went to the hospital I wouldn't be leaving there alive. He refused to take me, he told me to fight one more day. The next day I got a call that a old family friend passed away. She was my age & had a daughter too, I cried wondering how I deserved to live more than her. I heard my husband & daughter laughing and imagined them w/o me
Read more about 200 Motivational Quotes by Barack Obama
Read more about 200 Motivational Quotes by Barack Obama

200 Motivational Quotes by Barack Obama

Emem Peter
Oct 08, 2024
Read more about 200 Motivational Quotes by Barack Obama
Read more about 200 Motivational Quotes by Barack Obama
Quotes have a unique ability to resonate and inspire. We will share carefully curated motivational quotes from notable figures, thought leaders, and everyday heroes that encapsulate the essence of determination and success. These quotes will serve as daily reminders of what's possible when we believe in ourselves. These quotes reflect Barack Obama’s messages of hope, unity, perseverance, and the belief that everyone can make a difference in the world.
Read more about 200 Motivational Quotes by Oprah Winfrey
Read more about 200 Motivational Quotes by Oprah Winfrey

200 Motivational Quotes by Oprah Winfrey

Emem Peter
Oct 08, 2024
Read more about 200 Motivational Quotes by Oprah Winfrey
Read more about 200 Motivational Quotes by Oprah Winfrey
inspire. I share carefully curated motivational quotes from notable figures, thought leaders, and everyday heroes that encapsulate the essence of determination and success. These quotes will serve as daily reminders of what's possible when we believe in ourselves.
Read more about 100 Motivational Quotes by Steve Jobs
Read more about 100 Motivational Quotes by Steve Jobs

100 Motivational Quotes by Steve Jobs

Emem Peter
Oct 08, 2024
Read more about 100 Motivational Quotes by Steve Jobs
Read more about 100 Motivational Quotes by Steve Jobs
These quotes capture Steve Jobs’ philosophy and approach toward life, work, and creativity. They inspire action, passion, and the relentless pursuit of excellence!

How to Be Your Authentic Self: A Journey to Embracing Your Truth

Prarthana P
Oct 05, 2024
Hey there! Ever feel like you're living someone else’s life or constantly trying to meet the expectations of others? Trust me, we’ve all been there. The journey to living as your authentic self can be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life, and it’s a path that allows you to be true to who you are, free from societal pressures. Let’s walk through this journey together—chapter by chapter. Grab a cozy blanket, get comfortable, and let's dive into how you can truly embrace your authentic self.
Read more about 15 Popular Pieces of Advice You Should Never Follow
Read more about 15 Popular Pieces of Advice You Should Never Follow

15 Popular Pieces of Advice You Should Never Follow

Prarthana P
Oct 05, 2024
Read more about 15 Popular Pieces of Advice You Should Never Follow
Read more about 15 Popular Pieces of Advice You Should Never Follow
Hey there! Have you ever received advice that just didn’t sit right with you? Maybe it came from well-meaning friends or family, or maybe it was something you read online. Sometimes, popular advice can actually hold us back, limiting our potential and keeping us stuck in outdated thinking. So today, let’s explore 15 commonly shared bits of advice that you should never follow—and what to do instead. Grab a cup of coffee (or tea!), and let’s have a real talk about these.
Read more about 15 Steps to Real Self-Care: A Personal Journey
Read more about 15 Steps to Real Self-Care: A Personal Journey

15 Steps to Real Self-Care: A Personal Journey

Prarthana P
Oct 05, 2024
Read more about 15 Steps to Real Self-Care: A Personal Journey
Read more about 15 Steps to Real Self-Care: A Personal Journey
Hey there! Welcome to this journey of real self-care. I know life gets busy, and it can feel like self-care is another thing you need to “tick off” your list. But what if we shifted the perspective? What if self-care wasn’t just about bubble baths and face masks, but about doing the deep, sometimes tough, work to truly care for your mind, body, and spirit? In this blog, I’m going to guide you through 15 practical, soul-nourishing steps to help you build authentic self-care. I’ve walked this path too, and I’m excited to share these steps with you—like we’re having a friendly chat. Ready? Let’s dive in.
Read more about Building Real Confidence: A Journey to Self-Belief and Empowerment
Read more about Building Real Confidence: A Journey to Self-Belief and Empowerment

Building Real Confidence: A Journey to Self-Belief and Empowerment

Prarthana P
Oct 05, 2024
Read more about Building Real Confidence: A Journey to Self-Belief and Empowerment
Read more about Building Real Confidence: A Journey to Self-Belief and Empowerment
Confidence is often misunderstood. We see people who seem to radiate confidence effortlessly, and we may think they were born that way. But the truth is, real confidence isn’t something that magically appears—it’s something that is built, nurtured, and practiced over time. It’s not about pretending to be someone you’re not or masking insecurities; it’s about embracing who you truly are, believing in yourself, and facing challenges with a sense of self-worth. This guide will walk you through how to build real confidence, with practical advice and mindset shifts that will help you feel empowered in your life. Let’s embark on this journey to self-belief together, one step at a time!